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  1. #1
    curious75 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Maintenance Cycles with low sides

    I am a novas AAS user with two cycles under my belt. I was always an athlete and competed at I high level in a number of sports as a teenager and into my 20's.

    In 2003 I was 5' 10", 170 lbs, 29 years old and 8-10% body fat.
    I did a 10 week cycle of Test E and deca .
    I gained 18 lbs of muscle two months after my cycle was over I was at 185 lbs 5-6% body fat.

    In 2006 I was chubby 190 lbs started the same cycle above, got on my bike and at 10 weeks I was at 195, 6% body fat.

    Today I am 35 years old I have had a few injuries that have kept me out of the gym over the past 2 years. Im that all healed up now and want to establish a program to maintain my body on a long term program. I have been back in the gym for a month now after getting over swine flue and hitting the cardio hard. I expect to drop 5 lbs min over the next 3-4 weeks while gaining muscle.

    Estimated stats on or about 01-01-10
    35 years old
    5'10.5" I grew a half inch with my low back therapy
    190 lbs 10% body fat

    Gain 10 lbs of lean muscle
    Keep joints lubricated
    Maintain my weight at 200 lbs and 5-7% body fat for years to come.

    I as thinking about running one or two cycles a year but I need some help with the cycle as I want to keep the sides low and bloat at a minimum so I am not a spectacle twice a year.

    I understand the cycle will change as I get older however I am looking for a maintnance rutine to strengthen my low back and get everrythng working again.

  2. #2
    wrathchild212 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    well man if your looking for joint lubrication..everyone would recommend deca ..but to me i dunno i just dont feel it does anything to my joints..infact i do get joint pain while on deca(like now)..i try to take b-complex injections 2 times a week,glucosamine sulphate,calcium tabs vtamin D..u knw the basics..and thats wats helping can choose any test u want i think ull add good muscle on any..other then that, if your planning to take some deca and ur worried abt the bloating..take some arimidex .25mg/D it will reduce ur bloating..

    goodluck bro

  3. #3
    nilrac is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Glucosamine, cod liver oil, maybe some devil's claw extract... for your joints. And physio.

  4. #4
    curious75 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks guys...
    Joints are not bad on a daily basis but when I hit the gym hard the knees bother me on heavy leg day and I got a tricky shoulder that will flare up. I cant run more than a mile without serious pain (meniscus removed on one knee and trimmed on the other) When I was on my cycle's I had no problems at all. I guess I will get some blood work done and share the report.
    I just feel like I have spent thousands of dollars over the years buying the latest and greatest muscle stack at the local supplement store to have a little water weight gain after taking a hand full of pills at every meal. My diet is fairly clean thanks to my health nut parents that taught me to eat right. Finding the time and being exited about my workout is where I am having trouble these days. The injury’s have been a serious downer and I want to strengthen everything to prevent those injury’s in the future.
    I know there are allot of guys on this site that know every compound like the back of their hand. I am looking for a little advice on some gear that will not have my body riding a rollercoaster of emotions and side effects.
    Estimated stats on or about 01-01-10
    35 years old
    5'10.5" I grew a half inch with my low back therapy
    190 lbs 10% body fat
    Gain 10 lbs of lean muscle
    Keep joints lubricated
    Maintain my weight at 200 lbs and 7% body fat for years to come.

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