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  1. #1
    rusty44 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009

    DBol Kickstart with Pre-existing Back Pain?

    I have been reading about these back pumps everyone seems to get from the Dbol ...Is it a bad idea to kickstart a cycle with Dbol if you already have chronic back pain from the start? I have always had some pain in my lower back since my football days.

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2009
    What causes the back pain? Was it previous trauma? Do you have weak back muscles? Bro I am running dbol now. The back pumps are crippling. Back Pumps on Spawn were miniscule compared to what I face now. I am in the gym for 2 hours now, because I have to sit down after each set of deadlifts, squats or BB curls. I guess pumps affect peple differently, but I do know that I will not be running 50mg of dbol agiain lol.

    I also suffered chronic back pain. I was in a position where I had to sit stationary for up to 12 hours at a time wearing a heavy vest. After about 3 months my back was shot. I had to get a shot in my ass to stop the back pain (I believe it was cortozone or something). I was getting those shots about every 4 months. I do remember the pain, and it was different from back pumps. Back pumps (to me), are basically a tightening feeling, which becomes unbearable. It is not a sharp pain at all.... rather a dull ace, like you slept wrong

  3. #3
    rusty44 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    The back pain is caused by a muscle that runs laterally down the right side of my spine being stronger the muscle that runs down the left side. It is in my lumbar area. So the right side is constantly trying to pull my spine out of alignment. This was from years of playing contact sports and wearing down the grooves in my vertebrae. I've been treated for it...traction/manipulation/vicodin....but nothing was ever a permanent fix.

    When I read your thread about the back pumps, I said to myself, I wonder if the bent over rows, back extensions, and squats are going to be out of the question for me. I can see myself having to sit down after 2 sets of squats if my back is that tight....the word "crippling" sounds like its painful as hell!

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