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  1. #1
    marc goodger is offline New Member
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    next cycle critique

    hi guys,

    14 week course

    week 1 to 4 .... dianabol 50mg every day
    test supp 500mg per week taken every 3.5 days apart
    weeks 4 to 10 ......test sustanon 500mg taken every 3.5 days
    tren ac week 4 to 10 taken every other day at 50mg per jab
    weeks 10 to 14 test sustanon 500mg as before
    weeks 10 to 14 addition of winstrol for the last for weeks
    also taking hgh 3 ius a day 5 days on 2 off

    pct will be hcg once a week for 3 weeks started 14 days after last test jab as well as nolvadexx at 40 20 20 20 for 4 weeks

    stats 6ft 196lbs bf guesing 15% but will be posting picture tonight so i can get a guestamate. would like to put on 10lbs of good lean mass on course.

    many thanks

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    how old are you?

    what were your previous cycles?

    HCG is best used during cycle, not in pct.

    Your pct should start 18 days after your last sust shot, not 14.

    And it'd be stronger if it included clomid.

  3. #3
    marc goodger is offline New Member
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    im 35 years old.

    have been using hgh for 4 a long time now and just continue to tke weather on a course or not.

    previous cycles have been 1st cycle test cp and deca

    second cycle test ent and deca with dianabol kick start

    third cycle (which i messed up was test sust deca with a finish that included test prop and winstrol o harden me up.

    man thanks

  4. #4
    marc goodger is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice on the clomid i will include this

  5. #5
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    Tren A requires ED injections.

    What test are you running week 1-4?

    Ive used hCG in pct with good result.

    Personally, if youre only looking for 10 lbs test will do the work, let alone stacking tren. Forget the winny imo.

    im not a fan of sustanon or any multi estered tests but whatever (less unbound test than any other test when its all said and done)

  6. #6
    marc goodger is offline New Member
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    sorry about that i know it was not very clear will be running sust week 1 to 4.

    i have on hand an enormous amount and therefore choice so thought this would be a good fourth cycle will post a picture when i post my bodyfat picture soon.

  7. #7
    MMArmour's Avatar
    MMArmour is offline Senior Member
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    haa wish i had a an enormous amount of gear laying around to use! haha

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