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  1. #1
    thaibox84 is offline New Member
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    Serious injection scare !!!

    this is my first post but consider myself somewhat knowledgable in using some forums of steriods . i have done a bunch of cycles over the years and never run into any scares or troubles injecting . im on a cycle of tren right now about 4 weeks in . i accidently left my juice in my car over night last week and it froze . i came to this forum and others and read that if you set it in a bowl of warm water for a bit it should unfreeze and be ok . i did a injection last wednesday and had no issues . today when i went to do another i noticed a few things that resembled flakes floating around in the bottle but thought nothing of it so i injected into my upper left butt cheek . Upon injecting the juice from the syringe immediate felt a shock come over me and my whole body froze and dropped to the ground and i started shaking . and couldnt regained my composhur for several minutes . then i stood up and was dangerously shaky and threw up . i immediatly got in cold water and now treid to snap out of it . its been about a hour now and im feeling better but am obviously terrified , i have done tons of tons of injections without even so mych as a absess . i dont know what could have caused this the site of the injection or the juice or what ???, any help is appreciated . thanks

  2. #2
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Wow, I hope you're feeling better. I'm curious to see what more seasoned veterans have to say.

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Don't draw from the vial if there are any hormone crystals visible. Warm the vial up each time before injecting, which will also get the hormone back into solution. You probably hit a vein, so make sure to aspirate every time.

  4. #4
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
    Indymuscleguy is offline Senior Member
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    Wow bro, sorry to hear that. I have injected into a vein before and had a horrible cough and increased heart rate, and that scared the SH(*)(& out of me...I can't imagine what happened to you bro...

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Tren is in oil and will not freeze.

  6. #6
    BIG_GUNS_21 is offline Member
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    I would think it was more that you hit a vein than the gear causing it. But like was said above, if their are crystals in the vial warm it and get the hormone back in solution before you shoot. (But I dought thats was caused the issue...Most likely a vein or if you felt a real sharp shooting pain you may have hit a nerve)

  7. #7
    thaibox84 is offline New Member
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    is there any serious permanant issues you can suffer from hitting a nerve or shooting into a vien by mistake ? im a little tenative now to inject into my butt anymore . never had a issue like this before

  8. #8
    Just2Big is offline Associate Member
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    Boil water and stick the vale in it up to its necks for a few min. It will get rid of the crystals. Stick a pin in and release the steam. Do this before you inject again. Those crystals can travel in your body and got strait to your heart killing you. Its like a little hard splinter in your blood. Very dangorous

  9. #9
    thaibox84 is offline New Member
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    so when would i tell if i was in trouble and if those splinters were in my blood stream ? its been a day am i most likely ok now ?

  10. #10
    TwoGuns's Avatar
    TwoGuns is offline Junior Member
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    maybe hit your sciatic nerver? could drop you to the ground.

  11. #11
    BIG_GUNS_21 is offline Member
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    Your fine now. It would have happened shortly after your injection and it is VERY VERY unlikley that it would happen at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by thaibox84 View Post
    so when would i tell if i was in trouble and if those splinters were in my blood stream ? its been a day am i most likely ok now ?

  12. #12
    thaibox84 is offline New Member
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    im probally gonna discontinue using steriods from this point on . dont know if i can bring my self to inject again . my heart rate is still abit high and im abnormally light headed and feel abit off . some may be mental though

  13. #13
    Quo's Avatar
    Quo is offline Associate Member
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    Wow, man. Sorry to hear it. That really sucks. I am wondering if it has anything to do with the crystals... sounds like you may have just hit a vein. When you hit a vein, that oil goes directly to your lungs and heart, causing symptoms like you describe. And it's instantaneous, too, just like you describe.

    Yeah, I wouldn't blame you if you never shot up again. It's stories like these that scare me most about steroids , personally.

  14. #14
    Kiki's Avatar
    Kiki is offline Associate Member
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    You hit a vein and injected into it. Always, always ALWAYS, aspirate . Even though I inject really slow, and don't really need to aspirate because i've injected enough times to know when i've hit a vein, I still aspirate anyways just to be assured.

    I assure you bro, if you aspirate this will NEVER happen again.

  15. #15
    BIG_GUNS_21 is offline Member
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    If your going to keep going try shooting in your shoulders...I have hit veins before but only in my quads and gluts...And I find it a lot easier to asperate if I shoot in the shoulders.

