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  1. #1
    fastwardo's Avatar
    fastwardo is offline Junior Member
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    Possile to lose weight on Test E??

    Im 5'11'', 193lbs, 14%bf. I lift 5 times a week and run 3-4 days a week. I eat all clean, good carbs and protein, 6 meals a day. My diet is lower in calories (about one gram of carbs per lb of body weight, and 250 grams of protein plus some good fats), because I was trying to get harder and leaner and maybe add some muscle mass. Wasn't really trying to just get huge, as I am more in the cutting phase right now, and Test E was the only thing I could get. I am currently in my 11th week at 500mg a week, and I have my PCT ready to go. This is my first cycle by the way, and I've done alot of research on AAS to make sure I know what I'm doing. You guys have been a huge help.

    I thought that I would gain a little weight or stay the same, as my BF% went down and my muscle mass went up but when I started the cylce, I was 198lbs and now I am 193. I did lose fat, I dont think I lost any muscle.

    I am thinking that the stuff I got was fake, but my boy insists that I was the real deal. A lot of people on here told me that they think it sounds fake to, because I don't have any side effects that I can notice. No testicular atrophy, no acne, no hair loss, my mood isn't elevated at all. not much strength gain, although I have added a little bit to my bench and a few other things, but nothing more than I usually do when I work out hard and eat right. No aggression either that I've noticed. I am also worried that if it is fake and I run a PCT, will the PCT hurt me in any way if I wasn't really on? And on the other hand I dont want to NOT run a PCT and wind up screwing myself up.

    Anybody have any experience with losing weight on a cylce, let me know!

  2. #2
    premedreject's Avatar
    premedreject is offline Associate Member
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    go get blood work done

    or send it in a lab to get it tested

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by premedreject View Post
    go get blood work done

    or send it in a lab to get it tested
    blood work is a good idea. you can tell right away. your levels should show up @ 3,000+ng/dl

  4. #4
    Alphatier's Avatar
    Alphatier is offline Member
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    Bro, I remember your other thread. Your gear most likely was fake, I mean your ibido didn't even increase.

    And yes, many people lose weight when their cutting on cycle.

    A good example is this thread:

    Got Fina lost a lot of weight, but through all the fat-loss he looks much bigger than before.

    Anyways, it really sounds like you got ripped off, and your friend's a douche if he had anything to do with it.

    I really don't think that you have to run the PCT as you weren't really on cycle.

    anyways, good luck....and consider finding some new friends.

  5. #5
    fastwardo's Avatar
    fastwardo is offline Junior Member
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    ok. Does anyone know how much blood work costs? I live in the USA and I do not have insurance. And by the way, what are normal testosterone levels ?

  6. #6
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lean n' mean View Post
    anyways, good luck....and consider finding some new friends.
    good advice.

  7. #7
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastwardo View Post
    ok. Does anyone know how much blood work costs? I live in the USA and I do not have insurance. And by the way, what are normal testosterone levels?
    I have seen Bloodwork test kits online you can buy for $150 or so..... measures your test levels. I'm sure it gets sent out to a lab or something.....

    How reliable it is..... i have no idea.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  8. #8
    fastwardo's Avatar
    fastwardo is offline Junior Member
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    Well, my friend got it for me through his friend. I met the guy a few times, but my buddy vouched for him. My friend was also calling me a few times a week asking me how I was feeling, and when I told him nothing was happening, he was very surprised. He kept telling me I should be feeling "way above normal!"
    He said I should "be feeling like king kong!"

    I think if he was in on selling me bunk gear, he wouldn't be calling me all the time asking about my progress. He would probably avoid me and try changing the subject when I asked, instead of bringing it up. who knows. you cant trust anyone when you are dealing with illegal substances

  9. #9
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    i guess you can only speculate. we could help you do that, but it wouldnt serve any constructive purpose.

  10. #10
    fastwardo's Avatar
    fastwardo is offline Junior Member
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    You've got that right

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