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  1. #1
    anabolicmyo is offline Junior Member
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    Arrow ending a 32 week cycle

    So Ive been on for about 8 months now, cycling in and out of all the different compounds and here I am just about to get off. Kinda worried about what my bodys trying to tell me though. Got slighty sensitve nipples, and when I flex the chest I see a little excess fat in the nipple itself. Now lately running tren , win, dec and, prop I dont know if I should be running a clo/nolv post cycle or some liqua/armidex? Id like to combat this possible gyno and also prevent any estrogen explosion. Does anybody have any expearance with these longer cycles? Thanks.


  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Well I never ran a cycle for even close to that long but I can tell you that if you have sensitive nipples then I would start running Nolvedex immediatly, although u could be getting gyno from the Tren in which case you will need some Bromo..
    You're definetly going to need atleast 36 pills of clomid post cycle (if not more) and probably a few shots of HCG to get your back to normal.
    I'll bump for someone else more experienced...

  3. #3
    NoLimits's Avatar
    NoLimits is offline Member
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    Don't take offense here, but you ran a 32 week cycle and you aren't sure if you should use clomid and nolvadex post cycle! Did you taper off towards the end of your cycle?

    Yes, run clomid to help get your natural test going again, Nolvadex to help with the estrogen rebound. And like MBaraso stated, you may want to run HCG for a couple of weeks.

  4. #4
    nj_'s Avatar
    nj_ is offline Senior Member
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    Run extended Clomid therapy, I'm thinking 150mg/day for 2 wks and then 100mg/day for 2 more wks. Throw in 500iu/day of HCG for 2 weeks in the end of your cycle and run the liquidex til the end of your clomid therapy. I'd also start running some nolvadex to combat the gyno symptoms and get some bromo on hand in case its progesterone/prolactin induced.

  5. #5
    greatinflate is offline Junior Member
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    yea that sounds brutal to your natural test production or the hope there of. i would give my system a big break before i started another cycle. and so you dont have to go bra shopping get some nolvadex , and clomid to bring back your natural test production.

  6. #6
    anabolicmyo is offline Junior Member
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    No offense taken

    but with all the compounds Im ending with what would be the point of tapering? There all fast acting except the deca witch will be in me for the next year anyways. Ill be picking up some nolv here tomorrow, running 80 mgs for a few then 40mg for a week then 20mg till I end. Safe? Im still about 4 weeks away from ending this, so should I figure on waiting on the HCG till then, and add my clomid then as well? Is there any way to tell the differance between estrogen and prolactin gyno?
    Thanks all.


  7. #7
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Maybe this thread can help you bro. If not atleast it´s one of the best threads ever started on AR and well worth reading.

  8. #8
    JULY GTP is offline Associate Member
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    anabolicmyo bro for some folks long cycle r pretty
    bad, they havent try it yet but the comments r there, bbuilders and non bbuilders go year round juicing with or without side effect but that's the risk of the game, i did short cycle bfor didnt get much so i'm doing a long one now, 31 weeks with a little better results than bfor, no gyno, thinnin hair, some acne, nice pumps, BRO for dont need to worry for those who said negative stuff, wether is long or not just follow NJ and PALME.
    yes u proly need to wait for ur hcg follow clomid that's exactly what waiting for too to stop my cycle, good luck bro....

  9. #9
    DiMensionX's Avatar
    DiMensionX is offline Member
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    Well, here is my two cents. I did two cycles back to back which ended up having me on and shut down for 6 months. I was running Sust, Fina, Winny then Cyp, Fina, Winny and at the end I switched it to Prop, Fina, Winny.

    I started Clomid therapy normally and 2 weeks in I had to quit due to the side effects. I switched to HCG 1500IU's every 3 days for 2 weeks and Nolva 20mg's ED, then ran the Nolva @ 40mg's ED after that for another 2 weeks. My boys came back finnaly and all is well.

    I would start HCG 2 weeks before the juice will finish tapering out of you as you will still be shut down from the HCG so you might as well not prolong it. Your nads will drop back in place and you will have natraul test pumping again but your LH will be shut down. IMO LH came back far faster than the Test production so I would rather recover from the LH instead of atrophied balls. Nolva will help this as it boosts Natrual LH as well thus my reasoning for using it post cycle instead of Clomid.

    As for L-Dex I would start it at .5mg ED and run it till a week after your nolva to suppress some of the Estro your about to have.


  10. #10
    JULY GTP is offline Associate Member
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    Originally posted by DiMensionX
    Well, here is my two cents. I did two cycles back to back which ended up having me on and shut down for 6 months. I was running Sust, Fina, Winny then Cyp, Fina, Winny and at the end I switched it to Prop, Fina, Winny.

    I started Clomid therapy normally and 2 weeks in I had to quit due to the side effects. I switched to HCG 1500IU's every 3 days for 2 weeks and Nolva 20mg's ED, then ran the Nolva @ 40mg's ED after that for another 2 weeks. My boys came back finnaly and all is well.

    I would start HCG 2 weeks before the juice will finish tapering out of you as you will still be shut down from the HCG so you might as well not prolong it. Your nads will drop back in place and you will have natraul test pumping again but your LH will be shut down. IMO LH came back far faster than the Test production so I would rather recover from the LH instead of atrophied balls. Nolva will help this as it boosts Natrual LH as well thus my reasoning for using it post cycle instead of Clomid.

    As for L-Dex I would start it at .5mg ED and run it till a week after your nolva to suppress some of the Estro your about to have.

    hi bro, how long did ur cycle last?

  11. #11
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    long duration low dose cycles can be pretty affective if structured correctly, the lessor experienced will soon realise that normal lenght cycles of 8-12 weeks with the same period off can mean 3 steps forward and 2 steps back.

    when in the last week of your cycle hit 5000i.u of HCG , do this every 5 days, 3-4 times maximum, estrogen is a factor woth HCG, run proviron /nolva and clomid for 4-5 weeks from your second shot of HCG, continue proviron for 2 weeks post clomid/molva as it is possible there will be an estrogen kick back. after this get some tribulas and run with ZMA, and if you can afford it HMB/Creatine mix. Big Al's post cycle formula LOL
    Last edited by Big Al; 01-08-2003 at 08:25 AM.

  12. #12
    JULY GTP is offline Associate Member
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    city of the winds
    hi BIG AL long time man, nice hearing from u bro,
    the big boys r coming back,
    this REM bro....

  13. #13
    Big Al's Avatar
    Big Al is offline Retired Moderator
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    hey bro.

    for long duration heres what I am scheduling this year:

    1-6 50mg D-Bol, 100mg Viro ED
    5-7 Nolvadex /HCG over two week break
    9-17 600mg Deca
    13-18 350mg Winny
    18-20 Nolva/hcg
    20-29 500mg Ethanate
    23-27 50mg D-bol ED
    20-25 4iu HGH ed
    28-33 4iu HGH ed

    proviron run thoughout increased for deca

    Then above recovery programme plus clen .

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