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  1. #1
    dd0316's Avatar
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    Angry Im Having a bit of a FREAKOUT! please help me here

    Hey everyone
    So im freaking out right now.

    I went to stay at my parents for a few days to visit etc.
    Im currently on cycle and had to bring my gear.

    I brought my HCG as well and threw it in the back of the fridge on the top shelf behind everything!

    Low and behold, i go to shoot it today, and its gone! 10000iu of Pharm grade HCG!

    My parents are INCREDIBLY against steroids , constantly lecture me about them (dont know i use). My mother had a freakout a few years ago when she heard i was using creatine. Go figure

    So im assuming she has cleaned out the fridge and taken it! Although, she has not said anything yet.

    What do i say it is if she confronts me? Im on good terms with them and dont want to ruin anything or let them know im on gear!
    Obviously shes going to know its mine, so i cant deny!


  2. #2
    xnotoriousx's Avatar
    xnotoriousx is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow man that sucks, i'd just be straight up with them, but tell them this is your first time exp with them... The truth shall set you free

  3. #3
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    You could tell them that your Test levels are low, and you have a prescription for HCG increase your Test production.

    I know if somebody was low on test they'd be prescribes TRT, but to me it seems that your parents are ignorant(please do not be offended by this word) about AAS, and that they can be used safely. This being said, I belive you could pull off the whole "My doc prescribed me HCG because my Test is low" excuse.

    Or you could just straight up tell them that you are going through your first cycle, and try to educate them to some degree about reasonable AAS use and its benefits( make them watch "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" LOL)

    Its your call bro.

  4. #4
    ZoneBlitz's Avatar
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    Tell her it's not a steroid .

    And make sure it didn't somehow fall off the back of the shelf and is hiding somewhere in the back of the fridge.

  5. #5
    dd0316's Avatar
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    I thought about telling them straight up
    But its like telling a Saudi Arabian person you are gay. You just dont do it because no matter what you say, your still the "devil" and are wrong
    ill take a second look,but the whole perscription thing just wont work either because theres no script label on the stuff.

  6. #6
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz View Post
    Tell her it's not a steroid .

    And make sure it didn't somehow fall off the back of the shelf and is hiding somewhere in the back of the fridge.

    I like this one, Lie , lie, lie

    But tear the fridge apart looking for the stuff , first!

  7. #7
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    this is ur mom bro. u brought something in her house that she was dead set against, and put it in the fridge.
    if she tossed it and hasnt said anything, consider urself a winner, could be much worst. going without HCG for couple days will not hurt u, just learn from this lesson and respect the house where u stay.
    good luck bro.

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    Hey everyone
    So im freaking out right now.

    I went to stay at my parents for a few days to visit etc.
    Im currently on cycle and had to bring my gear.

    I brought my HCG as well and threw it in the back of the fridge on the top shelf behind everything!

    Low and behold, i go to shoot it today, and its gone! 10000iu of Pharm grade HCG!

    My parents are INCREDIBLY against steroids , constantly lecture me about them (dont know i use). My mother had a freakout a few years ago when she heard i was using creatine. Go figure

    So im assuming she has cleaned out the fridge and taken it! Although, she has not said anything yet.

    What do i say it is if she confronts me? Im on good terms with them and dont want to ruin anything or let them know im on gear!
    Obviously shes going to know its mine, so i cant deny!

    Lmao I give you credit for putting it in the fridge !! Keep us updated, I would like to know how this turns out.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  9. #9
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    First off how os are you? Just wondering if you are over 21, why she would shoot out something she knows obviously is yours and without even knowing what it is. i would ask her where she put your hcg ?/ tell her you found out from your doctor during a full physical that you have a ow sperm count and this is a new experimantal way of elevating them. this should quiet her down and hopefully get you your stuff back B4 it ends up underneah a bunch of gross garbage

  10. #10
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    if ur mom feels the way u say she does about this stuff, u will never be able to convince her it is prescribed. it will open up a can of problems with her questioning u and everything else mothers bring to the table.
    let it go man...

  11. #11
    honda450's Avatar
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    You are old enough to make your own decisions if you are taking steroids . My mom found all my stuff before and I said straight up it's not gonna kill me if I do it right and proved it to her.

  12. #12
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    ^^^cmon man, have respect.
    he is in his moms house, he dont live there anymore and she is deadset against this stuff.

  13. #13
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    ^^^^ true that it is her house,she probably waiting to for you to ask for it so she can tear you a new asshole.

