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  1. #1
    sixxer is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010

    1st Cycle & Training Routine

    Hey guys, sorry for what's probably another overly asked question.

    To those most experienced with training on AAS, could I get your advice/opinion please?

    I'm on my first cycle, 3rd week. 500mg test enanthate and 300mg deca -durabolin , taken over 2 doses, one Monday, one on Thursday. Considering switching to one on Saturday, one on Tuesday

    I want to know if this training routine is suitable, or the most effective while on AAS.

    Sets across or weight increasing/decreasing to hit rep range. ~3mins between sets.

    Saturday - Legs/Abs
    Squat 3x6-8
    Leg Press 3x6-8
    Leg Ext 3x6-8
    Leg Curls 3x6-8
    Seated Calve Raise 3x8-15
    Hanging Knee Raises 3x8-12
    Weighted Decline Situps 3x8-12

    Sunday - Chest/Triceps
    Bench 3x6-8
    Incline DB Bench 3x6-8
    Seated Chest Press 3x6-8
    Pec Machine 3x6-8
    Flat DB Bench 3x6-8
    Dips 3xfailure

    Monday - Off

    Tuesday - Back/Biceps
    Deadlift 3x6-8
    Chins 3xfailure
    Seated Cable Row 3x6-8
    Lat Hammer Pulldown 3x6-8
    DB Rows 3xfailure
    Shrugs 2x8-12
    BB Curl 2x6-8

    Wednesday - Shoulders/Abs
    Standing BB Press 3x6-8
    Lateral Raise 3x6-8
    Seated DB Press 3x6-8
    Hanging Knee Raise 3x8-12
    Weighted Decline Situps 3x8-12

    Thursday - Off

    Friday - Off

    Does this appear suitable? No overkill or too many sets/reps? Not enough?

    One other query I have is that from my research, when training naturally it appears that hitting a movement/muscle group twice a week is most effective. Now, one of the big positives of AAS is enhanced recovery, yet from my research it appears that hitting a movement/muscle group hard once a week is promoted? However, due to the enchanced/increased recovery ability, why would training a muscle group more often not be more conducive to achieving desired gains?

    Thanks guys, I appreciate your time in reading this post.

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Age: ?
    Height: ?
    Weight: ?
    BF%: ?
    Cycle Exp: ?
    PCT Knowledge: ?
    Training Exp: ?
    Diet: ?

  3. #3
    sixxer is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010
    27 years old.
    <10% bodyfat
    1st cycle, no experience.
    PCT, see here >> Scroll to the end to see what I have prepared for my PCT
    Training ~3 years, last year straight till an injury. Used to powerlift at 72kg, Squat 180kg, Deadlift 200kg, Bench 115kg. Nothing great, bench sucked. Suffered an injury ~6months ago, herniated disc, ceased training.
    My diet is about 3000-3300cals/day (maybe too much at my current weight?). However, I much prefer a high fat/protein and low carb (150g-200/day). Approx 200g protein, 150g carbs, 200g fat. Just taste wise and what not, plus I actually feel better eating like this. While on AAS should I change to high carb/protein low-moderate fat? Will this produce better results.

    Thanks again.
    Last edited by sixxer; 02-18-2010 at 02:31 AM. Reason: Macro breakdown

  4. #4
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    workout program looks good to me. i wouldnt have chosen deca for a first cycle but what is done is done. good luck

  5. #5
    sixxer is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010

    Why wouldn't you have chosen deca for a first cycle?

  6. #6
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
    AlphaMaleDawg is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2009
    read the basic stickies and you will see. It's best to start off with test only to see how your body reacts and what you gain as far as size and sides go. or you could have done test and dbol . deca shouldnt be done until second cycle. You will see great gains though!

  7. #7
    ironflames is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010
    i agree with alpha. i did dec/test for my first cycle, seeing very good gains with it, but i def should have just done test for the first (would have saved some money lol) for my second cycle i plan on just a test cycle. the workout looks good, im a true believer in 4 (not including a warmup set) ill do 4 sets HARD for 4 weeks then do 3 set type workout for 2 (higher reps, lower weight) then go back to 4 sets hard. kinda utilizing the slingshot/muscle confusion thing.

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