I'm thinking of starting my first cycle.
I'm 5'9". 185 lbs.
about 10-11% body fat.
also, i'm 22.
ive been training hard for about 18 months. 1.5 hours weight 5 times a week. .5 hours cardio 3x per week.
i get about 4-5000 calories per day. i eat fairly clean.

i think the cycle i would do is
12 weeks test-enth at 450 mgs per week.
5 weeks dbol at 20 mgs/day.

my goal are to bulk, but i don't want to bloat too much as i have solid definition now, but am struggling with weight gain. obviously both can turn into estrogen so im planning on some water weight. my real question is, for my first cycle, is this the best cycle to meet my goals. is dbol a good idea?

im lifting with my brothers friends who are all twenty four and have been on and off for about 2 years, meaning i have access to about anything.
one guy suggested anavar , but its mild and im not taking it alone. any suggestions on what to stack it with for a beginners cycle, or if its even a good idea.

will have everything on hand for it too, and plan on pct. any suggestions on that would be helpful as well.

id like help on if its a good idea at all to cycle now, as well.