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Thread: tendonitis

  1. #1
    Dan3814's Avatar
    Dan3814 is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone know any good suppliments or Treatment for tendonitis besides juice..

  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    juice ain't really a helper for tendonitis.

    rest, ice, and more rest. if you're looking for some kind of supplement, get some glucosamine - for the joints, so it could help.

  3. #3
    JYZZA's Avatar
    JYZZA is offline VET
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    Go for Glucosomine w/ MSM. That shit works wonders. It's not that expensive. It did wonders for my elbows. You should start feeling better after 2 weeks and try not to lift heavy for some time.

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  4. #4
    zzo18's Avatar
    zzo18 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Dan3814, where do you feel the pain? Over the past couple of months I've been really pushing myself on biceps (especially the preacher curl) and have noticed that the underside of my forearms hurt like hell! For some reason my right forearm hurts more than the left. I do ample amounts of strectching but the pain doesn't seem to go away. Even during the day if I pick up something fairly light, I can feel it. Do you guys think that Glucosomine might help this? Any other ideas?

  5. #5
    projectsherv is offline Associate Member
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    zzo18, i've had this same problem like half a year ago for a month or two. It hurt like hell right on the underside of my forearms, also if i touched the area affected it was very sensitive. the problem went away on it own luckily, good luck to you.

  6. #6
    JYZZA's Avatar
    JYZZA is offline VET
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    zzo18. I had same thing happen to me. It became so bad that anything that I would pick up around the house my left elbow would hurt. This was few months ago. Now it feels great. Try the Glucosomine w/ MSM it works wonders.
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  7. #7
    dudsy is offline Junior Member
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    hey zz018 dump the preachers, i had a similar problem which only occured while doing preachers so i got rid of them.. problem solved

  8. #8
    zzo18's Avatar
    zzo18 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks bros for the tips! Projectsherv & JYZZA, did you guys need to change up your workouts at all or did the symptoms simply disappear? Dudsy, a buddy of mine told me the same thing but I though he was full of shit. I guess that I should've listened to him...thanks! Lastly, JYZZA, can you get Glucosomine w/ MSM over the counter? I'm not familiar with it...
    Thanks again bros!

  9. #9
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    My doctor works with a lot of bodybuilders (professional and recreational). He's used to seeing tendonitis and other lifting related injuries. He's had a lot of experience working in conjunction with orthapedic specialists/surgeons and physical therapists.

    When I had tendonitis, he suggested getting glucosamine chondroitin sulfate. This can be bought over-the-counter at a good pharmacy or health food store.

    Make sure you give yourself time to rest. Tendonitis most likely will go away if you treat it correctly. REMEMBER THIS: Losing a few muscle pounds now while resting or reducing your workouts in order to heal is far better than stressing your tendons out now and tearing them.

    Best of luck.

  10. #10
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    The main info you need is in my post directly above this one. Here's a bit more info about the ingredients if you're interested:


    MSM (methyl- sulfonyl- methane) is organic sulfur. With increasing age the supply of sulfur in the body decreases: arthritic cartilage contains only one-third of the sulfur concentration of healthy cartilage. MSM is often considered one of the safest and most effective treatments for chronic pain.

    MSM reduces chronic pain;
    MSM reduces inflammations and the inflammatory process;
    MSM normalizes the immune system, a great benefit to people who suffer from allergies;
    MSM supplies sulfur to cartilage, necessary for its regeneration;
    MSM improves the activity of many vitamins and other nutrients.


    Glucosamine, an amino sugar, promotes the formation and repair of cartilage. A shortage of cartilage can cause painful joint movement.

    Glucosamine is an important building block of many GAGs (glycosaminoglycans), which are molecules that form the matrix of cartilage. It is derived from chitin, a substance which gives strength to the exoskeleton of crabs, lobsters, insects and spiders.


    Chondroitin, a carbohydrate, is a cartilage component that promotes water retention and elasticity and inhibits the enzymes that break down cartilage. Small molecules of chondroitin are taken up well by the body, and the benefits of taking chondroitin for people with chronic joint injuries has been clearly demonstrated.

    Chondroitin works best when the molecules are small and easily taken up by the body. Cheaper forms of chondroitin are a waste of money as they are passed through the body without benefit.
    Last edited by BASK8KACE; 01-03-2003 at 09:09 AM.

  11. #11
    Dan3814's Avatar
    Dan3814 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info everbody, Tendonitis is killing my workouts... I havnt been to gym in like 2 weeks.... Figure rest and some glucosamine/MSM should do the trick

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