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  1. #1
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    bulkin on masteron

    the police seized my whole stash of tren a couple months ago and so i'm wondering if masteron is good for bulking on?

    I heard masteron was similar to tren when used in high enough doses but has anyone ever bulked on it?

    i'm thinking 1-1.5g of masteron E per week....dunno if anyones tried this before?

    (i'm in the UK where roids are legal..just waiting for the police to realise it and give my shit back but not holding my breath that it'll be soon)

    this will be my 4th or 5th cycle, been lifting 5 years now, cuz of some legal problems I've dropped a ton of weight recently so wanna bulk up again, currently 195 or so, wanna hit 215-220 this cycle in single digit bf.

  2. #2
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    you prob wont get it back if it was UGL mate.....
    Steroids are legal if it is pharm grade.............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

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    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  3. #3
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    do you know that for sure?

    the law states roids are class c schedule 4, legal to posess and import in a medicinal product.

    a sterile solution in a multiuse glass vial will be hard to argue as not a medicinal product, esp since I stated I use it for contraceptive purposes (lol) - it was a test/tren blend but they tested it and only noticed the test.

  4. #4
    DS21 is offline Member
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    I think you can bulk on any compound. The amount you want to run seems like a high dose. It's a DHT compound so you may have some anger issues and other sides with that high of amount.

  5. #5
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    thanks, really wanna hear from anyone who's actually tried masteron at such a high sure someone has

  6. #6
    Booz's Avatar
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by Princes_Gate View Post
    do you know that for sure?

    the law states roids are class c schedule 4, legal to posess and import in a medicinal product.

    a sterile solution in a multiuse glass vial will be hard to argue as not a medicinal product, esp since I stated I use it for contraceptive purposes (lol) - it was a test/tren blend but they tested it and only noticed the test.
    i know wat the law states mate and i also know they are talking about pharm grade gear as that is the only gear that is legal and that u would get perscribed from a doctor....

    i hope you do get it given back as most of the old bill havent got a clue overhear anyways........

    let me know how it goes............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  7. #7
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Never run masteron at that high a dosage. I've heard mega-dosing mast is sick though.

    I like primo @ a gram+ each week. But it gets quite pricey unless you're home brewing...

    If I remember correctly.. I think "Warton" (member on here) said he was running mast @ ~200mg ED right now. so maybe you should try PM'ing him.

  8. #8
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    damn i think that would be pretty rough on the hairline. Not to mention some back acne.

  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You'd gain strength and be hard as a rock, but I doubt it would help build the amount of muscle you're after.

  10. #10
    Critical Mass's Avatar
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    Its all in the diet imo you can bulk on mast and tren for that matter.

  11. #11
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    I think it all depends on your stats and cycle experience?

    A newbi would gain on mast but if you're big and have a lot of cycles under your belt I doubt you'll gain much off of it.

  12. #12
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the opinions.

    thing is i got 45g of masteron waiting to be I think I'll TRY it...nothing to lose right

  13. #13
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Why would the police seize your gear if it's legal over there...makes no sense to me...

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Masteron only is a waste for bulking,

  15. #15
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Never run masteron at that high a dosage. I've heard mega-dosing mast is sick though.

    I like primo @ a gram+ each week. But it gets quite pricey unless you're home brewing...

    If I remember correctly.. I think "Warton" (member on here) said he was running mast @ ~200mg ED right now. so maybe you should try PM'ing him.
    Nah not 200mg mast, My Cycle:

    100mg/ED MastP
    200mg/ED TrenA
    200mg/ED Tprop
    2iu hgh 3x ED (6iued)
    10iu Slin post workout
    Igf-1 50mcg post workout

    High mast sounds interesting, I dont suffer from receding hairline but if you did high mast might become a problem. Also acne from mast at 700mg a wk isnt that bad if your not prone to it but i still get some after wk 4/5. Higher does probably more acne i would think.

  16. #16
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    Why would the police seize your gear if it's legal over there...makes no sense to me...
    because they searched my house and it was in a large vial with no label on?

    strangely enough police tend to want to test mysterious liquids in vials.....

  17. #17
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Masteron only is a waste for bulking,

    have you tried high dose masteron for bulking or are you just giving your opinion with nothing to back it up? (not being rude, just wondering)

    also I'm not talking masteron only, i'll be running at least HRT test, altho considering masterons estro blocking capabilities I may run higher test than I normally can - like 500mg or so.
    Last edited by Princes_Gate; 01-03-2010 at 10:44 AM.

  18. #18
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wharton View Post
    Nah not 200mg mast, My Cycle:

    100mg/ED MastP
    200mg/ED TrenA
    200mg/ED Tprop
    2iu hgh 3x ED (6iued)
    10iu Slin post workout
    Igf-1 50mcg post workout

    High mast sounds interesting, I dont suffer from receding hairline but if you did high mast might become a problem. Also acne from mast at 700mg a wk isnt that bad if your not prone to it but i still get some after wk 4/5. Higher does probably more acne i would think.
    I'm not prone to acne or receding hairline, I seem to be immune to androgenic sides.

    Give me something estrogenic like dbol and i'm bloated little bitch with puffy nips though.... luck of genetics I guess.

    I'm going to try it. 1g a week to start with 500mg test.

    No one here seems to have an opinion based on personal experience so I'm going to be my own guinea pig.

  19. #19
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Princes_Gate View Post
    I'm not prone to acne or receding hairline, I seem to be immune to androgenic sides.

