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  1. #1
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    2nd time I got Gyno... High doses of Tamox=?

    I got gyno the first time because of bad research chems and a high dose/long test cycle. I ran cycles before and never had to use any Anti-E's at all. I used arimidex and it mostly killed all my gyno.

    Now I seem prone. I went on a cycle and ran out of arimidex, while waiting 2.5 weeks (Grr) for more to arrive I still had a lot of CYP in my system and I got 2 nice lumps.

    Ive been dosing healthily ~60mg of novaldex (killed my sex drive) for about 2 weeks now, and Ive shrunk my left one about 80%. It was a puffy one. my right one was more of a hard ball in the end of the nipple. its shurnk maybe 15% but is basically sitting there giving me the middle finger still.

    Shoudl I try another longer course of higher tamoxifen ? I hate it murdering my sex drive?

    They arent horrible, nothing visible on the right side, but I can feel that sore little bastard of a marble in there.

    Left side is always slightly puffy and hangy, again nothing too horrible but its noticable.

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    BadNewsBerto's Avatar
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    well the vets can give you the best advice for reversal

    unfortunately all i can say is you should have been more prepared for this considering it is your second bout of gyno...should have had your ancilleries stock piled on hand ...

    goodluck bro

  3. #3
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah I know, my fault

  4. #4
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Upping the amount of nolva isnt gonna cut it bro. I agree that during a cycle you should be using an AI to prevent gyno if you are prone but IMHO 60mg of nolva is way too high and it wont get rid of the gyno. By far the best AI to use is adex at around .25mg e/d if you are gyno prone. Problem being that you restrict your gains somewhat.

    I would just run a nolva, clomid and proviron PCT for at least 4 weeks and see if the lumps disappear. Theres a chance they will. If not you could consider using letro but that really does shut you down hard and theres a system to use when doing this, so be careful.

  5. #5
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Letro is way to strong compared to adex. Nolva clmoid and proviron seems a bit much..... Nolva/clomid shoudl be fine during PCT as long as your running an AI threwout the cycle. Adex wont restrict gains really.

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
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    I consider a-dex a very weak compound and it has rarely helped me if I feel nipple sensitivity. I think Letro is the key for crushing gyno (if taken soon after it appears). Though it is not the most plesant drug to take considering it will kill your libido at a high dose. I like to run a low dose of nolva and sometimes aromasin if necessary while on cycle but thats me and my cycles havent been light.

  7. #7
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Letro is way to strong compared to adex. Nolva clmoid and proviron seems a bit much..... Nolva/clomid shoudl be fine during PCT as long as your running an AI threwout the cycle. Adex wont restrict gains really.
    Not too sure about that bro. Ive used adex on cycle and gained less than when I ran cycle without adex. Im not talking bodyweight here either as that will obviously reduce bodyweight gains due to the less bloating and water retention. Im down around 5-10kgs on my bench press and my diet is better than its ever been, the gear is exactly the same and im hungry for it!!! I agree with you regarding the Letro hence my comments on being careful. There is a system to use when administering letro, you cant just take it at will and hope for the best!!! As far as the pct suggestion, he is shut down jjust taking the nolva at 60mg, which was always gonna happen cos his eostrogen is probably way low as a result. Not sure what his cycle consisted of but hes gonna need some help. Proviron is a benefit to any pct. If the only sides anyone gets on a cycle is srength and weight gain they often get away with a nolva only pct! I would never consider that, but they still maintain some gains and have limited or no shutdown. Lucky BA**ARDS! Anyway, we are all different I guess.
    Last edited by ROBOCOP; 06-27-2009 at 09:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I consider a-dex a very weak compound and it has rarely helped me if I feel nipple sensitivity. I think Letro is the key for crushing gyno (if taken soon after it appears). Though it is not the most plesant drug to take considering it will kill your libido at a high dose. I like to run a low dose of nolva and sometimes aromasin if necessary while on cycle but thats me and my cycles havent been light.
    Letro definitely works. Ive been there and had to use it. I was worried cos id heard how bad it was for shutting you down BIG. I came across a thread bt CBINO and it gave a clear concise way of administering Letro to reduce the negative effects. It worked! Arimidex worked well for me this cycle. Nolva hasnt in the past but when taking deca for instance nolva can exasserbate the gyno. Others agree and will more often than not suggest the use of adex instead.

