02-18-2010, 03:36 PM #1
do you need to PCT for SARM's????
ive been reding alot about SARM'S and it seems like a excellent product..and i was just wondering if anyone had any experience with these/ and what kind of gains? also do you need to take a post cycle?
thank you for your words
02-18-2010, 03:37 PM #2
From what I've read, the answer is no you don't need a PCT. Anyone with some first hand experience? SARMS seem like they could be the future.
02-18-2010, 03:42 PM #3
You have been told before that your shouldnt be cycling at 20yrs old, stop using drugs they will do you serious damage, your own hormonal system hasn't fully developed yet so by shutting it down by using steroids you can cause it to never reach its full potential and you could end up with low testosterone for life, and the sides from low test are not nice especially in your 20's so stop thinking your answer is in an injection or pill and wait till your 24-25yrs old, jeeeez how many more times do people have to tell you.
02-18-2010, 03:51 PM #4
ok marcus if that pic you use is you then obviously you have been taking steroids since you were a kid. i know what this can do and i know how it can hurt my body. and did you know at your age its not good for you either.
02-18-2010, 03:56 PM #5
you obviously are too immature for anabolics. Why come here for advice if you wont listen to it? Plus, do you know how badly s4 can affect your sight? Since you dont know anything about aas you probably shouldnt comment on others use. I bet a lot of guys on here who started young wish they could go back and educate themselves further before they did it
02-18-2010, 03:59 PM #6
The picture is me and I havent taken steroids all my life, also ive not cycled for 3.5yrs, so you dont know much do you!
Ive been around in this game a long time and ive been there and done it, ive seen many young guys with attitude's like yourself crying in their hands when there natural testosterone wont go back to normal, do you really understand the sides it can bring using steroids when your only 20yrs old??
ive been training longer than you have been alive so take it from someone who knows, stop taking steroids and concentrate on your diet, steroids will not help you at your age but only bring you sides effect what will be with you for the rest of your life, grow up
02-18-2010, 04:12 PM #7
why wouldnt my natural test go up if i just PCT it. everything should be good if i pct... and im not taking anything just yet, AGAIN im just being curious so calm the **** down and just stop commenting on my threads
02-18-2010, 04:41 PM #8
Your on a public steroid forum asking for advice, so your going to get comments, all because you dont like what you hear doesnt mean its wrong, why dont you calm down for once in your life and listen to someone who is trying to help you.
Your hormonal system HPTA isnt fully developed yet, its still developing up until the age of 25yrs old, if you shut down your system what hasnt fully developed there is a serious risk of it never reaching its full potential, thats why alot of these steroid forums is littered with young immature guys who didnt listen and now are crying because they cant get an erection, have stunnted growth and they cant maintain any muscle tissue, there are many more sides to low test but surely those would be enough for anyone sane enough to re-think what they are doing. It doesnt matter if you use pct, its doesnt mean it will kick start it were it left off and carry on growing. Finish growing and developing and use your high testosterone what you have naturally instead of shutting it down what could result in serious sides.
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