I was thinking of the following based on what you have all said so far (Regarding my "Experimental" Var only cycle I have also seperately posted about in more detail)....

wks 1-8 - Anavar up to maybe 100mcg/day
wk 7-8 - HCG biweekly
wks 1-8 - Clen /T3 (Cycled, or using Benadryl and monitoring temp etc.)
wks 1-4 maybe IGF-1???????????????? (Its there to use and Im sure I lost BF last time!?)

MAIN QUESTION THOUGH - Would I lose too much muscle while on the T3 when I am only using Anavar as my AAS??

Supplement wise, I will obviously be taking Animal Pak vits, plus Taurine as req'd, question is, would I be ok to use a herbal diuretic whilst also using the clen/T3 ???