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  1. #1
    kojak_x's Avatar
    kojak_x is offline Associate Member
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    A guy I know, high estrogen, low test.

    I was just curious about a guy I work with found out from his Dr. that he has high Estrogen and Low Test. Now he says that his Dr told him that he might have to go on some creams but i figured it would be way cheaper to do injectible. He has no benifits. Now he also will not get anything till the Dr gets back genetic testing for 6 months. (why genetic testing?) Then they will figure out what to do.

    Anything I could tell him to let him know what will happen or could happen if he has to go on TRT. in Canada if its makes a difference.


  2. #2
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Aromasin ? May help . I copied profile , but missed charts . Is expensive .

    It may change levels on paper , but I don't know if you would be able to tell like TRT W/test injections .

    4th paragraph is the interesting one .

    Good luck !

    Aromasin (Exemestane)is a steroidal suicide aromatase inhibitor, which means that it lowers estrogen production in the body by blocking the aromatase enzyme, the enzyme responsible for estrogen synthesization. (1)(2)(3)

    This stuff was developed to fight breast cancer in post-menopausal women, who need a particularly aggressive therapy, and for whom first line defenses such as SERMS (Tamoxifen ) have not worked. This should be our first clue in inferring that this stuff is pretty strong, or at least stronger than some of the other compounds which are used to fight breast cancer.

    Aromasin averages an 85% rate of estrogen suppression (4), so it’s clearly a very effective agent for bodybuilders and other athletes wanting to avoid estrogen related side effects such as gyno, acne, or water-retention brought on by aromatizing steroids . Specifically, Exemestane dose this by selectively inhibiting aromatase activity in a time-dependent and irreversible manner (hence the “suicidal” portion of it’s name, I guess).(7)

    As with most of the compounds in this class, it also causes a reasonable rise in testosterone levels (6), and as you may have guessed, this rise in testosterone means that Exemestane can also cause androgenic sides(8)(9)(10). As you can see from the chart below, exemestane is very effective at both lowering estrogen (estradiol) and raising testosterone:

    FIG. 1. Estrogen and androgen plasma levels after 10 d of daily exemestane (25 or 50 mg) in healthy young males (mean ± SD; n = 9–11). To convert to Systeme International units: estradiol, picomoles per liter (x3.671); estrone, picomoles per liter (x3.699); androstenedione, nanomoles per liter (*0.003492); and testosterone, nanomoles per liter (x0.03467).

    So we can see that 25mgs is a very effective dose from that chart, right? As an added benefit, exemestane not only increases testosterone and lowers estrogen, but it also increases IGF levels (11).Additionally Worth noting is that Aromasin may possibly be less harsh on blood lipids (14)than some of the other (similar) compounds we use in the world of bodybuilding or athletics (other AI’s). It also has, at best no effect on IGF, and at worst could lower (13) it. AI's are very tricky with regards to inconsistencies in IGF levels.
    Unfortunately, you need to take Exemestane for a week to reach steady blood plasma levels of it, and exemestane has a ½ life of 27 hours(12.).

    The ability of exemestane to lower estrogen levels by the aforementioned 85% makes it a very nice choice for use in any cycle where aromatizing steroids are used. In addition, since it’s not too harsh at all on blood lipid profiles, it’s a very good choice for longer cycles. It’s ability to raise both testosterone levels also seem to suggest that it would be a very nice addition to a Post-Cycle-Therapy (PCT).

  3. #3
    kojak_x's Avatar
    kojak_x is offline Associate Member
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    Interesting, but would this be something the Dr would put him on.? I would assume not because after a time period of taking the drug his test levels would drop and estrogen would rise again. Now am i wrong for stating that?

  4. #4
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    Interesting, but would this be something the Dr would put him on.? I would assume not because after a time period of taking the drug his test levels would drop and estrogen would rise again. Now am i wrong for stating that?
    Tell him to go to another doctor if possible.

    Creams just don't work well.

    Injecting is wear this will probably end up at.

    TRT is common.

    Not sure of his age or goals either.

    This would also dictate what course of therapy to choose.

  5. #5
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    Interesting, but would this be something the Dr would put him on.? I would assume not because after a time period of taking the drug his test levels would drop and estrogen would rise again. Now am i wrong for stating that?
    Doctor would need to do this . Endocrinologist or TRT doctor . Although test would be faster , aromasin would take retesting to see amount of hormone changes . With out long term studies , since this was not produced for male hormone enhancement . I was just tossing out some ideas for a few people to discuss or add to .

  6. #6
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    He is about to see a Endocrinologist soon. So hopefully he finds out exactly whats going on.

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