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  1. #1
    BigDogStatus is offline New Member
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    Question Begginner Suggestions on Test-Prop


    BodyFat:Unknown (Pretty Low)


    I am 20 years old and have been lifting for about 5 years now. I have decent knowledge of weightlifting because my mom competed professional. Goals of fitness modeling and possibly one day competing. However we all know to be succussful in this field and be elite, steroids are a must. Looking to start my first cycle so looking for as much advice as possible. Thinking about using Test Prop because I've heard good things and seen personally great results in a friend. I know I am 20 years, so this is a big decision for me bc possible side affects. However, with my stature and with good genes I feel I could put on some major pounds jumping on testoterone.

    Concerns and Questions:

    -Should I even start?
    -Aromazation and bitch tits? Suggestions on Arimedex?
    -Whats a good dosage of Test Proionate? 400 mgs week? How many weeks?
    -Should i get on any other estrogen blocker to fight against aromazation? Or anything to reduce DHT?


  2. #2
    pilotR1 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010
    don't start! but you would not listen anyway, so why ask?
    prop is a good product, i liked it, did it my first cycle 100mg EOD, ran oxandrolon (anavar ) at 20mg per day, and kept 80% of gains from my first 6-week cycle. nipples were good up until week 5, they began to itch, i started tamoxifen (nolva) at 20mg per day, then ran it weeks 7-8 at 10mg, all went away. i ran tamox at 20mg/day from day one on every cycle after that, never had a problem.

  3. #3
    Damienm05's Avatar
    Damienm05 is offline Productive Member
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    You're physically ready for sure. I know nothing about test-p but you should post your diet in that section.

  4. #4
    BigDogStatus is offline New Member
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    Fort Worth, Tx


    Quote Originally Posted by Damienm05 View Post
    You're physically ready for sure. I know nothing about test-p but you should post your diet in that section.
    As far as the diet goes, I'm trying to gain mass right now. Im trying to keep it a clean high calorie diet to build some lean mass.

    Student so my schedule is wack sometimes

    Meal 1 (1030 AM) - 6 egg whites 3 yokes, cup and 1/2 of oatmeal or 3 pieces of hole-grain toast, 1/2 cup of granola with yogurt and fruit, cup of whole milk
    Meal 2 (2 PM)- 2 chicken breasts, cup of broccoli or grean beans, pasta or 2 cups rice, milk or water
    Meal 3 (4 PM)- Protein Shake (Whey 20 grams per serving w/milk)
    Workout (5 PM)
    Meal 4 (After Workout)- Chocolate Milk or Protein Shake
    Meal 5 (8 PM)- 2 chicken Breasts, greens or salads, pastas or rice
    Meal 6 (10 PM)- Subway 12 inch chicken breast sub loaded with (veggies)
    Meal 7 (12 PM)- Protein Shake

  5. #5
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    from you pics you have a good base... you need to eat not cycle

    the reason i say eat and not cycle is cause you have a good base but are lacking thickness... for you goals you need to be able to gain weight and then control your diet thru you strick diet...

    test prop is not a good starter cycle in my op... test e or c should be your starting place after you gain some weight from eating right...

    as for the worry about gyno... i would say have something on hand but not take unless you see some neg sides...

    you goal should be to max out your personal growth, naturally, and they def do have natty compitions... you dont need to be on drugs to compete

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