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  1. #1
    King Samson's Avatar
    King Samson is offline Associate Member
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    QV enanthate 50ml vs 10ml

    It seems to me that there are a lot of people complaining about the injection pain of the QV enanthate . I am one of them. I started my cycle drawing from a 50 ml vial and ended with a 10ml vial (only 1 injection from this bottle). All the shots drawn from the 50 ml vial were very painful for days, however the shot that I took from the 10ml vial was not painful. This leads me to believe that possably there is more alcohol in the 50ml vial which would make sense. There is more room for bacteria to grow in a 50ml vial due to the amount of times you would be drawing from it and letting in air.
    If you have personally used the QV enanthate please list which size vail you used and wether it was painful or not.
    Should this be the case then I will spring for the extra 10 bucks difference and get 5 10ml vials instead.

  2. #2
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro im using the 50ml QV Enant now and i have very little pain if any at all. Sorry to hear ur having troubles!


  3. #3
    King Samson's Avatar
    King Samson is offline Associate Member
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    OG, I see you are using EQ, Prop, Fina, and Winny in your cycle too. Are you mixing either one in the same syringe as the enanthate ?

  4. #4
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey KS, yes im mixing the EQ and Enant right now. Iv heard adding a second oil base gear helps. However, i have injected it alone and got a little charly horse the next day but nothing bad.


  5. #5
    MDMA's Avatar
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    Makes sense to me King... perhaps more BA content because of the size of the vial. Try taking .5 CCs from the 10ml vial and .5 CCs from the 50ml vial and see what happens. If no pain, think about doing the rest of your injections this way. Just a thought...

  6. #6
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by MDMA
    Makes sense to me King... perhaps more BA content because of the size of the vial. Try taking .5 CCs from the 10ml vial and .5 CCs from the 50ml vial and see what happens. If no pain, think about doing the rest of your injections this way. Just a thought...
    right on, i also think the newer batches of the qv50 cc jugs have less ba, because ive seen quite a few saying they dont hurt, and quite a few saying they do, i can only assume the older ones have more ba, from personal experience i hated the 50cc jug, had real bad flu symptoms and site pain, had to discontinue after 8 weeks...

  7. #7
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    I have a 50ml jug, haven't tried it yet. Can't be worse than sustanon or test prop. However, I think it would be interesting to post up the batch number, so that we can maybe compare, and come to a conclusion it is a bad batch. About 8 months ago, some folks were complaining about TT's EQ and found out that TT had put to much BA into certain batches. Pappa pump confirmed that, and let everyone know about this problem and which batches to look out for. HOw bout everyone trying to put up their batch number to see if we can make a comparrison?

  8. #8
    jobedog is offline Junior Member
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    anyone know the lot #'s on the TT eq. that has too much ba?

  9. #9
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    Originally posted by jobedog
    anyone know the lot #'s on the TT eq. that has too much ba?
    None of them, ttokkyo only had problems with the cypionate and the testonon...

    I'm using the 50ml jug of qv enanthate and shooting it srtaight, no mixing, hurts a little for about 1 day...

  10. #10
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    mine was hurting for about 1-5 days after, it varied between shots and sites...(unequal distribution of the ba maybe?), and posting the batches and exps is a great idea, bump this up so everyone can get their #'s up...

  11. #11
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Well I hope mine don't hurt. I just picked up 4jugs of the shit. I'm expecting the prop to slap some soreness but QV was on sale so I stocked.

    I have some in already that I'll post up #s on tomorrow.

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