  14. #14
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    That wasn't smart bringing it there in the first place.

  15. #15
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    Shoulda brought a lunch box with a cold pack in it...

    Just sounds dumb that you'd put a vial in the fridge of a house that is very against AAS use.

  16. #16
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    What I want to know is, why the hell did you even bother brining the HCG ?

    If you're still on cycle you could have easily discontinued it for the "few days w/ the parents"...

    lol.. your logic makes little, to no, sense to me...

  17. #17
    UrkJ is offline New Member
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    I could use some help

    hey guys im new to steroids and bought M1T's which are larger then the ones i have read about on the internet mines are 50mg/pill. I know they are high but i wasnt going to pass them up seeing how i've been looking for these for 8 months now i need to know the cycle diet and any other begginer information i really need someone to explain me everything!!!!

    5 foot 11 inches 250 pounds


  18. #18
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UrkJ View Post
    hey guys im new to steroids and bought M1T's which are larger then the ones i have read about on the internet mines are 50mg/pill. I know they are high but i wasnt going to pass them up seeing how i've been looking for these for 8 months now i need to know the cycle diet and any other begginer information i really need someone to explain me everything!!!!

    5 foot 11 inches 250 pounds


    Create your own post and we would be more than glad to help/answer any questions. Plenty of good stickies as well worth reading.

  19. #19
    c-Z's Avatar
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    As for the OP....... Its a tough situation. Only you know how your parents would react. I can tell you how I would react if it were my parents... Ide go ask them where my stuff is..... But then if your parents are that against it.... Ide be prepared for another long lecture.

  20. #20
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    Hey everyone
    So im freaking out right now.

    I went to stay at my parents for a few days to visit etc.
    Im currently on cycle and had to bring my gear.

    I brought my HCG as well and threw it in the back of the fridge on the top shelf behind everything!

    Low and behold, i go to shoot it today, and its gone! 10000iu of Pharm grade HCG!

    My parents are INCREDIBLY against steroids , constantly lecture me about them (dont know i use). My mother had a freakout a few years ago when she heard i was using creatine. Go figure

    So im assuming she has cleaned out the fridge and taken it! Although, she has not said anything yet.

    What do i say it is if she confronts me? Im on good terms with them and dont want to ruin anything or let them know im on gear!
    Obviously shes going to know its mine, so i cant deny!

    Sorry but how old are you man?

  21. #21
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post

    Create your own post and we would be more than glad to help/answer any questions. Plenty of good stickies as well worth reading.
    he already did but without success I guess.

  22. #22
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Well thread hijacking isn't going to do a thing for him.... Patience.... Theres plenty of information stickied to read for weeks upon weeks. Good place to start for any beginner.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Well thread hijacking isn't going to do a thing for him.... Patience.... Theres plenty of information stickied to read for weeks upon weeks. Good place to start for any beginner.
    you are right.

  24. #24
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    you are right.
    Someone did reply to his. he probably just didn't check up on it.... I replied as well after you told me he made a post and had no success.

  25. #25
    Bio-boosted's Avatar
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    Check it hasn't fallen into that drip-catcher-gutter-thing, across the lower back of fridge.

  26. #26
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dude !!

    Go look in the garbage , stop posting and reading .

    This whole situation may not be a issue if you find in trash bag .

    Good luck ! You could be pleasantly surprised , cant be more disappointed .

  27. #27
    rtgrs is offline New Member
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    Well I dont think they are going to give it back I bet they are trying to figure out what it is on-line. I would say dont lie to them but tell them a friend gave it to you and said it was not a steriod .....kuz its not

  28. #28
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
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    Just say it like this, "Hey mom, I put some of my HCG in the fridge. It was in a tiny bottle in the back behind the baking soda. I don't see it in there any more. Did you take it out not knowing what it was or should I go ask dad?" Make it sound like you don't think it's a big deal. This will give you more leverage when you go to argue with them that it is NOT a steroid and you are only taking it to boost your very low test. Tell them about all the sides of low test and ask them if those are symptoms that they want their son to have to deal with.

    On the other hand you brought this upon yourself and maybe dealing with the wrath of angry parents is just something you gotta sack up and take.

  29. #29
    Tarheel is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe tell your parents you were stashing it for a friend!

  30. #30
    Undercover's Avatar
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    Haha, wtf? No parent is that stupid to believe that.

    I'd come clean. If it were my mum (and yours is supposedly even more paranoid about AAS), I'm sure she would have discussed it with my dad and asked a doctor or did some research already. They know what it is so lying isn't going to help. Explain why you need it and act naturally as if AAS aren't a tabu.

