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  1. #1
    DJkid is offline New Member
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    Advice Needed please :-)

    Well let me start by saying I am 20 years old, 5 '5, and weigh 170 pounds. I just started working out seriously about 7 months. It took 3 months to basically transform my body into something respectable. I am still gaining strength and workout with a friend who is very experienced. I am confident that my form is very good right now. I have been doing my research and am finally ready to start a cycle in January. I am taking the advice of this website and going to do a Sust + Deca stack. I will take 400mg of Deca for 8 weeks, and 250 mg of sust for the first 4 weeks...(obviously 1 dosage a week). I have a very reliable source I am buying from. My question is do I need to buy an ANti-estrogen like Nolvadex ? I am looking to put on some weight and i'm not going to lie, i wanna look jacked! I eat really good as much as I can..a lot of Tuna and eggs. any advice is greatly appreciated. Again this is a well thought out decision by me. what should i expect from a stack like this as my first cycle?

  2. #2
    furldiggity is offline New Member
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    3 months, good lord how much can you bench press, and what is your body fat, i'm not trying to be a biotch but if you did a test decca cycle you just might rip your tendons and ligaments to shreds, they aren't going to get any stronger do to the roids, i could never suggest a cycle after 3 months of lifting, your body wont keep up with your muscles, atleast give it another 3 months at the bare minimum, BARE MINIMUM,

  3. #3
    DJkid is offline New Member
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    I guess you didn't read carefully enough. I've been lifting for 7 months. My bench press is around 225

  4. #4
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    7 months of lifting and your 20yrs old. Sorry bro but you need to be lifting alittle longer then that to consider the use of AS. Not to mention your alittle bit too young....

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well most people wouldn't consider seven months long enough either. You should run the sus the same amount of time as the deca . I would suggest doing each for ten weeks.

  6. #6
    DJkid is offline New Member
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    fair enough...Good thing i asked though. I'll hold off for a couple years then

  7. #7
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro, i have to agree with furl here. Ur not ready by a long shot sorry to say. U will do more harm then good bro. Keep up what ur doing naturally. Eat alot and workout hard u will thank us later. And by the way, im sorry but if u did ur research on this board and u came up with a cycle of 400mgs of deca for 8 weeks and 250mgs of sust for 4 weeks id be embarrassed for us.


  8. #8
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    i'd wait another year..especially since you haven't been training long enough..i trained 8 years naturally before i did a cycle..7 months is not that long of a time..Madmax...

  9. #9
    DJkid is offline New Member
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    see guys..

    People i've met locally say it's a good idea. This board has a collection of MORE knowledgeble people from around the US..i'm glad i came here.

    IS there anytihng to give me a small boost besides GNC products?


  10. #10
    furldiggity is offline New Member
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    don't get turned away so quickly, i have researched for about a year and am sitting on my gear now, just waiting for my first cycle, i know from the experience of others the longer you wait the better in the end. You will continue to get the qualitative gains you have gotten for many more months to come.

  11. #11
    DJkid is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the advice guy and I will follow it.

  12. #12
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey bro, glad to see ur taking everyones advice! We are only looking out for ur best interest here. We are here to give the best advice we can and its up to u to use it the right way. Good for u bro!!

    Good supps to get...Whey protein, Flax Seed Oil, Multi Vitamin, Met-RX, Glutamine and ZMA.


  13. #13
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Re: see guys..

    Originally posted by DJkid
    IS there anytihng to give me a small boost besides GNC products?
    Forget the magic pill for a minute and look for some good training theroies. After 7 months you should have good CNS involvement and be able to start working in some really productive programs. A good thing for a beginner or intermediate to get use to is GVT.

    Here is an entry level way to use German Volume Training written by Charles Poliquin.

    And EAT.

  14. #14
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    IMO, sups should include (in order of importance) MultiVitamin, Vitamin C, Whey Protein, Glutamine, and Creatine.

  15. #15
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    And don't forget to consume around 2g of protein per pound of body weight spread out thru the day.

    It makes a HUGE difference, specially for someone your age with already high test levels, and believe it or not, it's not that easy to eat that much.


  16. #16
    DJkid is offline New Member
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    you guys rock!!!!

    I've been taking Hydroxycut occasionaly before i lift. It seems to give me a little pep. Also, I drink Metrx shakes quite a bit.

    Any chance cell-tech would give me a little more mass? '

    Again i'm very glad I came here. it makes me see that the local advice given was BS.

    I am doing very well naturally. I have a lot of stretch marks on my arms toward my armpits. They seem to be travelling down my biceps and arms. I guess this means i'm getting bigger..

    In those 7 months i went from 145 pounds to 170. I really just ate a lot and lifted. It's actually hard to eat a lot. gonna go do that now..thanks!

  17. #17
    DJkid is offline New Member
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    I also take a GNC multivitamen

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Re: wow

    Originally posted by DJkid
    In those 7 months i went from 145 pounds to 170. I really just ate a lot and lifted. It's actually hard to eat a lot. gonna go do that now..thanks!
    You gained 25 lbs naturally? WOW! Thats great bro! You're doing awesome. Believe it or not, some of the bros here can't even gain that much in a cycle!

    Keep lifting hard, eating right and sleeping a lot and you'll be a monster in no time!


  19. #19
    bigwillystyle's Avatar
    bigwillystyle is offline Associate Member
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    sounds like your on yoour way bro! just remeber to be consistant, don't cheat yourself by taking off a few months here and there (which can be easy to do). try to eat every few hours, and really push yourself in the gym, intensity= size&srtength. a good workout partner is key as well good luck djkid , stay off the juice for a couple more years

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