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  1. #1
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    first cycle help

    have been researching for over 3 years.
    finally really looking into doing a cycle by next month.


    Test E week 1-12 500mg
    Nolvadex week 14-15 30mgED
    Nolvadex week 16-17 20mgED

    Weight: 196
    BF%: around 18% probably a little less

    Diet- just recently started Keto diet

    foods consist of grilled chicken, fish, and green vegetables. and whey protein shakes. only drinking water.

    Goal: is to gain more muscle and then get completely ripped.

    now i understand my Bodyfat is a little high is there any way i can still cycle? Possibly take an Anti-estrogen for precaution such as nolvadex during cycle or maybe something else like arimidex ?

    don't wanna chance gyno.

    and also would taking a Test E cycle and using the keto diet help promote growth muscle and lose Body Fat?

    all helps appreciated thank you

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I think you need to research PCT! Your natty test is still high! Go to the diet section. I wouldn't recommend cycling till you are at least 25.

  3. #3
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Still to young bro wait till you are at least 24 years old! With the right diet, rest and training you will grow fast, take advantage of your young age bro!

  4. #4
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    Do you have a pic and yes you are better off waiting till later. My first cycle started at 25 and did my research for it. Don't jump into something unless your body is ready for it!

  5. #5
    !!!ZeuS!!!'s Avatar
    !!!ZeuS!!! is offline Junior Member
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    plus you could lower your BF to about 12 to 15%

  6. #6
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    my goal is not to get as huge as possible guys.
    my goal is to become happy with myself.
    i wanna look like this guy

    his very first before picture i look like and my goal is too look like his after picture.

    all my life growing up friends always had perfect abs i never did and its about time i do something about it. been researching AAS for 3 years and just wondering if i should run an Anti-estrogen while on cycle and for PCT and then run Clen 2 on and 2 off

  7. #7
    L1nk is offline New Member
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    If you've done your research you'd have better pct. As for having something on hand to combat any sign of gyno use Arimidex instead of nolva

  8. #8
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I can't give advice at this point on AAS . Too young and bodyfat to high .

    20 years old you have a lot of potential naturally .

    Check out diet section and look into cardio .

    Good luck !

  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    With such a high Bf% i dont think any ai would prevent you from getting gyno...

  10. #10
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Try to trim up a bit more bro.... atleast 15% bf.... your risks of sides are to high with over that bf%.

  11. #11
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    could i possibly run Clen 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off before cycle so i can go from 18%BF to 15% before i cycle

  12. #12
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockstarr View Post
    could i possibly run Clen 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off before cycle so i can go from 18%BF to 15% before i cycle
    Why not spend a few months on a clean diet with enough cardio to reduce your bf ????

  13. #13
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    see i was at 200 pounds and i'm at 196 right now and i was 200 pounds 18% BF

    so if i get to 190 pounds i'll be at 15% shouldn't take long like 2 more weeks

    my diet is strict just grilled chicken and fish no seasoning
    and brocoli spinache and asparagus.

  14. #14
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockstarr View Post
    see i was at 200 pounds and i'm at 196 right now and i was 200 pounds 18% BF

    so if i get to 190 pounds i'll be at 15% shouldn't take long like 2 more weeks

    my diet is strict just grilled chicken and fish no seasoning
    and brocoli spinache and asparagus.
    Then your doing a great job and should continue to do so...

  15. #15
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    i will i just have the needle itch i can't wait to look like i've always dreamed of. just a little bigger and more ripped.

  16. #16
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    as i was saying if i could look like this guy i'd be the happiest person ever and the funny part is i'm a little skinnier than his first pic before his cycles.

  17. #17
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockstarr View Post
    i will i just have the needle itch i can't wait to look like i've always dreamed of. just a little bigger and more ripped.
    Hahaha i know that feeling lol, remember this is no race, take your time and get it right..

  18. #18
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Hahaha i know that feeling lol, remember this is no race, take your time and get it right..
    Best advice Its not a race its a marathon! At 20 yrs old you have a ton of natural potential and a wealth of info on this board. If i had all this 20 years ago!

  19. #19
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Just remember and I am in no way telling you that you should do it.... Tren is very amazing drug and can do some crazy things to your physique! Just remember that and never get disouraged! Now having said that... Diet is so very important... Just please make sure it is "On" and not just by saying to yourself.. "my diet is perfect" make sure each one of those meals has the correct amount of nutrients in it and that helps a lot! Use that guy you linked as motivation, not a goal! everyones body is different and you might possibly end up looking way better than that

  20. #20
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    thank you for all the advice. i used to drink tons of soda ED over 1000g of carbs from soda alone i actually cut it went thru bad caffeine withdrawal that's why i lost 4 pounds in a week plus eating health. I do the Keto diet perfectly only carbs from brocoli and other vegetables. I enjoy protein shakes i have 3 a day. And on the keto diet everything is so plain so the protein shakes are like a treat compared to everything else.

    With my BF being around 18% i was thinking of running Clen for 2 weeks and then going on a Test E cycle.

    and PCT dosages were wrong sorry. I'll run Test E 500mg/week for 12 weeks
    and week 15- Nolva 20mg ED and Week 16, 17- run Nolva 10mg ED

    should i run tren in a first cycle with Test E, because everyone says it's a harsh thing and you should be very experienced, i'd prolly run it at something like 300mg a week.

    all helps appreciated and thank you.

  21. #21
    rockstarr is offline New Member
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    also thought of running Anavar at 60mg ED with Test E. Goals is to get bigger and lose BF in the process also don't want Gyno whatsoever.

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