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  1. #1
    jsd2000 is offline New Member
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    Just gh & prop for 12 months


    I have been on the juice on and off for about 10 years, had great gains, but just hate the emotional rollacosta of it all. I am thinking of having 2ml prop twice per week, for 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off, whilst having 4iu GH - all that for 12 months. I am hoping I will not need any PCT with this, as the 6 weeks on prop, will not shut my own test down, or cause any of the other shit, gyno, moods swings, limp dick etc etc. Can anyone advise on this cycle, am I correct, or is this just wishful thinking. Im hoping to gain and keep, when all said an done after the 12mnths 25-30 lbs lean muscle.

  2. #2
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsd2000 View Post

    I have been on the juice on and off for about 10 years, had great gains, but just hate the emotional rollacosta of it all. I am thinking of having 2ml prop twice per week, for 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off, whilst having 4iu GH - all that for 12 months. I am hoping I will not need any PCT with this, as the 6 weeks on prop, will not shut my own test down, or cause any of the other shit, gyno, moods swings, limp dick etc etc. Can anyone advise on this cycle, am I correct, or is this just wishful thinking. Im hoping to gain and keep, when all said an done after the 12mnths 25-30 lbs lean muscle.

    Back to the drawing board, you need a PCT with every steroid cycle, 6 weeks of prop at the minimum will suppress the HPTA (FSH LSH NATURAL TEST)

    And I highly doubt you will gain 25-30lbs of lean muscle in one year (because if you calculate glycogen storage that accompany new muscle development along with water to hydrate the new muscle it comes out to 40-50lbs net gain) also it takes GH a while to kick in (if you havent been running it already) and your body will become adapted to the prop over time through the use of anti-anabolic hormones such as SHBG/cortisol/estrogen as well as myostatin levels and since you already have been doing steroids for 10 years, the prop isn't going to "feel" the same in your body as it did 10 years ago.
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 06-29-2009 at 03:13 PM.

  3. #3
    jsd2000 is offline New Member
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    Many thanks for your advice there. I just dont have much faith in the PCT, I always do it, but still seem to have the feeling that my own test takes months to come back, and that time is agony. I feel my diet is good and I train hard, but because I have been on the juice so long, Its too hard to acheive anything decent without using something. I just thought the GH and prop, might be what i am looking for. The growth seems to be something that provides a consistant, hassel free enhancement, so is there anything that could be moderately stacked with it, that didnt mess with my own test. I was once told, that if a moderate amount of Test is taken, that your own test doesnt shut down, this came from an endocrinologist. What do you suggest.

  4. #4
    romo6 is offline Senior Member
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    You might want to consider hrt.Good luck.

  5. #5
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsd2000 View Post
    Many thanks for your advice there. I just dont have much faith in the PCT, I always do it, but still seem to have the feeling that my own test takes months to come back, and that time is agony. I feel my diet is good and I train hard, but because I have been on the juice so long, Its too hard to acheive anything decent without using something. I just thought the GH and prop, might be what i am looking for. The growth seems to be something that provides a consistant, hassel free enhancement, so is there anything that could be moderately stacked with it, that didnt mess with my own test. I was once told, that if a moderate amount of Test is taken, that your own test doesnt shut down, this came from an endocrinologist. What do you suggest.

    Well if you dont run PCT you are guaranteed to lose most of your gains. The whole point of the PCt is to restart your test system and HPTA as fast as possible. So always run PCT and make sure you run proper dosage and protocols because it makes a difference. Not running a PCT is just basically flushing all the money/time/hardwork you spent on your gains down the toliet.

    Yes if you take 200mg of test/week (HRT) you will shut down your own test.

    So maybe depending on how old you are 30-40 you can go and get HRT prescribed and just cruise and blast.

  6. #6
    HIITB$ is offline Associate Member
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    If you're shooting Prop wouldnt you be better off splitting up your shots so you're doing more frequent smaller shots?! Like maybe 1/2 cc four times a week?