    Give me something estrogenic like dbol and i'm bloated little bitch with puffy nips though.... luck of genetics I guess.

    I'm going to try it. 1g a week to start with 500mg test.

    No one here seems to have an opinion based on personal experience so I'm going to be my own guinea pig.

    lol im the same dbol is bad news for me. Give it a go good luck and keep us posted

  20. #20
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    holy crap i actually just read your cycle properly. 200mg tren ed?

    I ****in love tren but the bad dreams kill me on anything over 50mg every other day. I find i can cut lbrilliantly on that little but its not enough to bulk on. anymore than that and i wake up in the middle of the night brushing insects out of my bed and all sorts.

    How's 200 treating you?

    last time I ran it was 25mg/ed 50mg/ mast ed 25mg/testp ed.

    worked a treat, i can cut my calories down ridiculously low and still gain strength, and by low I mean 1800 a day (at over 200lbs) and not lose strength

  21. #21
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    id use 700mg/week of mast bro. no need to go over 1g. youll get hard as hell at 700mg/week with some nice vascualrity if youre lean. ive heard 700mg is the sweet spot anyway. scre the 350mg/week lol

  22. #22
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Princes_Gate View Post
    holy crap i actually just read your cycle properly. 200mg tren ed?

    I ****in love tren but the bad dreams kill me on anything over 50mg every other day. I find i can cut lbrilliantly on that little but its not enough to bulk on. anymore than that and i wake up in the middle of the night brushing insects out of my bed and all sorts.

    How's 200 treating you?

    last time I ran it was 25mg/ed 50mg/ mast ed 25mg/testp ed.

    worked a treat, i can cut my calories down ridiculously low and still gain strength, and by low I mean 1800 a day (at over 200lbs) and not lose strength
    Not even getting the sweats at this dose might be the cold weather, wake up every now and again but a shake later and a few flicks of the tv and im off back to sleep again, I was jsut saying to my girl today that I'm actually getting less sides at this dose than I was at 100mg/ed, its the same gear and I'm on wk6

  23. #23
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    That's weird. how is it @ 200mg/ed? thats a damn lot. i cant even handle 100mg/eod lol......

  24. #24
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    That's weird. how is it @ 200mg/ed? thats a damn lot. i cant even handle 100mg/eod lol......
    switch to 75mg/ED I believe most of the sides are caused by the drop an rise in hormone levels, at 200mg/ed I'm getting awesome results strength is through the roof fat fallin off, lean mass gains and rock hard off the mastron I love it. cant ask for more on a cycle.

  25. #25
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    yeah tren /mast/prop is supposed to be the best cutter that ive seen. some like tren/prop/winny too.....ill have to try ed injects

  26. #26
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    is your tren fina btw?

  27. #27
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    is your tren fina btw?
    pure powder all homebrew. I have tried wini/tren /prop but dont like the sides from the wini(joint pain) and you can run masteron longer than winni
    Last edited by wharton; 01-04-2010 at 07:11 AM.

  28. #28
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wharton View Post
    pure powder all homebrew. I have tried wini/tren/prop but dont like the sides from the wini(joint pain) and you can run masteron longer than winni
    oh ok i gotcha. do you think fina is stronger than your pow mg per mg? only because i had 5g of tren pow and when i made it at 100mg/ml it was as strong as fina @ 100mg/ml, lol. maybe i just got some crappy pow then, idk

  29. #29
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rex9933 View Post
    oh ok i gotcha. do you think fina is stronger than your pow mg per mg? only because i had 5g of tren pow and when i made it at 100mg/ml it was as strong as fina @ 100mg/ml, lol. maybe i just got some crappy pow then, idk
    98.9% pure tren powder vs fina implants? LoL powder wins saves all the messing about trying to get the shite outta the implants to

  30. #30
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    Why would the police seize your gear if it's legal over there...makes no sense to me...
    you'll still have it confiscated, but you wont be prosecuted for personal use

  31. #31
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Princes_Gate View Post
    the police seized my whole stash of tren a couple months ago and so i'm wondering if masteron is good for bulking on?

    I heard masteron was similar to tren when used in high enough doses but has anyone ever bulked on it?

    i'm thinking 1-1.5g of masteron E per week....dunno if anyones tried this before?

    (i'm in the UK where roids are legal..just waiting for the police to realise it and give my shit back but not holding my breath that it'll be soon)

    this will be my 4th or 5th cycle, been lifting 5 years now, cuz of some legal problems I've dropped a ton of weight recently so wanna bulk up again, currently 195 or so, wanna hit 215-220 this cycle in single digit bf.
    LoL just open an apeal you can get your gear back as long as it wasnt more than a 6month supply, just say you took the labels off. A friend of mine got 1000 dbol tabs seized and got them back after he said he was taking 10 a day took a few weeks to get them back though.

  32. #32
    Rex9933's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wharton View Post
    98.9% pure tren powder vs fina implants? LoL powder wins saves all the messing about trying to get the shite outta the implants to
    well its just all pow suppliers say their shit is pure as hell, thats why i was saying to try the fina...glad u got good shit though!

  33. #33
    Princes_Gate is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wharton View Post
    LoL just open an apeal you can get your gear back as long as it wasnt more than a 6month supply, just say you took the labels off. A friend of mine got 1000 dbol tabs seized and got them back after he said he was taking 10 a day took a few weeks to get them back though.

    theyve charged me with posession...they're ****ing retards, i'm waitin til it goes to court so it'll get thrown out and returned

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