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  1. #1
    squatalot is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    How to bake gear??

    Ordered 2 60mL bottles of test prop from a well-known UG lab. Problem is, although it is packaged very discretely, the lid pops right off and it was exposed to air the entire time I transferred it into sterile vials.

    Issue number 2, the second bottle was almost clear...where as the first bottle was brownish. I assume a different oil was used.

    Issue 3, I occasionally came across a clump/clot during the transfer.

    I was sterile as possible, but still have concerns. Is baking a good idea for increasing sterility. If so, could some one tell me how or provide a link. My searching on the site wasn't providing much info.


  2. #2
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ew, i wouldn't inject that into my one and only body

  3. #3
    squatalot is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    Also, I mixed two of the batches into one vial and the darker oil seems to float atop the lighter oil. I no longer see clumps, but if I shake it, the two oils mix in a bubbly manner with the darker oil eventually rising to the top.

  4. #4
    diesel405's Avatar
    diesel405 is offline Member
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    Well, thats not a good sign, (lids popping off) but if u r still willing to inject that shit, u better refilter it with a .22micron filter into a new sterile vial.

  5. #5
    DEE151's Avatar
    DEE151 is offline Productive Member
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    post a picture? of your gear

  6. #6
    BREW-MAN's Avatar
    BREW-MAN is offline Associate Member
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    that sounds like vey poor quality gear too me ,if i am a right in thinkinhg were you got it from then i wouldent use.

  7. #7
    squatalot is offline New Member
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    I had to wait 4 days to get the sterile vials and I was ready to get started, so I preloaded 4 syringes. The first-preload I had great difficulty with because I couldn't flip the opened container upside down. I also suspect that I injected far too a result I developed cellulitis on my right thigh and could barely walk for a day or two. I just picked up some anitbiotics from the ER.

    Injections 2,3,and 4 were smooth as peanutbutter with little pain and no sign of infection or any other problems for that matter. If the gear was contaminated, you'd think both of my delts and my other quad would also be red and swolen too, eh? But they're fine. Maybe I'm just wishful thinking cuz I have 120 mL of prop that I'd really like to put to use!!

    Also, the difference in oil color is too mild to be seen in a pic, but the darker oil is obviously less dense as it floats to the top in each vial that I mixed both into.

  8. #8
    squatalot is offline New Member
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    Its a common UG lab and if you know who I'm talking about, please drop me a PM and let me know your experiences. It was so discretely packaged that it even came with a 3-pack of condoms. Haha!

  9. #9
    Hatchman33 is offline New Member
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    I would not trust a supplier if he sends me two vials of same test and they look different colors. Seems like its homemade and the batches are not the same. They are not consistent so therefore one might be more potent than the other. Lots of different variables. Just be carefull

  10. #10
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    suks it was such large bttls cus i would of dumped that as soon as i saw it. Brown prop? hmmmm sounds bad.

  11. #11
    squatalot is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    Baking it at 250 for 25 minutes as we speak and filters are in the mail.
    Ironically, I ordered some cotton seed oil from a VERY well known ancillary supplier and guess arrived with a lid that pops right off too!!!!

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