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  1. #1
    rylly41 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    EQ, Sust sides reviewed

    I am in week 1 of a 12 week cycle of:
    1–12 wk: 400mg EQ & Sust
    12-15wk:100 mg ED Var
    15-18wk: PCT Nolvadex and Clomid
    In previous cycles, deca , dbol , test, winny, ect. I experienced minimal sides.
    I have begun to experience testicular atrophy; testicular pain & shrinking, lower abdominal pain extending into my upper thighs. No other sides are being experienced.
    Clearly I have received some legit UGL gear.
    Because no testicular atrophy was experience in past cycles, I do not have HCG on hand and my source is overseas and incommunicado for 3 months.
    I am in the process of finding HCG online, but lost as to whom to trust.

    So my options are limited.
    1.) Find HCG and take immediately. Probably 3 weeks to delivery.
    2.) Start PCT asap.
    3.) Shut down cycle and hope LH returns naturally.
    4.) Visit Longevity Doc and receive accurate diagnosis and medications.

    Fo those who have experienced this what was your outcome?

    Do you believe that my abdominal pain may be due to prostate inflammation or an extension of tactical inflammation?
    Last edited by rylly41; 10-19-2009 at 01:10 PM.

  2. #2
    wrathchild212 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Hey dude..u did not get bad UGL stuff..if u are getting testicular pain and all..that means your gear is legit and it means it is working and your shutting down..

    i am taking a similar cycle now..but instead of the var im using deca ..u have to take at minimum 600mgs of EQ other wise its worthless and its not that u wont see any effects from it..but in order to see something good from it..u would have to run it for over 14 weeks..

    u just get ur hands on some HCG start with 500iu 2 times a week for 2 weeks then drop down to 250ius..
    everyone that cycles experiences problems in shutting down and stuff..but always being on the safe side..having A.Is hcg and all ull be oki and ull recover much quicker..

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