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  1. #1
    vatochingon is offline Junior Member
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    deca only cycle???

    before i ask my question i would like to state that im not doing nor am i planning on doing a deca only cycle im just using it as an example ---- now heres something that just crossed my mind
    some people take nolva throughout their cycle to prevent gyno right?
    what would be wrong with taking clomid throught a ''deca only'' cycle to keep natural test levels up???

    im not sure if this is a dumb question or not but im about to find out

  2. #2
    Duma23 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    vatochingon is offline Junior Member
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    i dont see why it matters because im far from my first cycle the op was just something i was thinking about

    not sure on body fat where can i go to find out??

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by vatochingon View Post
    before i ask my question i would like to state that im not doing nor am i planning on doing a deca only cycle im just using it as an example ---- now heres something that just crossed my mind
    some people take nolva throughout their cycle to prevent gyno right?
    what would be wrong with taking clomid throught a ''deca only'' cycle to keep natural test levels up???

    im not sure if this is a dumb question or not but im about to find out
    Deca will shut down your natural testosterone so you wont have any natural Test!

    Your to young to cycle.

  5. #5
    vatochingon is offline Junior Member
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    thanks marcus for taking the time here- i know deca will shut down natural test production thats why clomid is used during pct to bring it back up to baseline quickly
    so in theroy using it during a cycle keep it at baseline throughout the cycle

    im sure alot of people on here started when they were younger then me
    Last edited by vatochingon; 10-09-2009 at 05:33 AM. Reason: revised my question

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by vatochingon View Post
    thanks marcus for taking the time here- i know deca will shut down natural test production thats why clomid is used during pct to bring it back up to baseline quickly
    so in theroy using it during a cycle keep it at baseline throughout the cycle

    im sure alot of people on here started when they were younger then me
    No, you cant keep your test levels at base line if you taking something what will shut it down.

    There are alot of guys on here who started younger than you and they are all in the HRT forum, the guys who are advicing you "not to cycle" have been there and done it and who are on HRT, I know plenlty of guys who started AAS around 20yrs old and alot of them are on HRT and if you ask them they wish they waited.

    Your to young to cycle, why risk shutting down your system when its not fully developed? you run a high chance of having low test for life and do you really want to have low sex drive issues at your age, now dont be stupid and use what you have naturally and go to the diet section and build some base with some of the most anabolic substance known to man FOOD.

  7. #7
    Dancer's Avatar
    Dancer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Deca only almost always leads to E.D.

    Deca dick and deca gyno is caused from progestrone. Progestrone sides are not effected or prevented by used of nolv.

  8. #8
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Clomid wont do jack during the cycle other than make you emotional. Deca shuts you down period.

  9. #9
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Nolvadex and Clomid are not miracle drugs. Test levels are gonna drop, period. The best you could do would be an hcg routine, but this would be risky and complicated. Just have some test with it, or just accept the fact test levels will be very low if doing deca only

  10. #10
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vatochingon View Post
    before i ask my question i would like to state that im not doing nor am i planning on doing a deca only cycle im just using it as an example ---- now heres something that just crossed my mind
    some people take nolva throughout their cycle to prevent gyno right?
    what would be wrong with taking clomid throught a ''deca only'' cycle to keep natural test levels up???

    im not sure if this is a dumb question or not but im about to find out
    its actually a good question and i dont know the exact sceince behind it but clomid cant perform the job it is suppose to do while the aas is still present in the system. If you can creat a drug that keeps the HPTA normal during the presence of aas's that shut you down youd prb make a shiteload of money

  11. #11
    vatochingon is offline Junior Member
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    thanks chuck for reconizing the validity of the question everyone else thanks for your answers, even though im far from doing a cycle im planning on a deca /test cycle with low doses in the 200/250mg per week range

  12. #12
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    thing is the HPTA is not as simple as everyone paints it to be. its not like you can just take a drug so the hypo and pituitary cant see estradiol and its game over. hardly. there are many other mechanisms of action, some of them being androgen related.

  13. #13
    vatochingon is offline Junior Member
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    i understand thanks but heres another question i have about clomid what woul happen if you take it and you have never cycled? would it be like a test booster?

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