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  1. #1
    Hockeystud911 is offline Junior Member
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    Injectable vs. Orals...

    SO my question is whats the benafit from taking a Injectable over a oral. If the orals give fast results in a timely manner that are compairable to the results of injectables then why wait? For test i beileve the gains are almost 1 month in on a 3 month cycle... Why not just take a quick oral such as D bol and see your gains with in a week and be where ya want with in the month?
    is there some sort of better lasting effects from injectables? and from what i understand orals are less detectable and are removed from your body faster...
    Opinions on both sides are welcome...

  2. #2
    gettintherequick's Avatar
    gettintherequick is offline Associate Member
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    Orals are mostly very toxic to the liver and strain the kidneys aswel.

    For this reason they cause more severe side effects in some cases.

    Also an oral like dbol run solo will create alot of bloat and to be honest anyone that has run dbol solo in my gym ,lost 95% of their gains post PCT.

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i assume your asking this because you almost passed out after trying to inject. you need to toughen up and stick with the oils if you want good results and a fully active liver.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockeystud911 View Post
    SO my question is whats the benafit from taking a Injectable over a oral. If the orals give fast results in a timely manner that are compairable to the results of injectables then why wait? For test i beileve the gains are almost 1 month in on a 3 month cycle... Why not just take a quick oral such as D bol and see your gains with in a week and be where ya want with in the month?
    is there some sort of better lasting effects from injectables? and from what i understand orals are less detectable and are removed from your body faster...
    Opinions on both sides are welcome...
    I don't believe you are going to find people much in favor of oral AAS, other than Anavar most are very toxic to your liver. You only have one liver and the waiting list is long, so it's better to take care of your body as best as you can since I'm assuming you want to improve it's outside appearance you shouldn't forget about the organs inside of you either.

  5. #5
    Hockeystud911 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    i assume your asking this because you almost passed out after trying to inject. you need to toughen up and stick with the oils if you want good results and a fully active liver.
    Naw your wrong im just not seeing gains from the test so i was just wondering as to why the injectables witch seems to be a much more potent way of administering a drug has a much slower effect.

  6. #6
    BuckwildBaby's Avatar
    BuckwildBaby is offline Associate Member
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    liver or no liver, that is the question

  7. #7
    azz10's Avatar
    azz10 is offline Associate Member
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    if u're gonna consider orals..stick to just var and tbol. they're one of the mildest oral on ur liver. i've done both cycles and combo cycles, not much changes in my lipid and liver function values (both remain in healthy range).

    but i guess it might be different for others, as different body reacts differently.

  8. #8
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
    CaliPhotog is offline Associate Member
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    The other thing about putting on your muscle at a faster rate with the orals is that it is much harder to keep once you are finished. The slow and steady gains on Test are much easier to maintain. Assuming you do a proper PCT and your training and diet are solid. However, I somehow doubt that they are. I have seen a few threads from you now and you seem to be pretty clueless!

    Why don't you just stack Super Drol with your test, run in for 8 weeks at 100mg and make this easier for all of us when you stop posting because you are in the ER with liver failure.

  9. #9
    amateur88's Avatar
    amateur88 is offline Associate Member
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    You say your seeing no results from your test cycle, what test are you using and how long have you been on it? Steroids arent a magic potion/pill! Diet and training need to be tight or theres no point at all!

  10. #10
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Orals actually suck!! they are mostly good for quick gains and for "jumpstarting" an injectable cycle! Over a long period of time they hurt your liver and kidneys and the results really do not have keepable gains! People back in the day used to do a lot of orals and most of them now have to have dialisys done on a weekly basis

  11. #11
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    If you want fast results from an injectable, just shoot a short ester test like Prop. If you want really fast results, try suspension test that has no esters.

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    To add to the comments without repeating, the gains from dbol what occur within the first week aren't gains of muscle tissue but of water retention. The answer to why injectables are better than orals as already been answered.

  13. #13
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hockeystud911 View Post
    SO my question is whats the benafit from taking a Injectable over a oral. If the orals give fast results in a timely manner that are compairable to the results of injectables then why wait? For test i beileve the gains are almost 1 month in on a 3 month cycle... Why not just take a quick oral such as D bol and see your gains with in a week and be where ya want with in the month?
    is there some sort of better lasting effects from injectables? and from what i understand orals are less detectable and are removed from your body faster...
    Opinions on both sides are welcome...

    Dbol only cycle will shut down your test, do more research, To me you sound like a 17 year old trying to cheat with steroids to get big, And I'm sorry to say it doesnt work that way I wish it did LoL

  14. #14
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    If you want fast results from an injectable, just shoot a short ester test like Prop. If you want really fast results, try suspension test that has no esters.
    C'mon papa what he should really try is doing some research so we would not need to answer these goofy questions!!

  15. #15
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    C'mon papa what he should really try is doing some research so we would not need to answer these goofy questions!!
    Hey, he caught me in a rare good mood taday!

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