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Thread: rashard lewis

  1. #1
    yoyoma1 is offline Junior Member
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    rashard lewis

    anyone know what he was taking?

  2. #2
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    no I dont think they mentioned what the compound was that he was taking but he claims it was from GNC of course. anyone know if they announced exactly what compound he took?

  3. #3
    yoyoma1 is offline Junior Member
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    looks like it was dhea of some sort

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Who?? And why's this not in the lounge???

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoyoma1 View Post
    anyone know what he was taking?
    Its truly hard to say,,perhaps a DHEA supplement or prohormone? Maybe just good ole testosterone that didnt come from the local GNC?

  6. #6
    Ripped Mass's Avatar
    Ripped Mass is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Its truly hard to say,,perhaps a DHEA supplement or prohormone? Maybe just good ole testosterone that didnt come from the local GNC?
    They said it was DHEA and that he had elevated test levels...I see DHEA at the grocery store of all places, I thought was mostly for older people? Who knows what he was taking but I heard Karl Malone used to juice...hell I can see how it could be beneficial but the radio personalities seem to dismiss the idea.

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