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  1. #1
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Testosterone Prop: Injection pain & site rotation. Someone help!

    So I have just started my first Test cycle - using 500mg of Prop a week/ 1cc EOD - and have been having issues with injection pain. I plan on toughing through the pain for a couple weeks or so but I am, so far, not enjoying my decsion to start using. Here are my questions for you:

    A) How long does it take before your body adapts to pinning/ when can I inject without it hurting. This is the end of my 1st week.

    B) When I shoot in the quads I pretty much can no longer move. Why do I need to rotate injection sites so often, can I stick the ass more than the quads? Anything to avoid the quad pain would be good.

    C) Whats the deal with Test Flu? Its been a week and I still have it.
    Or, at least I think I do.

  2. #2
    Researcher is offline Associate Member
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    Just curious why you went with prop instead of E for your first cycle?

  3. #3
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Researcher View Post
    Just curious why you went with prop instead of E for your first cycle?
    prop is fine for the first cycle, pin 3-4 ties a week instead of 2, big deal

  4. #4
    millionairemurph's Avatar
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    It took me about 3 weeks to get used to the pinning. I was moving the pin a lot when i started. It felt like someone hit me in the leg or ass with a bat after the shot for a few days

  5. #5
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    some prop just sucks,, you may go through swelling the entire time
    and whats it dosed at may i ask?

  6. #6
    smfo00's Avatar
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    I bought the Prop off a friend of mine who bailed on his cycle. It was just easier to get, thats all.

    I'm shooting 1cc EOD - 500mg a week. The Test I am using has per 1mg 100mg Test at 2 percent BA.

  7. #7
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    how are u getting 500 mg week while shooting 100mg eod?
    im not a math teacher, but that comes out to average 350 mg week.

    am i missing something

  8. #8
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    how are u getting 500 mg week while shooting 100mg eod?
    im not a math teacher, but that comes out to average 350 mg week.

    am i missing something

    If I am shooting EOD - and remember there are 7 days in a week - that actually averages out to 400mg a week. But that has nothing to do with the problems I am having or the discussion on this forum.

  9. #9
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    it gets better...

    you can always warm up the gear a little, or shower before pinning to loosen up the muscle...try not to move the pin around when injecting and also inject slowly, all these can help you out.

  10. #10
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    EOD at 100mg/ml is 350mg a wk..
    you do 7 shots in a 2 wk period,, not 8

  11. #11
    smfo00's Avatar
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    If Im shooting 100mg Every Other Day - Sunday 100mg, Tues 100mg, Thurs 100mg, Sat 100mg = 400 mg. Looks like 400mg a week to me......... What am I missing ?

  12. #12
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    If Im shooting 100mg Every Other Day - Sunday 100mg, Tues 100mg, Thurs 100mg, Sat 100mg = 400 mg. Looks like 400mg a week to me......... What am I missing ?
    well count them up for the next week,, you only do 3 shots on week 2.

  13. #13
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    it shouldnt matter how much hes using anyway..try those suggested way to making it less painful, or you can also cut the prop with sterile oil makes it alot less painful..

  14. #14
    Chev's Avatar
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    You will still make good gains off of the 350 week. Try a heating pad also... before and after. It has helped me in those situations, P is a bitch!! Dont do your legs, ive run two cycles of P and it kills me legs everytime. Try just switching from your ass to your shoulders. Good luck man

  15. #15
    RANA's Avatar
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    Stay away from your quads, it can take weeks before your body will get used to it. Try pecs, glutes and shoulders those are easier to deal with.
    How long will you be running this cycle and how does you pct look?

  16. #16
    wrestless is offline Junior Member
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    Pinning Pain

    Not sure if you are doing this or not but slowly inject the harder you push down the plunger the more pressure you are putting in a small area. I have not had any pain and injected SUST 250, Test Cyp , Test Prop ,Deca etc
    The only pain I ever had was slight discomfort in glutes but I mostly inject
    the Quads or Delts. Make sure you dont have an infection easy to get if you touch the tip of pin even by accident.

  17. #17
    squatalot is offline New Member
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    I only do quads with prop...every other day injections:
    Day 1--lower left quad
    Day 3--lower right
    Day 5--upper left
    Day 7--upper right
    Day 9--middle left
    Day 11--middle right
    Never had any problems....just a little pop sound from all the scar tissue

  18. #18
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm not sure if I would be able to handle shooting in the quads if my ass is bugging me like it is right now. I literally can't bend over or walk without limping. There is no bruising around the area that I injected in and it does not look like it is infected at all. But I have had to call in sick from the last 2 days of work and have missed the last 2 days of the gym due to this. This stuff has really done a number on me.

    Can I just keep shooting in the glutes until my body starts to adapt to the Test and once the pain is manageable start shooting else where ? This is my very first cycle of injectables and I am thinking prop was NOT the way to go. lol

  19. #19
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    prop will put a hurtin on u for a first cycle.
    try doing what BIG suggested, cut the prop.
    also try warming it a little before u inject, then use heat on the injection site.
    may sound like overkill, but if ur hurtin like u say, it can only help.

    and u cant keep injecting ur glutes bro, thats alot of shots in the same area.


