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  1. #1
    underworldmagic's Avatar
    underworldmagic is offline Associate Member
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    First Clen Cycle Advice Please


    Ive decided to do my first clen cycle and this is what i intend to do right now im weighing 209lbs.

    First day 20mcg, i will assess my tolerance and then up dosage by 20mcg, and keep going like this until i find the dosage which is right for me. I will continue this for 2 weeks, then have 2 weeks off, then 2 weeks on....and so on...for 10 weeks (is this long enough??)

    My question is how much calories/carbs would i intake, and should protein diet still be the usual 1g per pound of bodyweight??

    How much cardio should i do - every other day, everyday?? and for how long (i usually jog on the treadmill)

    Your advice would be highly appreciated.

    PS. Ive attached a pic of me, (sorry this is the only pic i have of me)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First Clen Cycle Advice Please-dsc00220.jpg  

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    For the time being stick with your maintenance diet but keep it clean and keep protein high, as time goes on and you start to hit a wall again, adjust the diet at this time.

    Cardio and dropping fat go hand in hand so start a routine at roughly 45mins to an hour daily and nothing excessive and try to perform this on a empty stomach, go by how you feel and if you feel like a day off take one off then get back into the program again, once you hit a wall in a few weeks and results start to slow down and stop this is the time to adjust the cardio program. Best of luck

  3. #3
    Ezekius is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009
    You oviously know that clen must be taken two days yes and two off, because of the receptor downgrading. Some people prefer to take it one week yes and one off (respecting two days yes and off), because in two weeks off results could be decreased.

  4. #4
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Did u catch this thread..?

    I don't rate the stuff myself, did try once ...worked up to 200ed, no sides and no more of a loss in BF then was doing without clen .

    Good luck...your looking solid in the pic!

  5. #5
    underworldmagic's Avatar
    underworldmagic is offline Associate Member
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    May 2006
    Thanks for all your posts and the advice.

    marcus300: Thanks mate, i appreciate the advice

    Ezekius: thanks, ive been doing some research before getting the stuff, I was planning on using it everyday for the first 14 days, then 14 days off, then 14 on, 14 off...and so on. This is apparently effective (from what ive researched - its also in the link terraj provided)

    terraj: thanks for the complemet,

    a few more questions:

    Is there anything post cycle i need to consider (in terms of supplements etc)? How much fat should i expect to loose, my goal is to get cut, if i can, with washboard abs :-)

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