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  1. #1
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    Question Need help loseing weight.

    I am 28 6'3 and weigh 465. 6 years ago i was in my best shape and weighed 285. I played football all through highschool and in college. since then my weight has fluctuated a lot. I have worked out on and off for the past 6 years and would like to get back into shape and stay that way.
    I am a big guy but not the super fat cant move around type.Im a functional fat guy.When I get into it I can lose 10 pounds a week.Im not lazy when i really get into it and start working out. I have started working out again last week and started a diet. I use the elliptical for 45 minutes in the morning and then lift weights then use the elliptical again for another 45 minutes in the afternoon. I have also gone on a good diet.
    I would like some advice on somethin to take to help me start dropping this weight and start lookin good again. I have been told I should start using winstrol and clen as well as cytomel . I have read up on these things and would like someones oppinion on what to take and how much to take. I would appreciate it.
    Sorry for the long post.

  2. #2
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    dont take nothing my friend. at your size you have to be careful.

    go to the diet section and let them guys look at your diet and really fine tune it.

    but for the love of god, do not add winny or clen , ur heart is under enough stress...
    good luck and congrats on taking the first step...

  3. #3
    maine_mass's Avatar
    maine_mass is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the reply and the encouragement. I have been to the doctors for a check. No diabetes, liver is good, cholesterol is good, blood pressure was just a little bit high but that was just barely over she said, and no thyroid problems. The only thing that was off was my test levle was low.My doctor went through a diet with me and wanted to perscribe me something like allied but stronger but my insurance didnt cover that perscription. I also take amphetamine for my ADHD.

  4. #4
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    with your current weight, stuff like clen - can really cause issues with blood pressure and heart rate.

    im down 103 lbs my self... (not bragging)..but i've been up there, and i know how it is to just want it off asap. it sucks.

    and no one who hasnt been there, will ever understand....

    there is a fantastic diet section on this board, and recepe's avail also.

    plus, there's some extremely smart people that can help you put together an exercise/cardio plan that's not overbearing, so you can find something that works for you...

    the only thing is - i lost big weight week after week at first...but that can slow down.

    i had weeks where i lost nothing...


    that's when you get your head further into it, and push forward!

    all the best!

  5. #5
    maine_mass's Avatar
    maine_mass is offline New Member
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    Thank you guys. Great job on the 103 lost man. Last year i got real serious and lost 80 in 3 months but gained it all back after going through some problems at home.
    I am checking out the diet section. I think the diet my doctor has come up with is pretty good. I dont think im going to bother with clen now. I think the amphetamine I take is more than enough to give me the extra energy i need. what do you guys think about winstrol ? Would that be a good idea?

  6. #6
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    winstrol by itself can stunt your testosterone production - which can lead to depression and loss of sex drive

    for me, i did winstrol and i dont think i will again... it can cause your joints to become "dry" - they crack and hurt...i felt like i had arthritis......

    if you lost 80 in 3 months, IMO - that's a touch too fast....

    i think possibly your diet was not enough...i found when i tried to lose too much too fast, it was harder for me to keep on track and fight off bad cravings.

    figure out your "diet", and post up your calories per day, etc..... you dont wanna starve yourself.....which is why "diets" fail.

    instead, make healthy food and lifestyle choices.

    tonnes of little changes, makes one big change - and you'll be able to stick with it.

  7. #7
    maine_mass's Avatar
    maine_mass is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the information. I definitely dont want to mess any of that stuff up. I think I am gonna not take anything and stick o the new diet my doctor made out for me.
    too bad we didnt start goin back and forth sooner we could have had a weight loss competition.

  8. #8
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maine_mass View Post
    Thank you for the information. I definitely dont want to mess any of that stuff up. I think I am gonna not take anything and stick o the new diet my doctor made out for me.
    too bad we didnt start goin back and forth sooner we could have had a weight loss competition.
    well, competition is healthy! but there's lots of people on here aside from me that would also be happy to see you succeed.

    pm me any time!

    best of luck, and kick some ass!

  9. #9
    jan1991 is offline New Member
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    yea buddy all of these guys are right. you dont want to drop that weight super fasst by using any thing besides natural supps or your everyday supps which i should say. im glad to see your workout plan has a good amount of cardio. post your diet i would like to see it.
    good luck

  10. #10
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Congratulations on taking the first to change your lifestyle. Dropping weight is a bear. I'm a licensed personal trainer for the last 15 years. I've worked with a lot of people that are over weight and some were morbidly over weight. In your current situation I would say follow your Dr's advice and stabilize your current health as you implement a good cardio, strength training, and diet. High fat concentration can lower the test level. I would say get your weight down to a more manageable level before you start on AAS. Plus, it will take you a while to strengthen your tendons and muscles so you won't get injured as the AAS start making your really STRONG. AAS is no magic bullet. You're on the path now so don't rush, it will happen gradually. You're young, you have time.

  11. #11
    fli is offline New Member
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    OMG... that's a lot.
    But you're tall too, but still...

    Well, start off very small. Don't over do it.

    Why don't you do what I did? Instead of going to a "diet" immediately-- just eat half of what you normally eat. (Unless, it's vegetables.)

