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  1. #1
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2009

    switching between bulking and cutting

    hey guys, i was wondering what would be the best approach to bulking and cutting....does one constantly continue bulk cycles till he/she feels they have gained enough muscle of satisfication then cut the fat, then maintain gains, or should you bulk up then cut down then bulk up then cut down, etc.... untill you are happy then maintain gains?

    sorry if you feel its a dumb question, im just interested

  2. #2
    skeldno's Avatar
    skeldno is offline Member
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    basicly yes. you bulk up and wen you get big you cut. your calorie intake is so high while bulking you wont be able to do both sadly.

    Make sure you have a good pct to help maintain gains.

  3. #3
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2009
    ya but should u constantly switch back and forth between the two?

  4. #4
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    You can do both in a cycle. This is the best way for me.

  5. #5
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if you feel uve gained to much fat then yes u can switch to a cut

    but IMO being on gear, and training hard your fat gains are usually very minimal, and ur muscle gains are pretty amazing

    so usually msot people just tend to bulk until theyve acheieved a size they feel they should cut at

    if you gaina alot fo fat while on steroids then your probably not cycling correctly, and theirs oemthing you need to fix

  6. #6
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    if you feel uve gained to much fat then yes u can switch to a cut

    but IMO being on gear, and training hard your fat gains are usually very minimal, and ur muscle gains are pretty amazing

    so usually msot people just tend to bulk until theyve acheieved a size they feel they should cut at

    if you gaina alot fo fat while on steroids then your probably not cycling correctly, and theirs oemthing you need to fix

    being on gear and training hard has nothing to do with gaining fat. if you are not dieting correctly you will gain alot of fat on cycle, regardless how hard u train.
    if u gain alot of fat on AAS then ur not dieting correctly, and thats what needs to be fixed.

  7. #7
    lovestospooge23 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by firsttimer22 View Post
    hey guys, i was wondering what would be the best approach to bulking and cutting....does one constantly continue bulk cycles till he/she feels they have gained enough muscle of satisfication then cut the fat, then maintain gains, or should you bulk up then cut down then bulk up then cut down, etc.... untill you are happy then maintain gains?

    sorry if you feel its a dumb question, im just interested
    think of building your body like making a statue you create it by bulking up, then scrap off the peices that take off the definition means losing the weight and adding higher reps

  8. #8
    laduem88's Avatar
    laduem88 is offline Senior Member
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    going back and forth is the best way to keep getting bigger if your competing and doing shows which is why your do a show. but if your not competing do a lean bulk until you don't want to get much bigger, then do a cut and then from then on recomp...thats what i did and thats why i was able to put on so much muscle in little time because i bulked for 2 and a half years then cut. i was actually ignorant about diet so i was eating clean but a WAYYY more than i thought (500g of protein, 400g of carbs, 100g of fats)...(never weighed my meat lol) i was eating but hey my ignorance worked in my favor. i ended up getting up to 220 which from then did a cut to 190 which i was just now 200 @ 9-10% bf...just make sure when you cut that your on a cycle so you keep all your muscle and maybe gain a little
    Last edited by laduem88; 01-07-2010 at 07:06 PM.

  9. #9
    firsttimer22 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks guys that is much i should cycle for a cut to keep my body as anabolic as possible to keep as much muscle as possible?

  10. #10
    Mr Busta sweat is offline Junior Member
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    Everybody Body reacts Differant, The thing is you do what works for you. Most people dont lift enough to even mess with AAS.

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