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  1. #1
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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    Jun 2009

    Lightbulb Possible infection?? Not sure

    So I just started my second cycle (first cycle was 4week dbol /10week deca /12week testE with nolv/clo PCT)

    which was supposed to be Test P 100 mg EOD and Tren A 75 mg EOD- with some Anavar in the last few weeks

    the first day since I had never had a delt shot before and with EOD injections i figured (1st cycle was glutes only) that I'd split up the test P in each delt, and have the remaining tren in a glute. So .5 cc each delt. about 36 hours later both my shoulders were in such terrible, TERRIBLE, agonizing pain--I've had post-injection pain before, this was another level. I woke up from a deep sleep and felt I had no other chance @ sleep but to down a few oxycodones Then I got online and read about whether or not I had an infection etc etc and found that it's possible, but also that test P is one of the most painful substances to inject, and my delts being virgin muscles could also cause more pain etc. The next day I get my second shot, which I have all put into one injection for my opposite glute. Arms are still pretty much useless, and then I notice that my left delt is actually red all around the injection site. I freak out thinking I have an infection and make an appointment for Friday....however the pain is equal in both shoulders and only one is red. Now, it's early Thursday morning (i had the shoulder injections Sunday night) and I think the pain is finally starting to go the opposite direction- as in it is improving. Yet my left shoulder still has slight redness around injection site. Not below the site, no streaks, just around it, as if I got punched. Are there other things that could cause slight redness? If it was an infection wouldn't symptoms continue to worsen? No fever either....

    half inch needle used for delt shots, 1.5 inch for glutes

    Any input would be greatly appreciated
    Last edited by L3ftY; 02-25-2010 at 04:49 AM.

  2. #2
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    The fact you have no fever is a good parameter to look at.
    How did you accomplish the injections?

  3. #3
    L3ftY is offline New Member
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    long-time friend of mine did all injections, as well as all injections from previous cycle. He's a pretty experienced user (5 or 6 cycles)

    Standard wipe area clean with alcohol, use different needle to draw and shoot, 90 degree angle...what specifically are you asking?

  4. #4
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by L3ftY View Post
    long-time friend of mine did all injections, as well as all injections from previous cycle. He's a pretty experienced user (5 or 6 cycles)

    Standard wipe area clean with alcohol, use different needle to draw and shoot, 90 degree angle...what specifically are you asking?
    Did he wipe off with alcohol the surface of the vial (plastic plug) before inserting the needle?

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    odds are its just painful from the prop being shot into a virgin muscle. i had that happen to me before were my arms and legs were useless. my quad hurt so bad for 2 days that i had trouble walking
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  6. #6
    millsdogg69 is offline Junior Member
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    sounds too me you got a little bit of anxiety I'm the same way but worse I get really really bad knots in my butt cheek in 2 days after injection it swells up to a baseball size and is red and hot but with in a week it's gone it's been like that since I have been on Test 400 so I'm use to it now I just always watch if a fever comes then your in hot water

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    ^^^^i have had gear that has given no problems in glutes or anything, and then i have done glutes with other gear and had the same huge knots in my butt cheeks lol. I just got used to it because it was like that throughout the cycle.

    I would think that, like bjj said, if you have no fever then its probably not an infection. Just watch it and try to get used to the prop pain bro.

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

  8. #8
    Rando911 is offline Associate Member
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    I feel that I am experienced with IM infections. I have had 4 in the last year. All my UGL guys are getting bad powder. I am done with UGL's! I do know that every infection I have had was so painfull that I could not bear a normal day's work. I had to take days off work to be a baby in bed. Tears were in my eyes during a couple instances. I called my insurance to inquire about emergency room co-pays. To make a long story short, You will know if you have a infection! You will have already smashed the bottle on your sources forehead, and asked for a refund after 36hrs! Keep AB's on hand, no joke. I have a buddy who had his ass cheak removed from a infection he refused to treat.

  9. #9
    Bullnutz is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rando911 View Post
    I feel that I am experienced with IM infections. I have had 4 in the last year. All my UGL guys are getting bad powder. I am done with UGL's! I do know that every infection I have had was so painfull that I could not bear a normal day's work. I had to take days off work to be a baby in bed. Tears were in my eyes during a couple instances. I called my insurance to inquire about emergency room co-pays. To make a long story short, You will know if you have a infection! You will have already smashed the bottle on your sources forehead, and asked for a refund after 36hrs! Keep AB's on hand, no joke. I have a buddy who had his ass cheak removed from a infection he refused to treat.
    Injections should go into the thickest muscle in your glute.You can feel this muscle by doing a dead lift motion with one hand on your ass.Lean back and flex your glute and feel for thick muscle.Pin there.Same way on legs.If you cant even make it to work it sounds like you might have hit a cyatic nerve.

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