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  1. #1
    lordoftheoctagon is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation question about dieting while on first cycle?

    i started my first cycle of sus250 on monday, now ive been lifting for quite sometime now and have decided to begin AAS. now my question is, how should i be eating to expect to see gains? i eat probably about 6-7 meals a day with no more then 3 hrs in between and no less than 2 hrs. i feel my diet is pretty good, alot of fish, sardiens, tuna, chicken, turkey, veggies....u get the deal. clean eating. BUT ive been reading that u must eat BIG and a LOT to see gains. so im wondering how i should go about this. i workout 2 a days usally strenght training in the AM for about 1 1/2- 2 hrs. then about 20 min. of cardio a night (HIIT). i used to do cardio everyday but i know that doing cardio everyday will burn more calories than need be to get bigger. so u kinda defeat the purpose of all that so i stopped doing it everyday. so please if anybody can help i would be greatful!

    185 lbs
    9-11 %BF
    5'9 ft.

    if u need more info just ask and ill do what i can. thanks!

  2. #2
    cobra305's Avatar
    cobra305 is offline Member
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    If you post this in the diet section you will probably get responses/help

  3. #3
    Mr Busta sweat is offline Junior Member
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    Roids are not a wonder drug, if you eat a crap load your going to balloon up more than likely.( There are some exceptions) The only reason I use is for the strength and the fact I can train everyday and be aggresive. I would continue to do cardio just as much as you were before. If you are lord of an Octagon you dont want to be carrying around a bunch of Bloat.

  4. #4
    lordoftheoctagon is offline Junior Member
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    i do the cardio to keep my muscle def. but i do understand that when u bulk up that u will add some fat to your body and im fine with that i just wana be able to see my abs still while getting bigger. and the other reason i cut the cardio back a bit is cause ur burning more calories that ur body can be using for muscle, correct me if im wrong?

  5. #5
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    oh boy how do we start with this one...

    First off your only lifting 2 days a week? You definately need to up that to at least 4-5 days.

    Secondly, your diet you say consists mainly of protein and very very little carbs and need carbs, and LOTS of them. With that being said post your daily diet in Macros. (pro/carbs/fats)

    Thirdly, how long have you been lifting and what is your cycle going to look like? (what doses per week, how long, and pct)

  6. #6
    lordoftheoctagon is offline Junior Member
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    what i ment to type was i workout TWICE A DAY. not 2 days a week lol. my mistake. i workout 5-6 days a week.

  7. #7
    lordoftheoctagon is offline Junior Member
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    ive been lifting for about 2 yrs. i would like to just get bigger not freaky big but just something that i can notice myself. so maybe like 3-7 months maybe for a cycle? that being said what kinda of carbs? i eat simple carbs when i wake up (which is before my workout) and thats about it. maybe some for breakfast. but what kinda of complex carbs do u recomend?

  8. #8
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Try looking at the diet section of this forum. Trust me, it will help you. AAS wont get you their unless you are feeding your body the fuel it need to grow. 12-14 weeks to cycle with proper PCT, adequite lifting to your body's needs, and enough food will get your big. (in regards TO cycling AAS) without AAS, then lifting, rest and LOTS of food.

    Id cut back to training Once per day and increase your carb intake a lot. Gaurentee your not eating enough to fuel your twice a day workout plus cardio routine.

    Low GI carbs....potatoes, yams, oatmeal, barely, etc.... (diet forum shows a whole bunch of foods)

    Now with that being said, u still need to show me what your eating daily broken into macros per meal

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