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  1. #1
    sweepy is offline New Member
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    sick on steroids - scared to go to doctor

    I have been using Test for about 8 weeks now and started stacking Win on Monday. I'm not continuing Test, only got about 3cc left.

    On Saturday I was forced to take a mandatory Flu shot/vaccination and since then I've been sick as a dog. Nothing I've done so far has helped, including resting a lot, taking a lot of Vitamin C, having chicken soup, etc., it's just gotten worse and worse and I really need to go to the doc.

    The thing is, every time I go, I get blood tested, no matter what it's for. They always draw my blood. I talked to a nurse I know about it and she said they will only be testing my red and white blood cell counts to verify the infection, but that doesn't ease my mind very much. Especially because I've also been urine tested for no reason there as well. It seems like they are just out to get me or something.
    Has anyone been sick and blood tested while on juice before? How did it turn out?

  2. #2
    IggySupra is offline Junior Member
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    Dude, you paranoid man. WHy would they think you're on test? And why would they wanna test you for it when its hella expensive. Stoping the cycle now would be dumb imo. You are alreday more than halfway into it, just finish it, you'll be fine.

  3. #3
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    I yell my dr whats going on. And about the AAS. Unless work sends you to the dr, Your dr is in your family or your under age there there to help you and CANNOT tell anyone what your doing.

    GO TO THE DR and get some help.

  4. #4
    sully15's Avatar
    sully15 is offline Junior Member
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    does it even matter if the doctor finds out? he might give you a talk to try and make you not do them again but imho i think its smarter to tell your doctor what your on to help him figure out whats wrong with you, incase it has something to do with your steriods .. i've never lied to my doctor, i think its stupid to lie to him

  5. #5
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Doctors can't disclose information you share....... My leg swole up from a test shot last sunday.. Couldn't walk. Went to docs on tuesday. Told him i did a shot here.. He said ok it could be an abscess forming or just a reaction to the testosterone .. Gave me antibiotics. Made sure I was using a new needle everytime and being safe and sent me on my way. Went back today and im good to go. I think it is just because my body wasnt used to the higher mg/ml test.

    Your fine bro. your doctor can't say shit. And be honest. I told him straight up. And he thanks me for being honest. Because the more you can help them. the better they can help you.

  6. #6
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Double posts..... Sorry

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your really sick go to the doctor, if you dont go, thats your choice!

  8. #8
    briancb1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Doctors can't disclose information you share....... My leg swole up from a test shot last sunday.. Couldn't walk. Went to docs on tuesday. Told him i did a shot here.. He said ok it could be an abscess forming or just a reaction to the testosterone .. Gave me antibiotics. Made sure I was using a new needle everytime and being safe and sent me on my way. Went back today and im good to go. I think it is just because my body wasnt used to the higher mg/ml test.

    Your fine bro. your doctor can't say shit. And be honest. I told him straight up. And he thanks me for being honest. Because the more you can help them. the better they can help you.
    I would think twice about telling your doctor that YOU USE AAS. I would rather lie and say I was using B-12 or something. Doctors will and do write in their logs if you've taken AAS. If you've got insurance, you've got a lot to lose. Look into it.

  9. #9
    1bigun11's Avatar
    1bigun11 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweepy View Post
    I have been using Test for about 8 weeks now and started stacking Win on Monday. I'm not continuing Test, only got about 3cc left.

    On Saturday I was forced to take a mandatory Flu shot/vaccination and since then I've been sick as a dog. Nothing I've done so far has helped, including resting a lot, taking a lot of Vitamin C, having chicken soup, etc., it's just gotten worse and worse and I really need to go to the doc.

    The thing is, every time I go, I get blood tested, no matter what it's for. They always draw my blood. I talked to a nurse I know about it and she said they will only be testing my red and white blood cell counts to verify the infection, but that doesn't ease my mind very much. Especially because I've also been urine tested for no reason there as well. It seems like they are just out to get me or something.
    Has anyone been sick and blood tested while on juice before? How did it turn out?
    It doesnt sound like you have a normal doctor/patient relationship with this doctor. Sounds like your doctor's "client" is whoever made the flu shot "mandatory" for you.