    If you eat a two burritos... just eat one. If you eat one, eat half

    If you eat McDonald's Big Mac, cut that in half and give the other to a friend or your dog. Or just trash it.

    But if it's a salad you eat... eat it in the normal portion you do, or make it bigger (Just don't drizzle dressing like crazy.)

    Then, do a low carb diet for a month or two, to help things out. And when you're at a lower threshold, you could do maybe T3/clen .

    But don't do it if you got high blood pressure.
    Those things are dangerous.

    You should have a nutritionist helping you out.

  12. #12
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the good words and encouragement.I have decided to switch to a high protein low carb diet. I am no longer going to drink soda either. That was a big problem. I love but its no problem to cut it out either. Also another big thing was beer which I am also going to stop drinking. I didnt have a drinking problem or anything but every saturday I would usually drink 20-25 beers. Lots of calories.
    I am going on vacation in May and I really want to lose the extra weight. I have been doing sets of eight to twelve in my workouts.Except for bench which i like doing three sets of five. Right now I am using 285 for my sets on bench. I would like to be usuing 320 or more so thats a goal for me as well as the weight loss.
    I fell like i am definitely on a good path to my goal of getting down to 300-320.

  13. #13
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Good luck on your journey. If you decide to stick to a good diet and workout routine it will probably be the best thing you do for yourself and your family. I wish you the best, this board is really helpful and encouraging to people that are trying to help themselves make sure you keep us updated!

  14. #14
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    I am buying a heavy duty scale and I am going to get a body fat% test so that I can update monthly. Thank you all for the good words

  15. #15
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maine_mass View Post
    I am buying a heavy duty scale and I am going to get a body fat% test so that I can update monthly. Thank you all for the good words
    keep up the good work, you are one of the few people that comes here and is willing to listen and put in the work instead of taking the easy way out, and for that i respect you greatly

  16. #16
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    Finding a scale to buy around town is a pain in the ass.....LOL

  17. #17
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    Goin strong still. Im buying a nice elliptical for my house so i dont have to go to the gym 2 times a day. Gonna go the the gym in the am and do cardio and lift and then late afternoon gonna do 30-45 min on the elliptical at home. Still havent found a scale. Prob gonna order one off the net.

  18. #18
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    bought a precor elliptical. 10lbs down so far...on my way

  19. #19
    slimy's Avatar
    slimy is offline Associate Member
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    Good job, man.

    Keep it up.

  20. #20
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i cant believe i missed this thread....i think it great that your so motivated to do something about your weight....this is a great board with a lot of knowledgabe peeps that will be here to help along the way....i live in maine as well and will be rooting for u all the way...good luck my friend...

  21. #21
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Regular blood work is key. You need to know how your body is reacting and what problems you have/had/may have.

  22. #22
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    ^^^agreed... You will be taking great steps and measure for this journey and you will need blood work to make sure that you don't develop any problems such as thyroid and so on... I'd get tested every two or three months if you lose weight this fast.

    Congrats on taking probably the best/biggest step in your life bro,

    "dirty d"

  23. #23
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    Thanks guys.....much appreciated..... Im gonna keep hittin it hard and get to my goal of 290-300

  24. #24
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    15 pounds down so far........ the Precor has helped out a lot !!!! so hasnt not drinkin 3 sodas a day and about a 30pack and a half a weekend........LOL

  25. #25
    BIG_GUNS_21 is offline Member
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    Take a look at the video in the diet forum I think its a sticky called "so you wanna learn how to diet" There is I think a 5 part seminar there on proper diet. Might want to take a look...Its very good.

    Also, congrats on your progress bro! Its a tough long road but dont get discouraged if the weight loss slows (it will) Just keep pluggin away and increase activity as your contition will allow.

    AAS would not be the answer IMO. Could lead to bigger problems that will last a lot longer than the weight loss battle

  26. #26
    Wingman1 is offline Junior Member
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    good job bro.. i just joined this site myself,,,, was at 242 fat jan i joined gym and started working out and watching what i eat, im down to 225 now,,,

  27. #27
    maine_mass's Avatar
    maine_mass is offline New Member
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    Good job wingman....keep it up bro......

  28. #28
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    Im down a hole in my belt and pants r fittin a lil better....... Went to the docs on friday for a follow up from some testing.... BP 130/64..not bad especially since I am on amphetamines for adhd. Also no thyroid issues and no diabetes. I had a Low test number they r thinkin about workin with that. I got a follow up in a week. I couldnt weigh myself there the scale they have only goes to 440 so im gonna go to a dif doc today to check my weight. Ill post it later.

  29. #29
    maine_mass's Avatar
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    feel like im down at least 5 more pounds.... still not registering on the scale but pants r fittin better.

  30. #30
    slimy's Avatar
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    Pants fitting are a better indicator than a scale anyway.

    Good job, man. Keep doing what your doing.

  31. #31
    B1gDaddy's Avatar
    B1gDaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Your making great, great progress for doing this naturally! I'm glad someone actually listened and took everyones advice for once, an it's paying off. Keep up the good work, your very strong already if your lifting that much on your bench. Keep goingg!

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