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  1. #1
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    Liquid Cab 0.5mg/mL ???

    What kind of doses should I take of liquid cab also I can not find this stuff anywhere elese but research and my supplier has no cab

    I am doing Test P 50mg ED
    Tren A 50mg ED
    HCG 250iu E3D
    L-dex Wk 4-10
    Cab ????
    Last edited by coot589; 12-19-2009 at 06:09 AM.

  2. #2
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    How much Caber to use and when?
    I prefer to use Caber while running any 19-Nor. (tren , deca ) They affect the thyroid by lowering it (hypothyroidism) which causes the body to release more prolactin in the blood stream. (note- an overactive thyroid can cause elevated prolactin levels also) Prolactin at high levels has the affect of lowering sex drive and causing erectile dysfunction. We call it deca and fina dick. And from first hand experience, deca dick is not fun!! Tren is also a Progestin, it bonds to the receptor of the female sex hormone Progesterone. Which is responsible for preparing the body for milk production. I.E. By raising prolactin. So in order to avoid all that. Its best to run Caber from the very beginning of the cycle. I even prefer to run it into PCT for an extra boost.

    STARTING DOSE – Beginning dose of Caber for use on cycle would be .25mg taken twice a week. For a total of .50 mg a week. Notice the point in front of the 25. Its not 25mg!! Its .25mg
    This dose is usually enough for an 8 week Tren cycle. If your prone to sides, running deca/tren E, or just running the Tren A longer. Then take the .50 mg/per week for 4 weeks and then bump it up another .25mg a week. For a total of .75mg per week. If sides from the gear are very bad, you can even bump it up to a total of 1mg a week. You can continue to up your dose (only if your experiencing sides from Tren/Deca) of the Caber every 4 weeks until you have reached a maximum dose of 1mg twice a week or 2mg per week. But there is no reason to go no where near that high. If your still experiencing sides at 1mg/per week then your Caber is bunk or there is more serious underlying causes at work.
    I was taking .5mg/p/w of Caber during a cycle with high doses of Tren. I actually didn’t have any fina dick problems but I did start Lactating! Yes my nipples were leaking. (its called Galactorrhea = lactation in the absence of nursing) lol So then I bumped up my dose to .50mg at 2 times a week (1mg/week) and the milk juice went away within a week. Other then that, I have had no problems and nothing but good experiences while taking Caber.



  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Here's a good read on Caber:

    Edit your post about asking for a source, please.

    Caber from a research company isn't optimal, but it will work. Just remember that liquid caber will tend to loose potency over time.

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Don't ask for sources

  5. #5
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    How much Caber to use and when?
    I prefer to use Caber while running any 19-Nor. (tren , deca ) They affect the thyroid by lowering it (hypothyroidism) which causes the body to release more prolactin in the blood stream. (note- an overactive thyroid can cause elevated prolactin levels also) Prolactin at high levels has the affect of lowering sex drive and causing erectile dysfunction. We call it deca and fina dick. And from first hand experience, deca dick is not fun!! Tren is also a Progestin, it bonds to the receptor of the female sex hormone Progesterone. Which is responsible for preparing the body for milk production. I.E. By raising prolactin. So in order to avoid all that. Its best to run Caber from the very beginning of the cycle. I even prefer to run it into PCT for an extra boost.

    STARTING DOSE – Beginning dose of Caber for use on cycle would be .25mg taken twice a week. For a total of .50 mg a week. Notice the point in front of the 25. Its not 25mg!! Its .25mg
    This dose is usually enough for an 8 week Tren cycle. If your prone to sides, running deca/tren E, or just running the Tren A longer. Then take the .50 mg/per week for 4 weeks and then bump it up another .25mg a week. For a total of .75mg per week. If sides from the gear are very bad, you can even bump it up to a total of 1mg a week. You can continue to up your dose (only if your experiencing sides from Tren/Deca) of the Caber every 4 weeks until you have reached a maximum dose of 1mg twice a week or 2mg per week. But there is no reason to go no where near that high. If your still experiencing sides at 1mg/per week then your Caber is bunk or there is more serious underlying causes at work.
    I was taking .5mg/p/w of Caber during a cycle with high doses of Tren. I actually didn’t have any fina dick problems but I did start Lactating! Yes my nipples were leaking. (its called Galactorrhea = lactation in the absence of nursing) lol So then I bumped up my dose to .50mg at 2 times a week (1mg/week) and the milk juice went away within a week. Other then that, I have had no problems and nothing but good experiences while taking Caber.


    Awesome bro- thanks. I was looking for the same information

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