Need some advice

I've been using gear for the past 5 yrs or so. My favorite cycle is test ent, deca , tren ent and an oral to kick start and end with.

I've tried low and high doses on the test, higher doses seem to work best for me. Tren ent always use around 750mgs week, deca I keep it at 600 mgs weekly

I took almost a year off from gear and I started a cycle here not to long ago test ent 1000mgs weekly like I said higher doses seem to do better for me with test
Deca 600 mgs
Tren ent 750 mgs

My diet is in check

Gear is good can tell by some of the sides

My question is after doing the same doses for so long do you guys think that My body is getting used to it and I need to up them. I've went higher on test before but deca and tren I've always kept them the same.

It seems like I'm just not getting anywhere