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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Natural progression from Testosterone?

    OK so I've done one cycle and I gained 20 pounds. I just did Testosterone on its own (I did Sustanon for 10 weeks and then Testosterone Enanthate for a further 4 weeks).

    I'm now in PCT taking Clomiphene and Tamoxifen .

    I didn't get any bad side-effects from the Testosterone or from the PCT.

    I'm now thinking about my next cycle. This time, I want to be a little bit more adventurous, I wanna take something with Testosterone. My aim is to bulk, just to put on as much muscle as possible in as short a time as possible.

    Anyway I was thinking Deca -Durabolin might be a good choice for my next cycle. What do you think? Will the Deca help me add extra muscle faster?

    And of course then there's the issue of "kick-starting", which is why I was considering taking Anavar for the first 3 weeks.

    Any opinions are welcomed, basically I just wanna know where I should go from here. I've done Testosterone alone, so now what?

    By the way I'm gonna be smart and wait at least 3 or 4 months after my PCT before I cycle again.

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I remember you, but my memory sucks, what were your stats again?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    22 years old
    5'3" in height (that's 160 cm)
    63 kg in weight (that's 140 pounds)

    Here's what I might eat in one day:
    Two fried eggs, toast, bacon
    Beef steak with french fries
    Large chicken burger with french fries (I'm talking one mother of a chicken burger)
    2 pancakes (each pancake contains 3 eggs, so that 6 eggs in total)
    Large plate of mashed potato

    I know that's not a hell of a lot of food, but I naturally have a very low appetite, which is probably why I find it so easy to be lean all the time. When I took Test during my last cycle, my appetite went up quite a bit, but now that I'm in PCT it's dropping back down again.

    Here's some good things I have to say about my 1st cycle though:
    1) The heaviest I was during the cycle was 144 pounds (65 kg), and now during my 3rd week of PCT I've only dropped about 2 kg (and I've lost bloat too!).
    2) My balls shrunk very quickly... but they came back quickly too! After I took my last shot of Testosterone , I waited 2 weeks before starting PCT, but I already had my sex drive back before PCT started.

    Now I want to try something along with Testosterone, something that will make me beef up very quickly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Is Deca the next thing you use after you've done Test on its own?

  5. #5
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    deca can haunt you for a while after a cycle...can make pct and recovery take longer.. it's different from anyone.

    and even with your low appetite, what you are eating is garbage - no offence.

    just, for what you CAN eat appetite wise, i think you can make better use of your meals you do consume....

    maybe look into a "cleaner bulk" diet...?

  6. #6
    mikey24's Avatar
    mikey24 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2009
    Rocky Mountains.
    Kick start with d-bols much better choice then anavar .

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