  7. #7
    jsd2000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by romo6 View Post
    You might want to consider hrt.Good luck.
    I have considered this, but it seems too final. My last cycle was 12mnths ago, and obviously now my test levels seem to be back to normal, I havnt had any blood work, but I just feel back to normal, and now im itchin for another course - but I just thought is there something that can give you the slight edge, without all the other headaches, ive tried loads of cycles, but never GH, thats why im leaning to that

  8. #8
    jsd2000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Well if you dont run PCT you are guaranteed to lose most of your gains. The whole point of the PCt is to restart your test system and HPTA as fast as possible. So always run PCT and make sure you run proper dosage and protocols because it makes a difference. Not running a PCT is just basically flushing all the money/time/hardwork you spent on your gains down the toliet.

    Yes if you take 200mg of test/week (HRT) you will shut down your own test.

    So maybe depending on how old you are 30-40 you can go and get HRT prescribed and just cruise and blast.
    Apologise for my lack of knowledge, you would think I had it after 10 years! - what is cruise an blast? I always have the PCT I just dont seem to feel the benefit tho. I think my negative physche cancels it out, or is that just bull shit. Would you say to do the hrt, and the GH for 12 mnths. What do you think of GH?

  9. #9
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsd2000 View Post
    Apologise for my lack of knowledge, you would think I had it after 10 years! - what is cruise an blast? I always have the PCT I just dont seem to feel the benefit tho. I think my negative physche cancels it out, or is that just bull shit. Would you say to do the hrt, and the GH for 12 mnths. What do you think of GH?
    GH is a great tool in muscle building development due to its inducement of hyperlasia (splitting of muscle cells), I have not yet used it so I cannot talk about it from a personal stand point.

    A cruise and blast is where you run 200mg of test in between cycles (in this case called "blasts). When you are ready to start your cycle you start it then when your cycle is over you drop down to 200mgs of test and you stay at that for a couple of months (or longer depending on your goals/experience/etc.) than you "blast" again (run your next cycle).

    I should tell you that cruise and blast are done by only those who are older and more experience because you are basically shutting down your natural test forever so I don't know your age and your experience but cruise and blast are generally run by veterans who want to get more out of their cycles and keep gains and who hate coming off and PCT'ing.

    Search cruise and blast and you shall find some threads on here with good infromation.

  10. #10
    jsd2000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    GH is a great tool in muscle building development due to its inducement of hyperlasia (splitting of muscle cells), I have not yet used it so I cannot talk about it from a personal stand point.

    A cruise and blast is where you run 200mg of test in between cycles (in this case called "blasts). When you are ready to start your cycle you start it then when your cycle is over you drop down to 200mgs of test and you stay at that for a couple of months (or longer depending on your goals/experience/etc.) than you "blast" again (run your next cycle).

    I should tell you that cruise and blast are done by only those who are older and more experience because you are basically shutting down your natural test forever so I don't know your age and your experience but cruise and blast are generally run by veterans who want to get more out of their cycles and keep gains and who hate coming off and PCT'ing.

    Search cruise and blast and you shall find some threads on here with good infromation.
    I am 30, I like the idea of this cruise and blast, but I feel my own test is still alive and well, and maybe doing the cruise and blast would put the final nail in! Maybe when Im 35 tho. If I was to have the 4 ius of growth for 12mnths, what juice should I put with it, that wasnt too heavy, and only required a small pct. Thanks again for the advice, its like speaking to a doctor, wish I had this kind of knowledge.

  11. #11
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    I am thinking obviously your cycles , diet and training are not all 100% IF you have done that many cycles you should be at a professional level! Yet it seems as thouh you stll dont know about the basics of using AAS and are thinking of doing cycles that are absolutley rediculous! No disrepsect, I just know guys who have done 3-4 good cycles 1 every other year for app 20 weeks and make sure their diet is always spot on and I tll you what some of these boys are pretty frakin big! (21" arms) He comes off and does his PCT correctly and compensates for being off and usually only loses 35% of what he gained off of the cycle! I would seem with these loads of cycles you have done! you should be one big , ****** IFBB MO FO!!

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