
bodyfat % 9 last checked but I am thinking we are up to 11%

I am starting a diet to get some fat down and plan on starting cycle in dec!

I have done 2 cycles,
Test C 500MG PER week for 8 weeks.
Test e 500MG WITH TREN e 400mg per week.

Now I am really to step up.

I was planning on.

Deca 450mg per week for 12 wks
Test C 700MG per week for 14wks
D-bol 40mg everyday 6wks

Maybe near end of cycle put in Mast? or do you have any other ideas?

Now PCT:

Novla - 40mcg per day week after cycle
clomid - small dose 25mcg
HCG i WIL GET AND MAY NEED FOR MID CYCLE or atless after cycle forsure,

Also need help on ideas for mid cycle is gyno pops up