  20. #20
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Im using Clomid and Nolvadex for my PCT:

    Clomid - Day 1 300mg, day 2 to 7 100mg; next week drop to 50mg

    Nolvadex - 20mg a day for 4 weeks

  21. #21
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Where can I get the sterile oil from ? I've gotta shoot again today and if I can't resolve this stuff soon Im thinking of just jumping ship.

  22. #22
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    dont jump ship bro.
    use the banner at the top for AR-R .
    they have the oil.


  23. #23
    sportfan33's Avatar
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    Listen my first cycle was prop. I know what ur saying, trust me. That stuff hurts. You need to inject other places than ur quads. What i did was delts, qauds, and triceps. Rotate and it would help a ton if you shoot ed instead of eod. You need to shoot 50mg ed, and it wont be so much pain. I think if u rotate ur injection sites, and inject 50mg ed then u wont need the sterile oil. Also it took me about two weeks for my body to get used to the pain, and after that it really didnt hurt that much. I am currently running testp now, and dont feel any pain at all. But that first cycle was tough.

  24. #24
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    ive had prop that bad before and it really suks,, you need to try a diffrent brand if possible

  25. #25
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sportfan33 View Post
    Listen my first cycle was prop. I know what ur saying, trust me. That stuff hurts. You need to inject other places than ur quads. What i did was delts, qauds, and triceps. Rotate and it would help a ton if you shoot ed instead of eod. You need to shoot 50mg ed, and it wont be so much pain. I think if u rotate ur injection sites, and inject 50mg ed then u wont need the sterile oil. Also it took me about two weeks for my body to get used to the pain, and after that it really didnt hurt that much. I am currently running testp now, and dont feel any pain at all. But that first cycle was tough.
    Thats good advice. Thanks. It helps to hear from other people who have had a similar experience with this shit.

    Apperently the brand I have is supposed to be one of the better brands on the market - a few people I know are using the same Prop and haven't had any real problems yet. This is not their first cycle, however; When I injected last I pinned myself while standing up. Once I got the needle all the way inside I lost my footing and slipped effectivly forcing myself to have to engage the glute that had the needle in it. Could that episode account for the pain or is it probably just the drug ?

  26. #26
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    so how long is it lasting,, is your glute swelling up?

  27. #27
    smfo00's Avatar
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    I injected on Monday so this will be the third day. There is no discoloration or noticable swelling but there is definatley a sensitive perimeter around the injection site - say, the size of the palm of my hand.

  28. #28
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    hmm,, id just tough it out and switch sites
    its more than likely the BA content,,
    if you cant,, just order the oil and cut it

  29. #29
    smfo00's Avatar
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    Alright. I'll give it a try.

  30. #30
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  31. #31
    smfo00's Avatar
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    In the mean time should I shoot 50mg ED to avoid this much pain?

    Its going to take a few days to get the sterile oil and Ive gotta shoot again tonight - I need to get back to work and need to be able to function.

  32. #32
    pknpump is offline New Member
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    does anyone get sick / flu using animal prop from bladder

  33. #33
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pknpump View Post
    does anyone get sick / flu using animal prop from bladder
    What are you talking about? Please explain animal prop from bladder

  34. #34
    MOB247 is offline New Member
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    Ok ive run three different cycles all containing prop and the bottom line is the stuff hurts bad you need to rotate injection sites all the time becuase if u dont your wasting your time your muscles can only handle so much at one time as far as the pain it does get better have u thought about gettin some B12 to shoot with the prop it will make the pain alot less also have u tried taking advil or any pain relievers? it does get better but about half through an eight week cycle

  35. #35
    jfalco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    If I am shooting EOD - and remember there are 7 days in a week - that actually averages out to 400mg a week. But that has nothing to do with the problems I am having or the discussion on this forum.

    7/2 = 4?

    I don't care what dose you're using. 350 mg/wk should work out fine. I just couldn't let that math slide. If you want to get technical, some weeks you shoot 300 and some 400 if you're calling a week sunday to sunday, but you def. average out to 350.

    As for your original question, try experimenting with differnt injection sites until you figure out which ones hurt the least. I like pinning my lats best. No pain at all. I tried my traps with my most recent injections and that sucked. I pin prop ed and I wait at least 7 days before reusing a site, so I have to pin just about everywhere not to run out of sites. Also if quad injects are painful, try a different injection site on your quad. There are several places you can pin quads. I find that if I pin the big muscle on the outside of my quad it is least painful. Anything on the front hurts like hell. The inside where the muscle gets big near your knee is also not bad. Definitely try lats though. IMO they are as good a glutes and I don't really understand why more people don't pin there.

  36. #36
    wantaesthetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smfo00 View Post
    If Im shooting 100mg Every Other Day - Sunday 100mg, Tues 100mg, Thurs 100mg, Sat 100mg = 400 mg. Looks like 400mg a week to me......... What am I missing ?
    llooolololol this is an absolute GEM. an absolute GEM!

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