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  1. #1
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Question checking blood for steroids

    hey guys quick question

    im aware theirs no real way to check how legit steroids are

    however i know their are blood tests that identify if ur using steroids

    e.g if your using testosterone you can get a blood check to see what range your test levels are, and therefore will know if your using testerone

    my questions is what type, or should i look for in a a blood test to identify if i have trenbelone in my system?

    any advice or info would help
    Last edited by ranging1; 11-23-2009 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #2
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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  3. #3
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bump ANYONE?

  4. #4
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Sorry, I do not understand your question.
    You want to have a list of blood work related to the testosterone levels or you want to know the name of the exams to be taken in order to see if you are running a steroid ?

  5. #5
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Sorry, I do not understand your question.
    You want to have a list of blood work related to the testosterone levels or you want to know the name of the exams to be taken in order to see if you are running a steroid?
    i want a test of my blood work, to c if i actually have trenbelone in my system since im having doubts about my trens quality

    can u tell me what blood test or what to do to check for it in my system?

  6. #6
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    from my understanding once its in your body they cant tell what type of steriod /ester it is only if your free test levels are skewed to other hormones. that is how they catch people.

    could be wrong though. i think the best way to check your gear is send it to a lab.

  7. #7
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post
    from my understanding once its in your body they cant tell what type of steriod /ester it is only if your free test levels are skewed to other hormones. that is how they catch people.

    could be wrong though. i think the best way to check your gear is send it to a lab.
    dammit not what i wanted to hear

    anyone else know anything?

  8. #8
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Not all the private labs are available to search for a specific waste left behind by a drug, in this case Trenbolone .
    Either you are lucky to find one nearby your area that gives you the possibility to remain anonymous or you had better bring a sample of the drug you have got to a lab to make it analize.

    I was in your shoes lastly and I spent lots of money to check if what I was taking was real. I chose the first option.

  9. #9
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    Na i no u can go get a test and get them to check your test levels, you can even say ur mate gave u somethin to take etc they cant do anything cause theyre your doc they only worry bout ur health theyl say u shouldnt do that but theres no legal ramifications. But u can get blood tests down to show much test is in your system. You should get tested before you start cycle so u no ur natty level then if u want get tested during cycle to make sure the gear is good and then after pct get tested again to see if ur natty test has rebounded well.

  10. #10
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Not all the private labs are available to search for a specific waste left behind by a drug, in this case Trenbolone .
    Either you are lucky to find one nearby your area that gives you the possibility to remain anonymous or you had better bring a sample of the drug you have got to a lab to make it analize.

    I was in your shoes lastly and I spent lots of money to check if what I was taking was real. I chose the first option.
    Quote Originally Posted by anabolictonic View Post
    Na i no u can go get a test and get them to check your test levels, you can even say ur mate gave u somethin to take etc they cant do anything cause theyre your doc they only worry bout ur health theyl say u shouldnt do that but theres no legal ramifications. But u can get blood tests down to show much test is in your system. You should get tested before you start cycle so u no ur natty level then if u want get tested during cycle to make sure the gear is good and then after pct get tested again to see if ur natty test has rebounded well.

    thanks for all the helps

    think ill just go docs n ask him what he can do like anabolictonic suggested

    thanks mate

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