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  1. #1
    Apprentice is offline New Member
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    Winny at end of Cycle?

    This may be a dumb question as I am new to this, but I was planning on taking Winny for 4 weeks at the end of a cycle. Should the Winny be taken with the other gear during the last 4 weeks or just the last week and continuing the next 3 weeks to bridge to PCT?

  2. #2
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
    CaliPhotog is offline Associate Member
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    What else are you using? Stats?

  3. #3
    Apprentice is offline New Member
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    42 years old
    5 ft 11 inches
    205 lbs currently
    Not sure on body fat %, but doubt I'm over 15%
    In 5th week, started at around 185lbs.

    What I'm using? I was hoping no one would ask, because this will probably look kind of stupid. I had some old stuff and decided to put it to use.

    Test 250mg twice a week - weeks 1 through 4
    Deca 200mg twice a week - weeks 1 through 4
    Sustanon 125mg EOD - weeks 5 to Finish (8 or 9 depending on how long it last)
    Equipoise 100mg EOD - weeks 5 to Finish (8 or 9 depending on how long it last)
    Winny - 100 10mg pills - weeks ???? (trying to decide)

    It is my understanding that I should wait 21 days after the last EQ dose to start PCT. I don't know if it would be better to run the Winny during weeks 6 through 9 or to take it during weeks 9 through 12 and then start PCT.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apprentice View Post
    42 years old
    5 ft 11 inches
    205 lbs currently
    Not sure on body fat %, but doubt I'm over 15%
    In 5th week, started at around 185lbs.

    What I'm using? I was hoping no one would ask, because this will probably look kind of stupid. I had some old stuff and decided to put it to use.

    Test 250mg twice a week - weeks 1 through 4
    Deca 200mg twice a week - weeks 1 through 4
    Sustanon 125mg EOD - weeks 5 to Finish (8 or 9 depending on how long it last)
    Equipoise 100mg EOD - weeks 5 to Finish (8 or 9 depending on how long it last)
    Winny - 100 10mg pills - weeks ???? (trying to decide)

    It is my understanding that I should wait 21 days after the last EQ dose to start PCT. I don't know if it would be better to run the Winny during weeks 6 through 9 or to take it during weeks 9 through 12 and then start PCT.
    That is one messed up cycle and I would do alot of research in the future.

  5. #5
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apprentice View Post
    This may be a dumb question as I am new to this, but I was planning on taking Winny for 4 weeks at the end of a cycle. Should the Winny be taken with the other gear during the last 4 weeks or just the last week and continuing the next 3 weeks to bridge to PCT?
    I'd make sure I was taking some testosterone along side with it.

  6. #6
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
    CaliPhotog is offline Associate Member
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    Don't add in the Winstrol . You already have allot going on and not in a good way. I am not experienced with any of that stuff but through all my research I can tell you that your cycle is terrible. Sorry for the buzzkill, just tryig to help.

  7. #7
    Spartans09's Avatar
    Spartans09 is offline Member
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    Be careful with winny it absolutely crushed my cholesterol and I have the bloodwork to prove it. I backloaded it for 3-4 weeks like your are suggesting while also running cyp. Had lipid profile done 2 weeks after pct with the following results.

    Total cholesterol 225
    HDL 30 This is a disaster!
    LDL 185 WTF!

    That was 5 or so months ago. I just had lipids run again.

    Total Cholesterol 218
    hdl 58 very nice
    ldl 136 much better but still slightly elevated.

    I have really upped the cardio and am cutting very cleanly with my diet since mid-december. Needless to say i'm done with winny.

  8. #8
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
    CaliPhotog is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    Be careful with winny it absolutely crushed my cholesterol and I have the bloodwork to prove it. I backloaded it for 3-4 weeks like your are suggesting while also running cyp. Had lipid profile done 2 weeks after pct with the following results.

    Total cholesterol 225
    HDL 30 This is a disaster!
    LDL 185 WTF!

    That was 5 or so months ago. I just had lipids run again.

    Total Cholesterol 218
    hdl 58 very nice
    ldl 136 much better but still slightly elevated.

    I have really upped the cardio and am cutting very cleanly with my diet since mid-december. Needless to say i'm done with winny.

    What where your numbers prior to the cycle?

  9. #9
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why not run the Test throughout the whole cycle?
    Switching from long ester (test) to short (sust) is better than the other way around but... Hmmmm
    Deca 1-4 is worthless. You are ending it just as it kicks in.
    Drop the Eq, to much going on.
    If you run Winny yes it's best at the end. last 3 weeks 6-9

    How many cycles have you ran? PLEASE dont say this is your first.

    It's still not a GOOD cycle though.

  10. #10
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    I dont see the justification for the eq either 4 weeks of eq Whats that going to do?

    I'd just run your your test and drop all that other crap


  11. #11
    NVR2BIG1 is offline Banned
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    no, its pointless. your not on the right compounds to be switching up every 4 wks in the first place. If you were using short esters like masteron , prop, tren , then your 4 wk plan would work well, thats actually what alot of precontest cycles are like. But not long esters bro, your not doing a whole lot there, and winstrol isnt going to do anything. Your not going to run a bunch of water holding, puffy long chains, but then all of a sudden turn into Mr. ripped from the last 4 wks of winny, save your $

  12. #12
    Apprentice is offline New Member
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    This is why I said that it would look stupid (LOL) . No its not my first cycle. This was some older stuff lying around and I thought I'd experiment. If I'd had more Deca or EQ I would be running them for a longer time. Funny thing is that this experiment appears to be working really well (with no sides as of yet). Far better than when I've just run test alone. Who knows why (maybe the sustanon is superior to the test I've run in the past and that is all I'm feeling - or maybe just the thought of the extra stuff is creating a placebo affect). I don't know, but it is working - I can't argue with the results.

    I was just curious as to whether the Winny could be run as a bridge to PCT. However, from the answers I've received, it appears that it shouldn't be run that way, but rather with the test. Several people I know, run it alone when they want to loose a little weight (they've done this with success - but sometimes with sexual sides). I wanted to avoid the sides and was wondering if the sustanon still in the system would be sufficient. Once again, this appear to be a bad idea from the answers I've received. I wasn't wanting to use it to lose weight, just as a bridge to help maintain any gains.

    Thanks for everyone's assistance.
    Last edited by Apprentice; 02-22-2010 at 10:39 AM.

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