  16. #16
    thaibox84 is offline New Member
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    yeah i have never even had a scare before so i never have done that and pretty wreckless jam it in me becuase ive been so confident . im dont just found out im having a kid im not gonna have my woman find me dead on my bathroom floor with a baby on the way , not worth it . hate it cuz i love doing the occasional cycle . too freaked out now

  17. #17
    Quo's Avatar
    Quo is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, I hear ya dude. I'd say your chances of dying are pretty low, but your apprehension is completely understandable. I'm about to start up a cycle of Tbol only. People are telling me it's not bad. You could do orals like Tbol and var at least.

  18. #18
    thaibox84 is offline New Member
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    so one last question . as this happened yesterday and im feeling somewhat normal with just a few mild effect remaining im assuming i may have injected about 2 ccs into my vien . i should be in the clear now and recover or do i still have to worry about heart failure or attacks or permanant lung problems ? , appreciate all your guys insight thanks alot

  19. #19
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    are u running tren only?

  20. #20
    louiscypher's Avatar
    louiscypher is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe you should see a doctor, those symptoms aren't good. Bite the bullet and tell him exactly what happened. collapsing and shaking viloently is not something to take lightly.

  21. #21
    Quo's Avatar
    Quo is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thaibox84 View Post
    so one last question . as this happened yesterday and im feeling somewhat normal with just a few mild effect remaining im assuming i may have injected about 2 ccs into my vien . i should be in the clear now and recover or do i still have to worry about heart failure or attacks or permanant lung problems ? , appreciate all your guys insight thanks alot
    Well, I am NOT a doctor, but, from what I've read, your chances of having any serious long term effects from this are slim. Your body moves pretty quickly to take care of itself. I've read a couple of studies about this involving both humans and dogs, and 1) the risk of death from 1 or 2 ccs is really low (even though it feels like you are going to die) and 2) there don't seem to be any long term effects.

    But, if you're really worried about it, go see a doc and tell him what happened.

  22. #22
    dharts is offline Associate Member
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    man this is a serious post i hope you are ok my friend

  23. #23
    dharts is offline Associate Member
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    Acute pulmonary oil embolism and lethal dose study of an oily contrast medium following portal vein administration into dogs
    Yeu-Tsu N. Lee, M.D. *, William L. Donegan, M.D.
    Department of Surgery, Ellis Fischel State Cancer Hospital, and the Cancer Research Center Columbia, Missouri
    *Correspondence to Yeu-Tsu N. Lee, Cancer Research Center, Business Loop 70 and Garth Avenue, Columbia, Missouri 65201

    Funded by:
    U.S. Public Health Service; Grant Number: FR-05618

    In the search for a simple, objective, reliable and sequential diagnostic hepatography, an oily contrast medium, Ethiodol {ethiodized oil), was purposely injected into the portal vein system of dogs. In the absence of a porto-systemic shunt, the smallest amount of Ethiodol which produced faint roentgenographic visualization of pulmonary oil embolization was about 2.50 ml/kg. The average trapping capacity of the livers of six dogs was 2.89 ml/kg. The average acute lethal dose was 5.10 ml/kg. It was not possible to extrapolate the lethal dose of intraportal Ethiodol in humans. Also, the consideration of a threshold dose level (corresponding to the trapping capacity of the liver), near or above which the problem of pulmonary oil embolism will become significant, is only a rough concept. However, the results of this study serve to emphasize that the potential hazards of using intraportal oil contrast media for clinical purposes should be kept in mind.

  24. #24
    dharts is offline Associate Member
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    here is a article i posted above please read i think it may have something to do with what quo is saying. vets may be able to elaborate. stay safe bro. i also have some gear that has crystaled. i tried boiling it three times and there is still stuff floating around in my mast. i didnt know those crystals were that serious. thanks for the info vets and senior members.

  25. #25
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not trying to be a tool, but this post is a great indicator of how we're sometimes too dependent on the convenience of technology. I'd like to think if something similar ever happened to me I'd crawl my ass over to the phone and dial 911 instead of shak'n-n-bak'n over to the keyboard to post up about it looking for advice.

    Hope you're OK, dude, but if there's a next time -- get some freakin help! And then post up about it afterward.

  26. #26
    Just2Big is offline Associate Member
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    Your ok but I prob woulda call 911 myself. You Def hit a vein. You must absolutly heat that gear and get rid of the crystals.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    You're gonna forget all about this.

    I remember the first time I got an STI, (a pretty bad one), and I was like "I'm never having sex again". A few months later I was back on the sex scene.

    When I'm injecting, I stick the needle all the way in, then pull the stopper back, then I even pull the needle a tiny bit back and aspirate again, then I plunge.

  28. #28
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    I remember the first time I got an STI, (a pretty bad one), and I was like "I'm never having sex again". A few months later I was back on the sex scene.

    hahaha thats gotta either be taken from a movie or put in one if not

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