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02-21-2010, 10:23 AM #1
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Deca Durabolin Cycle and sides
Hello and nice to meet you all,my name is Nick and I'm from greece!This is my first cycle that I am about to do and I wanted to ask you experienced people some things.
I will use deca durabolin alone on a small dosage only.
My cycle will be pyramid like:
week 1:1 shot 200mg
week 2: 2 shots of 100 each:200
week 3: // // // : 200
week 4:2 shots of 150 each: 300
week 5: 2 shots of 200 each : 400
week 6: // // // : 400
week 7: 2 shots of 100 each : 200
week 8: 2 shots of 50 each : 100
TOTAL : 2000mg over 8 weeks
ok it's my first cycle I will take all the antioxidants (or whatever they are called) have a perfect diet and I am worried about these possible side effects: Although I know many people that have taken deca and swear it is the safest i worry about hair loss and acne(which i was told is not a matter since i'll be taking all the antis) small balls(which i was told wont happen cause of some pills i'll take to prevent that) and my biggest fear....libido..they told me that there is no chance i will experience loss of libido if i take all the antis and such small doses.I know about deca d**k and I personally dont know anyone that has ever experienced it although all of the people i asked were running deca alone like me.
Please be kind enough to share your experience with me in details if you can!thank you.
02-21-2010, 10:42 AM #2
Stats please
bf %
02-21-2010, 10:53 AM #3
Thats an awful cycle IMHO,
Stats please?
02-21-2010, 10:56 AM #4
pyramiding your dose is very oldschool..... dont know anyone who does that anymore
02-21-2010, 10:56 AM #5
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If it's your first cycle use testosterone as the base. Don't use deca .
What are you using for PCT?
Test e or c @ 500mg/week, alone or with dbol @ 30mg/ED and nolva as a pct would be a great starter cycle.
02-21-2010, 10:58 AM #6
sorry double post
02-21-2010, 11:10 AM #7
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I am 23 years old 72 kg 178cm 6% body fat and I am afraid to use testosterone because of the higher possibilities on side effects that I try to avoid(small balls hair loss for example).For PCT i am using either clomid,nolvadex or some other pills (i dont remember the name).Anyone has anything to say about deca side effects at that dosage?
02-21-2010, 11:26 AM #8
Your afraid to use test because of the side effects but your going to run a deca only cycle?
You my friend are very confused and need to research what you plan on doing.
02-21-2010, 11:30 AM #9
02-21-2010, 11:37 AM #10
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Shrunken balls, known medically as "Testicular Atrophy", happens when your brain tells your balls to take a break. Your balls stop producing Testosterone and sperm, and they slowly wither and die.
Why does your brain tell your balls to take a break? Well... in your brain there are several sensors, and one particular sensor measures the concentration of androgenic compounds in your blood stream. When this sensor records a high value, your brain sends a message to your testicles telling them to shut down.
If you want a more scientific explanation: Your brains stops producing Luetinising Hormone, and when your balls don't get this hormone, they shut down.
The anabolic steroid Nandrolone (known by the tradname Deca -Durabolin ) makes the androgen sensor in your brain record an extremely high value, meaning you get shut down particularly badly with this drug. Your balls start to shrink very quickly, and they shrink very small.
Testosterone, in similar doses, doesn't have nearly as bad an effect on your balls.
One thing you should realise, is that if you take Nandrolone on its own, your Testosterone level will plummet because your balls won't be producing Testosterone. You will suffer all sorts of bad symptoms, such as depression and impotence, if your Testosterone dips too low.
02-21-2010, 01:06 PM #11
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02-21-2010, 03:55 PM #12
Why not taking test propionate ?
02-21-2010, 04:23 PM #13
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dude im on a decca test cycle far as dec is concerned if you want your cock not to work then dont use test. if you want extra pump, and to be able to bang chicks, then use test. also you should def up those dosages, those initial ones probably wouldnt even help at all. i use: decca 300/1ml and test e 250/1ml i take every 4th day and i take 1.5ml of each. i have a 12lb gain in week 6, and i do a TON of cardio.
02-21-2010, 07:58 PM #14
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Go with a nice cycle of test to get u started. Save the deca or run it with some test. I like to always double the mgs of test compared to the deca. Keeps the wood strong
02-21-2010, 08:14 PM #15
first cycle just do the test at 400 to 500 a week. no deca
your fears of sides are from what? i do 900 with no sides at all. every one is diff and you wont know what is causing the issue if you take more than one drug.
how do you know you will loose libito? or have issues with hair loss? deca for me always shuts my labito down .. hard!! (no pun intened)
how do you know your 6%? higher possibliliiteis of sides using test-hu? use the search button on the top of the page. deca will shut your sex drive and leave you limp and frustrated in my op
smart advise = do you work and research
again smart advise
that doesnt help with me at all i am running test at 900 a week and deca at 400 down from 600 cuz it totally kills my sex drive - at 400 i can at least use the thing occasionaly
02-21-2010, 08:16 PM #16
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good info..
may i ask maybe a silly question but will a testosterone booster help at all? or are they just crap?
02-21-2010, 08:24 PM #17
well he weights less than 160 lbs and needs to research diet and alot more before he considers deca only cycle
02-21-2010, 10:15 PM #18
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ok sounds reasonable to me to use test alone instead of deca then.Look I only wanna keep like 3 or 4 kilograms after my cycle and have my hair and libido as well as my balls in good condition if u know what i mean
.so please advice me on a ''safe'' and mild test if u want.And please iclude what i need to take while on this cycle and PCT to avoid any side effects.Oh and u mean i will still have libido but my balls will shrink of long does it take after a cycle to come back to normal size??I'm new to this so sorry for my silly questions!
02-22-2010, 08:17 AM #19
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02-22-2010, 11:43 AM #20
A couple months after discontinuing the juice, after PCT...a little more or less as everyone is different.
I never worried about shrinkage! Anyway it makes your cock look bigger, haha
02-22-2010, 12:38 PM #21
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02-22-2010, 01:01 PM #22
02-22-2010, 01:17 PM #23
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testosterone boosters are not very effective for aas users. best case scenario, for those who do NOT use aas and have low endo-test levels, some boosters (like high quality tribulus or whatever) will bring the levels up enough to notice the improvement in libido, maybe appetite, but do not expect any serious muscle growth, if any.
02-22-2010, 01:19 PM #24
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how many deca threads do you need to start to be told the same thing? stop being an idiot
02-22-2010, 01:46 PM #25
Mate for a first time cycle do TEST ONLY!! you have absolutely no clue how you will react, so just try test first. As I stated on another post I just commented on people are far to eager to jump onto a test and deca cycle 1st, which I did and regretted it due to not having a clue. Be smart, dont be a retard......jokes
02-22-2010, 06:08 PM #26
I was a retard & for my first cycle did Anadrol only. I was 20 at the time & couldn't get it up for a long time after....6 mos at least but the psychological effect had me limp for well over a year. And I had girls wanting me so it was a real mind-fvck. Eventually I hooked up with a whore I didn't care about & discovered I was able to bang like a horse again. Been fine ever since, and made up for lost time.
Moral of the story: Know what you're doing & take the right advice or you might be a Unich the rest of your life!!!!
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