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  1. #1
    rrrddd is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    dietary question while on AS

    i am begining a 10 week cycle of
    400mg of T-400 weekly
    400mg of EQ weekly
    WINNY and CLOMID at end.

    i am really confused about the protien vs. carbs qusetion.
    i am 5'9'' 182lbs 15%bf and am on my second cycle ever. (my first cycle ended 4 months ago and was identical to the one above except i was running 400mg of enenthate instead of t-400)

    my questions are, i want to decrease bf while adding quality muscle.
    do you minimize carbs, say <.5 per lb of weight total? is a complex carb powder put into a shake sufficient for getting carbs so that i dont have to eat grains everyday? should i add flax seed oil? last but not least, how many grams of protien should i be taking in per day and how much of that can be in the form of a shake?

    i wasnt 100% happy with the gains that i got off of my last cycle. (12 lbs total, kept 7) i got lean as hell but didn't gain the mass that i wanted but i pretty much cut carbs out all together and feel that may be why i didnt gain much mass. i want to put mass on this time but do not want to get fat. please help, any good advice is appreciated!
    Last edited by rrrddd; 01-08-2003 at 10:13 PM.

  2. #2
    FROGMAN1 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Good question.....I'd like to know too. It can get pretty confusing. Bump for the guy.

  3. #3
    rrrddd is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    bump...sorry guys

  4. #4
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    to get muscle growth, you have to have carbs, its fact...the carbs will spike insulin , which is necessary to transport aminos (protein) into your muslces thus creating growth, so you dont want to cut them, what you might try is cutting simple and refined carbs/sugars, and stick with complex carbs while keeping protein very high and fat low/moderate with essential fatty acids, omega3, flax, etc...hope this helps!

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