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  1. #1
    vestax's Avatar
    vestax is offline Member
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    cutting test prop with bacteriostatic water?

    I read this on another forum and thought it was interesting. Someone claimed that if you draw the prop into a min, then add another mL or so of bacteriostatic water, shake it up, then inject only the oil- it is less painful.

    I checked out the solubility numbers for BA in oil and water, it appears to make sense, that you would shift some of the BA out of solution from the oil and in to the water- which you wouldn't inject.

    It's already sterile, so no need putting BA in your system if not necessary.

    Has anyone tried this and has it worked? I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow, would love to hear what anybody else has to say....

  2. #2
    Injected21's Avatar
    Injected21 is offline Junior Member
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    Wouldn't think so if you are pertaining to the crystallization pain when you receive your shot. The reason why you receive pain from propinate is because it takes a temperature a lot hotter than your body temperature to absorb it. Since you are cutting it with water your body will absorb it first and then leave you will the propinate. Its better to cut it with an oil so that it evenly disperses the testosterone . I tried cutting it with b-12 which is water based and it did absolutely nothing.

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vestax View Post
    I read this on another forum and thought it was interesting. Someone claimed that if you draw the prop into a min, then add another mL or so of bacteriostatic water, shake it up, then inject only the oil- it is less painful.

    I checked out the solubility numbers for BA in oil and water, it appears to make sense, that you would shift some of the BA out of solution from the oil and in to the water- which you wouldn't inject.

    It's already sterile, so no need putting BA in your system if not necessary.

    Has anyone tried this and has it worked? I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow, would love to hear what anybody else has to say....
    You would want to mix it with another oil based AAS or some sterile oil,,but not water.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    You would want to mix it with another oil based AAS or some sterile oil,,but not water.
    nah.. water works great if your trying to use your syringe as a makeshift level or a lava lamp..

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