    The worst thing that can happen is that they freak out, but they're going to freak out anyway. It's just a matter of time. If you lie, they're going to think you're addicted to AAS or something. It's only going to make matters worse. Parents are THAT paranoid.

  31. #31
    dd0316's Avatar
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    Well as an update
    Ive left and she hasnt said anything, nor has he. Im assuming they are waiting for me to ask them for it, and because my mother is a nurse by trade, im sure she knows what the stuff is.

    Most likely she is wondering WTF im using it for though, as she probably has no idea what the relationship of the two is.

    On a better note, everything seems to be fine, and ive had to shell out another hundred something bucks for more HCG ..damn this cycle is getting expensive, between the extra nolva, clomid, hcg and heavy into it

    THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE ADVICE...i think worse case i will just tell her i have low test and that my doctor was a douche.

    we'll see

  32. #32
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dd0316 View Post
    Well as an update
    Ive left and she hasnt said anything, nor has he. Im assuming they are waiting for me to ask them for it, and because my mother is a nurse by trade, im sure she knows what the stuff is.

    Most likely she is wondering WTF im using it for though, as she probably has no idea what the relationship of the two is.

    On a better note, everything seems to be fine, and ive had to shell out another hundred something bucks for more HCG ..damn this cycle is getting expensive, between the extra nolva, clomid, hcg and heavy into it

    THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE ADVICE...i think worse case i will just tell her i have low test and that my doctor was a douche.

    we'll see
    My concern would be if you have a younger sibling still living at home and your parents think the HCG belonged to them.

    If you dont its probably just a loss.

    Good luck

  33. #33
    Hazard's Avatar
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    I'm getting here late BUT..... when my father went to his HRT doc.... he prescibed him HCG before his testosterone to see if it would help bring up his natural levels.

    The hcg came in a glass vial which was put into one of those orange prescription bottles. The actual hcg vial didn't have a "prescription lable" on it..... only the orange bottle.

    You're lucky they havn't said anything but i'm sure you know that it's probably not over yet..... Like the others said..... I would tell her you felt run down..... went to the doc..... they did a blood test and determined your test levels were low. They prescribed you HCG in an effort to bring them back to normal.....

    The only problem now is you left without asking where your HCG went...... so now it looks like you're too scared to ask because it's something you shouldn't have had. If it's not TOO late.... i'd call her and ask for it - i'd tell her i forgot to take it with me.

    tough situation.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  34. #34
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I'm getting here late BUT..... when my father went to his HRT doc.... he prescibed him HCG before his testosterone to see if it would help bring up his natural levels.

    The hcg came in a glass vial which was put into one of those orange prescription bottles. The actual hcg vial didn't have a "prescription lable" on it..... only the orange bottle.

    You're lucky they havn't said anything but i'm sure you know that it's probably not over yet..... Like the others said..... I would tell her you felt run down..... went to the doc..... they did a blood test and determined your test levels were low. They prescribed you HCG in an effort to bring them back to normal.....

    The only problem now is you left without asking where your HCG went...... so now it looks like you're too scared to ask because it's something you shouldn't have had. If it's not TOO late.... i'd call her and ask for it - i'd tell her i forgot to take it with me.

    tough situation.....

    Copy that! Sounds like a great plan...

  35. #35
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    To The OP you still have not let us know how old you are.... As i said, even if your mom is a nurse and you are old enough where you can have children, you should have told you your doctor has you on it for reason of sterility, How much farther would you need with your mom on q conversation like that? Man that is why i love my Parents, i could go upstairs right now and put all my gear in the fridge and then take my orals and tell my dad to hold these for me and he would! Actully had him deliver 3 pks of ANavar to my brother last time he went over to my brothers house. I said "dad , bring this anavar to my brother for me" he said its it some of those illegal pills for making you stronger or whatever..?? I said yeh! here I will put them inside something for you. he said "Okay" and off he went!

  36. #36
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    As i said, even if your mom is a nurse and you are old enough where you can have children, you should have told you your doctor has you on it for reason of sterility !
    Thats just stupid if his mom is a nurse and why are you posting the same thing you said earlier...

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  37. #37
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Thats just stupid if his mom is a nurse and why are you posting the same thing you said earlier...
    Whty is it stupid? It is what a doctor uses for fertility!! That does not seem to stupid if you ask me! andf i wrote it agin because the OP did not answer any questions about age etc... Sorry if it bothered you!

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