  9. #9
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    Nolva can make things worse while on deca and other 19-nors but if taken with an ai and caber or bromo I dont think there is much risk.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP View Post
    Not too sure about that bro. Ive used adex on cycle and gained less than when I ran cycle without adex. Im not talking bodyweight here either as that will obviously reduce bodyweight gains due to the less bloating and water retention. Im down around 5-10kgs on my bench press and my diet is better than its ever been, the gear is exactly the same and im hungry for it!!! I agree with you regarding the Letro hence my comments on being careful. There is a system to use when administering letro, you cant just take it at will and hope for the best!!! As far as the pct suggestion, he is shut down jjust taking the nolva at 60mg, which was always gonna happen cos his eostrogen is probably way low as a result. Not sure what his cycle consisted of but hes gonna need some help. Proviron is a benefit to any pct. If the only sides anyone gets on a cycle is srength and weight gain they often get away with a nolva only pct! I would never consider that, but they still maintain some gains and have limited or no shutdown. Lucky BA**ARDS! Anyway, we are all different I guess.
    Difference is the problem. Everyones body will react differently to the compounds. Adex I don't feel it hurts me at all.. Then again i do a very low dose. Like you said it willr educe water weight. Which I think a lot of people don't realize is once coming off their cycle they will loose a good deal of water weight. So to me it isn't that big of a deal. I would never do only nolva for pct. Weak pct IMO.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Difference is the problem. Everyones body will react differently to the compounds. Adex I don't feel it hurts me at all.. Then again i do a very low dose. Like you said it willr educe water weight. Which I think a lot of people don't realize is once coming off their cycle they will loose a good deal of water weight. So to me it isn't that big of a deal. I would never do only nolva for pct. Weak pct IMO.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Nolva can make things worse while on deca and other 19-nors but if taken with an ai and caber or bromo I dont think there is much risk.
    I bought loads of caber for my last cycle and it made me sick. Had to stop taking it. Shame,,,,it was chuffing expensive!!!

  13. #13
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    I like caber myself I guess everyone reacts differently to all drugs. Some claim a-dex is great yet I feel like it does nothing for me but I respond well to aromasin .

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I like caber myself I guess everyone reacts differently to all drugs. Some claim a-dex is great yet I feel like it does nothing for me but I respond well to aromasin.
    Well, ive still got plenty of it left, might try for my next cycle and see how I go

  15. #15
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    .25 mgs A-DEX ed,If that doesn't cut the gyno, then LETRO would hopefully take care of the problem.As I read in this posting, have all your axillary compounds on hand.I'd have both adex and letro on hand is case of emergency.

  16. #16
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I am on TEST/DECA / right now...

    I am running Novaldex which I will be cutting to 20mg/ed

    and I am running arimidex at .5 ED, which Ill cut to .25 ED.

    Hows that sound, or is noval really bad with deca? I've never heard that before? Why would it be?

  17. #17
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    Nolva and Adex work less effective when used together, but still works. IMO it's still better than Letro, I find Letro just too strong. The best way to do things is in moderation.

  18. #18
    LexusIS09 is offline suspended for a very long time
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    Quote Originally Posted by TractionIssues View Post
    IMO it's still better than Letro, I find Letro just too strong..
    Why the f*ck would it matter if it's strong. We are talking about GYNO here people. Who f*cking honestly cares that much about their sex-drive that they are unwilling to go abstinent for 2 weeks.

    IMO.. you should not be on nolva right now! you're running f*cking deca bro. That's a terrible idea.

    Get yourself some freaking letro... and run it for a week or two until the lumps / gyno symptoms subside. literally all your estrogen will be killed in your body.. but f*ck it.. gains can wait; gyno prevention can't.

  19. #19
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    so if you have a little but of gyno what would you run during cycle? nolva or a dex?

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    or run letro for 2 weeks then switch to something else, running prop and mast.

  21. #21
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok so my right nipple is not getting larger but much more sensitive.

    as of yesterday I quit Noval on deca , just arimidex now.... hopefully that helps

    they do seem to have gotten worse since I got on deca.

  22. #22
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
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    man for me some nolva will stop it in its tracks. starting adex after gyno symptoms have started wont work. if its good nolva that should have done the trick. i have taking it while on deca and had zero problems and my gyno shrank to nothing

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    man for me some nolva will stop it in its tracks. starting adex after gyno symptoms have started wont work. if its good nolva that should have done the trick. i have taking it while on deca and had zero problems and my gyno shrank to nothing
    thanks braaaaaaa.

  24. #24
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Really, So we really need to confirm if noval is bad or good on Deca ? Im not saying your wrong bro I just wanna make sure before I go back on

    Thanks for the info

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lightsout2184 View Post
    man for me some nolva will stop it in its tracks. starting adex after gyno symptoms have started wont work. if its good nolva that should have done the trick. i have taking it while on deca and had zero problems and my gyno shrank to nothing
    My own PERSONAL experience too. Not saying it would be that way for everyone, but it's how it works for me

    Good luck

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    Really, So we really need to confirm if noval is bad or good on Deca ? Im not saying your wrong bro I just wanna make sure before I go back on

    Thanks for the info
    its like this i know a lot of guys who have used it while on deca with zero problems but the most important thing is how u react. the benefit of nolva is that if u have problems with it u can stop taking it and ull be fine its not in ur system forever.

  27. #27
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I may try going back on it then after a lil more research on it and deca

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