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  1. #1
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    How does my PCT of Clomid & Nolva look?

    I am 6'2", beginning this cycle weighed 170lbs & 50 years old and have been training for 25 years, I am a Triathlete and have only run 4 or 5 steroid cycles in my life, the last one was 7 years ago... Today I am 200lbs lean and mean...

    I am 1 week away from starting PCT of the following 11 week stack:

    500mg Sus, 500mg Boldenone , 50mg Proviron /day (which I replaced 5 weeks ago with .5mg Arimidex due to borderline high BP & concern that Proviron wasn't going to cut it as an AI, even though I had no estrogen sides at that time)

    + Last 3 weeks, Stanzolol in the form of Stanabol-Tek* 10mg, UGL Mexico ramping at 30-60mg/day & HCG Sub Q at 500iu/day for 10 days, reduced to 250iu/day for 5 days, upped to 750iu/day for 3 days and 1,500iu EOD for 2 injections, to finish 6 days before PCT.

    ~1 1/2 weeks ago, I noticed ~1/8-1/4" ball under each errect nipple, at wich time I upped Arimidex to 1mg/day. I am not bloated and currently tappering off from 1mg to .5mg to .25mg Arimidex over the next week before starting PCT of:

    Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    Following 1 week tapper Nolvadex only @ 20mg-10mg

    Considering the above stack (beginning signs of Gynecomastia this late in the cycle)

    Does this PCT look good in your opinion?

    I will report stats after PCT for those with interest...

  2. #2
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    Just an additional note: I bought the Stanabol-Tek* for a pharmacist here in Mexico that I have known for 10 years, just an aquantence, so I tested it to see if it was water soluable and at room temp it fell apart in 1 minute to white particulate. Tasted it and it had a very mild sweet chlorine taste and slightly numbed the mouth. Just a few days after starting at 30mg/day, I became much more aggresive with raised body temperature. Vascularity, strength and endurance became evident, so I think it's real Stanozolol ... However, I also started HCG at the same time...

    Do you think that the HCG can cause this change?

  3. #3
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    Hcg raises test in the body so could be that. Not sure.

    But pct looks ok I guess. I personally wouldn run clomid anything over 50mg due to side effects.


    I feel personally less is more with serms.


  4. #4
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    ajustment in doses...

    Then this schedule may be better:

    Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 40mg
    Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
    Following 10 days – Nolvadex 10mg

    What do you think?

  5. #5
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    Front loading on day one with 200mg? Dont see a reason to do so.
    Why not do the standard

    nolva:40,40,20,20. 4 weeks total.
    clom:100,50,50,50. 4 weeks total.

  6. #6
    darkcrayz is offline Member
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    i asked about high clomid doses also based on some reading and the response was you dont need to go over 100mg, even that high the sides are tough.

  7. #7
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    That's why I reduced the 1st 10 days from 100mg to 50mg, but from what i've studied, some give merit to an initial 1st day dose of 300mg to signal the pituitary to start LH signal... My 1st day dose of 200mg is a sort of compromise, wheather it functions that way or not, I don't know...

    Anyone have blood work experience with an augmented 1st day dose as compared to not?

  8. #8
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    looks fine,, if you can take high doses of clomid then do it.

  9. #9
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    I find 100mgs of clomid perfect for the first week then 50 there afterwards....we are all different though and have to adjust to what we think is right.

  10. #10
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    Have been out of the Gym for 1 month now accept 9 days on a Cruiseship & eating like a pig... Finished PCT as follows:

    12/9-12 40mg Nolva, due to begining signs of gyno.
    12/13- Official start, 150mg clom + 2omg nolva.
    12/14-19 100mg clom + 40mg nolva (irritable as hell, exhausting dreams from the past, not the greatest timing to visit Mother & family, reduced dose...)
    12/20-23 50mg clom + 40mg nolva
    12/24-27 50mg clom + 20mg nolva (reduced dose again, ankle became inflamed where I have cronic oesteomyelitis from a break & bad surgery in Mexico, I believe due to too low estrogen)
    12/28-31 50mg clom + 20mg nolva (ankle back to normal)
    1/1/10-1/4/10 25mg clom + 20mg nolva
    1/5-12 10mg nolva only...

    Today I am 195 Lbs with alittle extra fat, love handles, that I will burn off riding, but I still pumped up pretty good in the gym last night...

    The Clomid was very difficult due to the exhausting dreams, but I certainly learned some things about what can be hidden back in those closets... I would just plan better next time, PCT without relatives!

    So, at this time, I have gained ~25 Lbs. lean muscle mass at age 50 on this 11 week, 1 gram + stack... However, I would suggest extending the cycle to 14 weeks, due to the late gains of the Boldenone , which kicked in ~the 8th week... now I'm back in the Gym & will begin the Isla 40 mile bicycle lap manana...

    I will Report again in 1 month...

  11. #11
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    looks fine,, if you can take high doses of clomid then do it.
    mmm has a point, i was on 100mg not 200mg may be a bit high.

    If you don't mind being blind from ya blurred vision

  12. #12
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    I didn't notice much visual distress or blurred vision, but then my vision isn't perfect anyway... I have an antigmatism, nearsightedness, meaning distant objects appear blury... So, if your eyes aren't perfect anyway, you may not notice this side effect... Just my opinion... However, the mood swings, mostly irritable, are a definate consideration... You will learn what it's like to be a woman! Clomid, although it blocks estrogen in some particular reseptors, still is estrogen that a male is not used to & your emotional state will swing from irritability to happy, happy, happy, in a moment & back to irritable and even sad... Just like most women on a monthly basis... But, it seems to work... everything seems to be back up and running... We will confirm in 1 month!

  13. #13
    neptunoprofundo is offline New Member
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    Lost the outragous vascularity that started during Proviron part of cycle, However, strength is still good and body weight currently at lean 195 lbs... Not bad since my starting weight was 170 lbs... Gained 25 lbs lean muscle mass and dropped about 15 minutes off average bicycle 40 mile lap times of 2 hrs. to 1:45 hrs.

    But now I am starting the full 9 month Ironman training program, so weight will probubly drop...

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