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  1. #1
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    Dec 2009

    Weight gains on AAS / Bulking

    Was wondering, most people say that they've gained 20-30 pounds on a cycle, but I'm wondering how long does it take you to acquire a pound normaly?

    is it quicker at the beginning of your cycle, does it slow down during your cycle, is it a constant from beg to end,

    does the gains go down whenever you drop one of your compounds ect..

    Would like to hear from people's experience, because I think this would be actually interesting to see, the comparisons.

    like for me I was gaining about a pound every 2-3 days, from dbol / test - ent first 4 weeks, once I droped dbol my weight droped 2-3 pounds, now it's taking 4-6 days to get 1 pound in.

  2. #2
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    I believe it quicker mid into cycle.

  3. #3
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    and depending on what esthter you are using, Peop, enanthate , acetate etc... but i'd say in a 12 weeks cycle most gains are seen after the 4 weeks mark and slow down by the 10th week, but there is no reason why you can't gain throughout your cycle if you are eating and training correctly

  4. #4
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    Was wondering, most people say that they've gained 20-30 pounds on a cycle, but I'm wondering how long does it take you to acquire a pound normaly?

    is it quicker at the beginning of your cycle, does it slow down during your cycle, is it a constant from beg to end,

    does the gains go down whenever you drop one of your compounds ect..

    Would like to hear from people's experience, because I think this would be actually interesting to see, the comparisons.

    like for me I was gaining about a pound every 2-3 days, from dbol / test - ent first 4 weeks, once I droped dbol my weight droped 2-3 pounds, now it's taking 4-6 days to get 1 pound in.
    depends on the ester, usually as the ester builds up in your system the more and more water weight you acquire, so you gain more weight as the ester builds up, but at the same time you muscle gains increase with it

    e.g when i ddi my first cycle of dbol kicker 4 weeks and test ethantate 12 weeks, i went from 86kg to 96kg in 4 weeks, then when i dropped the dbol i went back down to 93kg

    and slowly went back up to 105kg over the next 9 weeks

    alot of water wight u can say

    i weighed 95kg 4 days into PCT lol, peed like crazy

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