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  1. #1
    Choppers's Avatar
    Choppers is offline Associate Member
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    First Cycle - 8 weeks in and at a Crossroad...

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 192.5 lbs / 87.5 kg
    Estimated BF: 15% (am purchasing calipers to accurately keep track)
    Age: 31
    Previous cycles: None.

    Time spent reading website prior to cycle: 9 months (much to my GF's frustration)
    Gym experience: Approx 5 years on and off. Last 3 years more seriously.
    Workout: 2 on 1 off. 1 body part per workout.
    Cardio: Running 30 mins every other day
    Cycle Diet: Clean bulk. Low GI Carbs prior to workout. Lean protein, Green veg, PWO shakes

    Overall Objective: To get to 85 kilo's and <10% BF

    Current cycle: 2 x 300mg of Test E per week. 600mg total.
    Intended cycle length: 12 weeks
    Intended PCT: Nolvadex and Clomid as per usual guidelines
    Currently: 8 weeks into the cycle.

    Sides: I suffered a bit of bloat and water in weeks 6 and 7 but that seems to have settled down and I've leaned up a bit. Strangely, I noticed sensitivity to salt and carbs particularly this week. Had sore nips 3 weeks ago but has subsided naturally.

    Ok I've been pretty impressed with my cycle so far. Somehow my weight has gone up about 18 lbs in 8 weeks! I know thats probably not huge by general standards but for my size I'm happy with it. Strangely I can see obvious changes but I don't feel like I've put on 18lbs. God knows where I've put it!

    18 months ago, I was trying to gain weight in a state of calorific deficit (school boy erro rI know!), so a good stint reading the diet section helped cure that.

    Mid cycle, I had Christmas, NY and then a wedding to attend so took a weeks rest. It was forced sadly due to the lack of gyms in the area, but it gave me a chance to recover.

    Anyway my clothes are starting to get to that annoying stage of discomfort - I'm hoping it will subside as I up the cardio to daily.

    Anyway, I'm kind of near the stage I saw myself being at week 12 but am at a bit of a cross roads...

    Do I :

    1.) Stop taking Test E now, wait 2 weeks and begin PCT and then start cutting.

    2.) Persevere and run out the rest of my cycle as planned until week 12 and assume that I'll lose some muscle during cutting stage.

    3.) Was also considering getting some Winstrol and using from 8-12 with the end of my Test E. Should I drop my cals for the last 4 weeks whilst using Winny and increased cardio?

    I've learnt so much off this site so thanks everyone.

    Any advice on my decision would be greatly appreciated.....


  2. #2
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choppers View Post
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 192.5 lbs / 87.5 kg
    Estimated BF: 15% (am purchasing calipers to accurately keep track)
    Age: 31
    Previous cycles: None.

    Time spent reading website prior to cycle: 9 months (much to my GF's frustration)
    Gym experience: Approx 5 years on and off. Last 3 years more seriously.
    Workout: 2 on 1 off. 1 body part per workout.
    Cardio: Running 30 mins every other day
    Cycle Diet: Clean bulk. Low GI Carbs prior to workout. Lean protein, Green veg, PWO shakes

    Overall Objective: To get to 85 kilo's and <10% BF

    Current cycle: 2 x 300mg of Test E per week. 600mg total.
    Intended cycle length: 12 weeks
    Intended PCT: Nolvadex and Clomid as per usual guidelines
    Currently: 8 weeks into the cycle.

    Sides: I suffered a bit of bloat and water in weeks 6 and 7 but that seems to have settled down and I've leaned up a bit. Strangely, I noticed sensitivity to salt and carbs particularly this week. Had sore nips 3 weeks ago but has subsided naturally.

    Ok I've been pretty impressed with my cycle so far. Somehow my weight has gone up about 18 lbs in 8 weeks! I know thats probably not huge by general standards but for my size I'm happy with it. Strangely I can see obvious changes but I don't feel like I've put on 18lbs. God knows where I've put it!

    18 months ago, I was trying to gain weight in a state of calorific deficit (school boy erro rI know!), so a good stint reading the diet section helped cure that.

    Mid cycle, I had Christmas, NY and then a wedding to attend so took a weeks rest. It was forced sadly due to the lack of gyms in the area, but it gave me a chance to recover.

    Anyway my clothes are starting to get to that annoying stage of discomfort - I'm hoping it will subside as I up the cardio to daily.

    Anyway, I'm kind of near the stage I saw myself being at week 12 but am at a bit of a cross roads...

    Do I :

    1.) Stop taking Test E now, wait 2 weeks and begin PCT and then start cutting.

    2.) Persevere and run out the rest of my cycle as planned until week 12 and assume that I'll lose some muscle during cutting stage.

    3.) Was also considering getting some Winstrol and using from 8-12 with the end of my Test E. Should I drop my cals for the last 4 weeks whilst using Winny and increased cardio?

    I've learnt so much off this site so thanks everyone.

    Any advice on my decision would be greatly appreciated.....

    1.) Stop taking Test E now, wait 2 weeks and begin PCT and then start cutting. run at least 10 weeks since you are using a long ester of test but do not go over 12 in case.

    2.) Persevere and run out the rest of my cycle as planned until week 12 and assume that I'll lose some muscle during cutting stage. see above

    3.) Was also considering getting some Winstrol and using from 8-12 with the end of my Test E. Should I drop my cals for the last 4 weeks whilst using Winny and increased cardio? I would use oxandrolone for its ability to care and cure tendons which might be fine now but you may experience some pain after your pct is over. Also, do not decrease your calories if the meaning of your cycle was bulking, in case increase the cardio.

    Good Luck

    Any blood work?

  3. #3
    Choppers's Avatar
    Choppers is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks BJJ.

    Had some blood work done prior to cycle.

    Everything was fine except the Doc noted a lowish free test level (but just within normal ranges not to require treatment). Free Test was 11 on a range of 8 to 30. I can't remember the units of measurement. I don't have the results here, they're kept at the Docs.

    I have suffered from what I beleive are side effects of a low test levels: grumpiness, irritability, lack of energy, poor concentration and the like. It's self diagnosed but years of anti-depressants have failed to have the effect of what 8 weeks of Test E has done.

    I can't tell you the difference mentally has been on my character and this is from someone who. Its astounding and I'm worried how I'll handle coming off.

    At the moment I feel on cloud 9, boundless energy, no grumpiness. My gf is amazed.

    Back to the original question. Will prob go and talk to a sympathatic male Doc I know and ask for some blood work well after Cycle and PCT has finished.

    I know I need to increase the cardio, but I tend to listen to my body rather than my workout plan and if my knees or bones are aching from running I tend to give an extra day recovery. Its not a regular thing, more of a lower leg bone pain on the shin side.

    I once got a stress fracture on my foot through pushing myself running so err on the side of caution when running (my main source of cardio - also do some elliptical training too but far less)

    As for Oxandrolone, I'm in Aus and I've yet to come across it. But my contact can get Winny and Clen easily hence option 3.

  4. #4
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I agree with BJJ, run the cycle out to at least 10 weeks, then do a solid pct.

    After your pct is over, then cut.

    I wouldn't add anymore drugs to try to loose weight at the end of your first cycle.

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