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  1. #1
    swole1 is offline New Member
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    Oct 2002
    down south

    Help!!! Dnp Rash!!

    I've used DNP off and on for a good to years. I've had this rash onmy hands that I thought was exzema. That's what the doc had told me. Well, since the meds didn't work and it only getsbad while I'm on DNP doc said that must be it and he hasn't a clue what to do. I know it's lgit because it works. Has anyone out thre had it and how do you get rid of it? I just bought 80 250mg caps of usnic acid, but I haven't started yet, because I heard it can give you a rash too. Anyone who has any input I'd like to hear it.

  2. #2
    Hitman's Avatar
    Hitman is offline Senior Member
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    Are you up to a dosage that you've never been at b4? either that or your body is rejecting it after all those years.

    PS- i hope you had stopped the DNP when useing the prescribed meds.......HITMAN

  3. #3
    dizzle's Avatar
    dizzle is offline Respected Member
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    Hit the benadryl and try again in a week.

  4. #4
    swole1 is offline New Member
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    down south
    I got the rash when I first started using it and I was only at 250mg/d. For the last year or so use up to 1g per day. My doctor thought I had exzema that was caused by the nickel in my wedding band. But I noticed that it only comes when I am on DNP . And it takes a good month to go away. Does benedryl really work? I've used hydrocortisone cream, tramcinilone, and petrolium. Will usnic acid cause the same rash?

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