    I would not trust that bastard or his office staff, or whoever ordered you to take that flu shot. I can damn near guarantee that you have signed some shit waiving confidentiality, and whatever you tell is known to all.

    So dont tell the ****ers anything. Go to your own separate private doctor bro if you have one and feel a need to talk, or tough it out.

    Good luck.

  10. #10
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1 View Post
    I would think twice about telling your doctor that YOU USE AAS. I would rather lie and say I was using B-12 or something. Doctors will and do write in their logs if you've taken AAS. If you've got insurance, you've got a lot to lose. Look into it.
    Doctors can't say shit..... Privacy laws......... I am sure their logs aren't viewable by insurance companies... If so it isn't private at all... And there are laws that protect us.

    Doctors are here to help us... not try to **** us out of insurance.

  11. #11
    rawlings22 is offline New Member
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    HIPPAA!! just tell ur doc whats going on. if he tells anyone you can sue him for alot of $$$. trust me i work in healthcare.

  12. #12
    Tjohn6231's Avatar
    Tjohn6231 is offline Associate Member
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    Go to another doctor bro. If your that sick, and worried, then go to the hospital or something. You could end up really sick if you dont.
    Sounds like you need to change doctors if your that scared.
    And dont stop the cycle now unless you wanna waste your 8 weeks of bustin ass.

  13. #13
    XD40's Avatar
    XD40 is offline Senior Member
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    So if he told the doc and it is in fact related to the AAS and he reports it to the insurance company couldn't they drop him?

  14. #14
    Rabid Pit Bull is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Doctors can't say shit..... Privacy laws......... I am sure their logs aren't viewable by insurance companies... If so it isn't private at all... And there are laws that protect us.

    Doctors are here to help us... not try to **** us out of insurance.
    Do you really think insurance companies blindly pay for something without knowing what they are paying for? Newsflash, they know everything. Doctors submit paper work to the ins. company so they can get paid. They detail exactly what they did, why the did it, and how they treated it. A few family friends are docotrs and I hear all the time about how they have to submit every little detail and pester the ins. comapny for weeks, months, even years to get paid.

    Now, that doesn't automatically mean your doc will put it on paper. He may, he may not. But do you really want to take the chance? Don't be so naive.......

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dont worry, they DONT check for test unless it's specifically requesting. I wish they did then I would have found out years ago my levels where low. I had many many blood test done but they NEVER checked test.

    The number one reason I NEVER get a flu shot is because most people I know who get them always get the flu. LOL

  16. #16
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Here in Canada you cannot be forced to take the flu vaccine even most doctors wont touch it. It is scary how many people get sick from that stuff.

  17. #17
    BOBBY D's Avatar
    BOBBY D is offline Member
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    they will only check if its requested. Don't worry bro. If anything, all they would check is your testosterone levels if you requested it &/or if there was a medical reason he thought would lead him to check your levels. But there is no need & its costly for them to drug test for certain roids. He's the doctor, not a probation officer.

    Always be honest w/ your doctor. You must build a good relationship first.

  18. #18
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    go to the Dr and get treated. If you sick as hell you cant train.

  19. #19
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    its just from the flu shot,, some people get sick from it,, it will pass

  20. #20
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    I agree with chuck but if your that worried get it checked out..

  21. #21
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    How did you get "forced" into getting a flu shot? Are you in the military?

  22. #22
    bobofet's Avatar
    bobofet is offline Associate Member
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    Well, this post makes me wanna pass on a flu shot. As far as spilling the beans to the Doc, I would ask him about your privacy rights with what you disclose to him prior to telling him everything. If he assures you that it's only between you and him then go ahead and tell him. I really don't think it's related anyway, unless you have an infection from pinning, which could cause fever and such.

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