100mcg/ML. This is my second cycle of it. First time i increased from 20mcg up to 100, then 80,60,40 on my 12th, 13th, and 14th day. I didn't notice much fat loss effects. My diet is on point, and i am lifting hard and doing 3-5 cardio sessions a week.

I'm not sure if it is bunk or not (has an alcoholic smell, tastes pretty bad) . I get minor shakes from time to time. Never really any headaches or cramps.

So for this second cycle i started at 60,80,100. and i been at 100mcg for days now. Should i bother going any higher than 100mcg a day? I take 4-5g taurine daily, potassium pills (+ bananas in my diet) and 1.5-2 gallons a day of water.
