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  1. #1
    Brady Johnson is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010

    Test Prop/Winny cycle ideas???

    Hello all, i am getting test prop and winny in a couple weeks. I am going to stack the two. I am going to pin test prop EOD and drink the winstrol .

    I am looking for input as to when i should add the winny into my cycle or if i should start them at the same time. Also dosage and how many weeks to run the cycle ect.

    I am planning on pinning 125mg's of test prop EOD.

    As for the winny, input is greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    First off what are your stats and what are your goals with this cycle

  3. #3
    Brady Johnson is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010
    Stats: 25 yrs old, 6'2, 220, 10% bf.

    Looking to gain strength without bulking up. Almost tryin to cut up while acheiving a hard and lean look. Have used many prohormones with great results but i do not like the water weight that comes along with those. My diet is and has been in check for a long time and i know what im doing when it comes to lifting. Have played 4 yrs of college ball and been through intense training including lifting and hardcore cardio.

    I am going to run this cycle. But i want to wait until i have everything figured out to a T. I just want to see what you all think as to what would make this a solid cycle.

  4. #4
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Run the prop however you want (IMO run it 9-10 weeks 75mg daily). as for the winny I would run it 50mg ED for 4 weeks towards the end of your prop cycle. The last tab/shot should be with your last prop shot.

    ..Also take some fish oil and glucosamine,msm,condrotin joint supp. I hear it can dry your joints out pretty bad.

  5. #5
    Brady Johnson is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010
    Right on thank you. As for pct i already have nolvadex . I plan on 40/20/20/20. Is anything else neccessary for my pct on this cycle?

  6. #6
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Nah you should be ok

  7. #7
    Brady Johnson is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2010

  8. #8
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    drink 50 mg a day. the only side I get from winstrol orally is a reduction in appetite after entended periods of use. no joint issues at all.

    dude if I were you and had the funds I would add 500 mg of masteron a week. prop/masteron/winstrol is a mean cycle.

    or maybe run prop for 12 weeks, oral winstrol for first 6 weeks and masteron for second 6 weeks.

  9. #9
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    drink 50 mg a day. the only side I get from winstrol orally is a reduction in appetite after entended periods of use. no joint issues at all.

    dude if I were you and had the funds I would add 500 mg of masteron a week. prop/masteron/winstrol is a mean cycle.

    or maybe run prop for 12 weeks, oral winstrol for first 6 weeks and masteron for second 6 weeks.
    I just got wood lol

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