Hi all, and well met. I'm a newb to this board, so please go easy on me. =) A little info about me: I'm 34, 6'0 and currently around 195lbs. I started working out (again) last December when I was way out of shape, 255lbs and very unhappy. I managed to drop most of the weight - alot of bodyfat but of course some lean mass as well. I've managed to gain back a bit of the lean mass, but not much. However i'm flabby and still have a nasty spare tire around the mid-section. At 34, the hormone levels just aren't what they were back in my teens.... i'm starting to get frustrated and this is my last ditch effort to 'kick start' things again.

I have access to Anavar and am thinking of starting an 8 week cycle. I've done a bunch of research before posting here and realize most people don't recommend doing Anavar alone, however it is my first experience with anabolics and I would like to start off small and see how that goes before moving on to bigger and better things. Here is what I was thinking:

Week 1 - 30mg/day
Week 2 - 40mg/day
Week 3 - 50mg/day
Week 4 - 60mg/day
Week 5 - 60mg/day
Week 6 - 60mg/day
Week 7 - 60mg/day
Week 8 - 60mg/day

At this point i'll re-evaluate and take another step if I feel it's necessary. I am trying to set my expectations based on what i've read. I understand i'm not going to look like Arnold from this, i'm just hoping to see some progress, something to relight my fire. I do have one major concern though...

My wife and I are trying to have our first baby and this is probably the worst time to start using gear. This is mainly why i'm going with a relatively safe (based on what i've read) one to start with. Should I be majorly concerned about this (i.e. birth defects, lowered sperm count, etc.) affecting our plans?

Thank you in advance for any input, I look forward to your responses.
