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  1. #1
    rahul is offline New Member
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    DNP vs. Usinic Acid?

    anyone got any comparisons in results?
    anyone cycled on both?

    i believe usinic acid isn't illegal and is available via supplement companies?

  2. #2
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    both use the same mechanism to work - usnic acid is not as strong by a good bit but it does have significant sides so dont take a bunch at once - ease into it, much like DNP - funny, that my flu sides were higher off of LipoK than DNP

  3. #3
    swole1 is offline New Member
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    BUMP....Good post. I personally have only used DNP . I stopped because it gave me a rash on my hands. The wole time I thought I had! But I got good results. Being that I stay between 292 and 260 I had to use 1g per day forgood effect, but I lost a good lb per day and then dropped a few more lbs every time I came off. I just got 80 250mg caps of usnic acid for $35. I'm going to use 1g per day and I'll let you know how it goes. How much did youuse and what were the results?

  4. #4
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    you used 1gram of what DNP ? - not the same DNP i have used then

  5. #5
    rahul is offline New Member
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    1g of DNP is very dangerous man.. that's literally on the edge of how much you can use without seriously damaging yourself..

    i intend to go on a usinic acid cycle if i can't get a hold of DNP.. found sources for AAS, Clen , T3, etc but not one for DNP

  6. #6
    bunktown's Avatar
    bunktown is offline Junior Member
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    did yall say usinic acid is legal because i havent heard much about it. What company can you buy it from. Oh and how good of a fat burner is it.

  7. #7
    rahul is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by bunktown
    Oh and how good of a fat burner is it.

    that's what we guys are trying to figure out here

  8. #8
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    Its OK guess. But quite honestly its lb for lb a much more dangerous compound than DNP . And only a fraction as effective. THink of the comparison between PHs and real gear.

    T3 will do a much nicer job than UA ever would, and a hell of alot safer too.

  9. #9
    bunktown's Avatar
    bunktown is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info. I think I am still to young for steroids but I have a source and I am waiting till I get older to do them but have been thinking about dnp for fat loss and I was wondering if my source would be able to get some becuase he gets his steroids from american companies and I was wondering wheter american companies such as upjohn or some other other company made dnp.

  10. #10
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    No DNP is used in the manufacturing industry, hasnt been made for human consumption since the 30s.

    Note: T3 isnt a steroid , its thyroid hormone. In anycase, yea, dont mess with the stuff till your 21 + Stick to ECA and cardio for now bro, keave the hard core stuff for later, and definitely pass on UA.

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