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  1. #1
    Rictor33's Avatar
    Rictor33 is offline Associate Member
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    the GYM

    deca/low dose test cycle idea

    Now that people know that deca dick is caused more by prolactin than by just having low testosterone is was wondering if this cycle would be good. I have done several cycles before with test in them and lost a decent amount of hair. However, I have been clean from juice from 4 years and am looking to find a cycle that would be beneficial to me without the risk of too much hairloss.. I understand that taking cabergoline E3D is the way to go for controlling deca dick, so I was planning on running 500mg deca / week and running an HRT level dose of testosterone to keep levels somewhat above normal.. I would be running the deca for 12-14 weeks and the test 2 weeks past the deca with a full PCT including HCG /clomid/nolva.. To keep my hemocrit from getting dangerously high from the deca I will be taking a baby aspirin every night as well.. This is just a hypothetical cycle, but it seems like it would work on paper.. A few years back everyone would say that you need to run 1.5-2x test to deca ratio to battle the low libido, but now it seems that if you can control the progestin while keeping your test levels up you should be just fine.. Has anyone tried/considered this type of cycle? What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    ironflames is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010
    im not sure about the whole cycle thing, but to help with hairloss, get iodine supps from gnc or something. a friend of mine was loosing hair when we were in highschool and were 23 now, his doctor told him to take iodine pills and it stopped the hairloss.. just figured id throw that out there, maybe itll help

  3. #3
    richtries's Avatar
    richtries is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2008
    did you get anywhere with this mate I just posted a very similar question . . .

  4. #4
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    yup what im doing is
    sust 125mgs/wk for 10 wks
    deca 300mgs/wk for 10 weeks
    on week 6 going very well

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